1963 in Israel

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See also:Other events of 1963
History of Israel • Timeline • Years

Events in the year 1963 in Israel.



Israeli–Palestinian conflict[]

The most prominent events related to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict which occurred during 1963 include:

Notable Palestinian militant operations against Israeli targets

The most prominent Palestinian fedayeen terror attacks committed against Israelis during 1963 include:

Notable Israeli military operations against Palestinian militancy targets

The most prominent Israeli military counter-terrorism operations (military campaigns and military operations) carried out against Palestinian militants during 1963 include:

Unknown dates[]


  • 12 January – Rami Heuberger, Israeli actor and entertainer.
  • 25 August – Avi Ran, Israeli footballer (goalkeeper) (died 1987).
  • 18 September – Uri Fink, Israeli comic book artist and writer.
  • 4 October – Ronny Rosenthal, former Israeli footballer.
  • 4 November – , swimming champion (died 2020).
  • 5 November – Yair Lapid, Israeli journalist, author, TV presenter and news anchor.
  • 20 December – Tal Friedman, Israeli comedian, actor and musician.

Notable deaths[]

  • 13 February – Daniel Auster (born 1893), Austro-Hungarian (Galicia)-born Israeli politician, the first Jewish Mayor of Jerusalem.
  • 23 April – Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (born 1884), Russian (Ukraine)-born Labor Zionist leader and the second President of Israel.
  • 17 May – Ami Assaf (born 1903), Israeli politician.
  • 8 June – Haim Boger (born 1876), Russian (Crimea)-born Zionist activist and Israeli politician.
  • 23 July – Shlomo Lavi (born 1882), Russian (Poland)-born Zionist activist and Israeli politician.
  • 9 October – Yehezkel Kaufmann (born 1889), Russian (Ukraine)-born Israeli philosopher and Biblical scholar.

Major public holidays[]

See also[]

  • 1963 in Israeli film

External links[]

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