13th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film

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The 13th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film was held from February 28 to March 3, 2008 in Suzdal, Russia. The winners for all of the main award categories were announced on March 2nd. The jury consisted of 33 professionals in a variety of different professions related to animation. 85 films, totaling over 14 hours of running time, were screened. This was the first festival held after the death of Aleksandr Tatarskiy, who had headed all the previous festivals. The artistic director in his place was .

Main awards[]

Award Film Recipient(s)
(the director of the film, unless stated otherwise)
Grand Prix
Дождь сверху вниз (Dozhd sverkhu vniz)
Ivan Maximov [1]
Best Direction Rain Down from Above
Дождь сверху вниз (Dozhd sverkhu vniz)
Ivan Maximov
Best Dramaturgy
Роман в письмах (Roman v pismakh)
(part of Smeshariki series)
Aleksey Lebedev [2]
Best Visuals Him and Her
Он и она (On i ona)
Marina Kurshevskaya (art director)
Best Animation Him and Her
Он и она (On i ona)
Best Sound Lullaby
Колыбельная (Kolybelnaya)
Andrey Zolotukhin
Oleg Karavaychuk (composer)
Best Film for Children
Маленькая Василиса (Malenkaya Vasilisa)
Darina Shmidt [6]
Best Student Film [7]
Best Debut Film
Маленькая Василиса (Malenkaya Vasilisa)
Darina Shmidt [8]
Best Series Lullabies of the World, Колыбельные мира (Kolubelnyye mira) [9]
Best Feature Film , Бабка Ёжка и другие (Babka Yozhka i drugiye) [10]
Best Interstitial Animation Social Reels "Rules of the Road" Yelena Chernova [11]

Other prizes[]

Award Film Recipient(s)
(the director of the film, unless stated otherwise)
"Fortuna" Prize
(chosen randomly)
Aleksandr Tatarskiy Prize
(decided posthumously by the masters Norshteyn, Nazarov and Golovanov)
Poor Yorik
Бедный Йорик (Bednyy Yorik)
Prize of Audience Sympathies
(viewers from Rambler Vision)

Sergey Merinov [14]

Jury rating[]

Each jury member was asked to list their top 5 five films of the festival. 5 points were given for a 1st place vote and so on, down to 1 point for a 5th place vote. An official award was given to the top three films at the closing ceremony.

Position Film Points Link
1 Rain Down from Above
Дождь сверху вниз (Dozhd sverkhu vniz)
2 Boy
Мальчик (Malchik)
56 [15]
3 Him and Her
Он и она (On i ona)
4 The Hare-Servant
Заяц-слуга (Zayats-sluga)
35 [16]
5 The Polar Hole
Полярная яма (Polyarnaya yama)
34 [17]
6 Little Vasilisa
Маленькая Василиса (Malenkaya Vasilisa)
33 [18]
7 Kuygorozh
23 [19]
8 The Proud Mouse
Гордый мыш (Gordyy mysh)
22 [20]
9 Three Love Stories
Три истории любви (Tri istoriyi lyubvi)
17 [21]
10 Fool...
Глупая... (Glupaya...)
13 [22]
11 Granny Yozhka and Others
Бабка Ёжка и другие (Babka Yozhka i drugiye)
12 [23]
12 The Mouse and the Fox
Мышонок и лис (Myshonok i lis)
11 [24]
13 Moon/Mars
Луна/Марс (Luna/Mars)
11 [25]
14 A Street Sweeper on the Moon
Дворник на Луне (Dvornik na Lune)
9 [26]
15 Hedgehog in the Fogginess
Ёжик в туманности (Yozhik v tumannosti)
8 [27]
16 Poor Yorik
Бедный Йорик (Bednyy Yorik)
8 [28]
17 Lullaby
Колыбельная (Золотухин) (Kolybelnaya)
8 [29]
18 Chepogi
7 [30]
19 Lost Time in Clerkenwell
Потерянное время в Клеркенвелле (Poteryannoye vremya v Klerkenvelle)
5 [31]
20 Rumpelstiltskin
Румпельштильцхен (Roompelshtiltskhen)
5 [32]
21 The Dog Door
Собачья дверца (Sobachya dvertsa)
5 [33]
22 Wallace's Lists
Списки Уоллиса (Spiski Uollisa)
5 [34]
23 The Bear Corner
Медвежий угол (Medvezhiy ugol)
4 [35]
24 How I Caught Little Men
Как я ловил человечков (Kak ya lovil chelovechkov)
4 [36]
25 The Menu
Меню (Menu)
4 [37]
26 The Snowdrop
Подснежник (Podsnezhnik)
4 [38]
27 Oskul-Ol the Fisherman
Рыбак Оскул-Оол (Rybak Oskul-Ol)
4 [39]
28 Two Italians
Два итальянца (Dva italyantsa)
3 [40]
29 Social Reels "Rules of the Road"
Социальные ролики «Правила дорожного движения» (Sotsialnyye roliki "Pravila dorozhnovo dvizheniya")
3 [41]
30 Romance in Letters
Роман в письмах (Roman v pismakh)
1 [42]
31 Evenk Lullaby
Эвенская колыбельная (Evenskaya kolybelnaya)
1 [43]

External links[]

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