Academic grading in Iran

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The Iranian grading system is similar to that of France's and other French-patterned grading systems such as Belgium, Lebanon, Venezuela, and Peru in secondary schools and universities. Since a grading guideline is not provided by the Iranian Ministry of Education, conversion to the international scales is carried out using conversion guideline provided for French-patterned grading systems. In specific cases, grades are converted according to the destination institutes' grading policy. The passing grade is 10 and usually a grade of more than 14 out of 20 is considered excellent. The following table is most commonly used by world institutes and universities to convert from the Iranian grading system:[1]

Grade U.S. Grade Equivalent Honors terminology
14–20 A "First-Class Honors": 1st
12–13.99 B+ "Upper Second-Class Honors": 2:1
11–11.99 B "Lower Second-Class Honors": 2:2
10.5–10.99 B− "Lower Second-Class Honors": 2:2
10.1–10.49 C+ "Lower Second-Class Honors": 2:2
10 C "Third-Class Honors": 3rd
9–9.99 C− "Third-Class Honors": 3rd
8–8.99 D "Third-Class Honors": 3rd
0–7.99 F -


  1. ^ "WES Grade Conversion Guide". Retrieved 2020-10-24.
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