Affect logic

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Affect logic or affect-logic is a biopsychosocial notion, introduced in 1988 by Swiss psychiatrist Luc Ciompi, relating to Soteria psychiatric treatment,[1] which sheds light on the interaction between thinking and feeling. It holds that affect and cognition, or feeling and thinking, are continually interacting with the other activity in the cortical network. Ciompi developed this theoretical account for the purpose of understanding the psychological disorder known as schizophrenia.[2]

Ciompi's notion of affect-logic was criticized in some subsequent reviews for being not testable and, as a result, atheoretical.[3][4]

In sociology, the concept is used for understanding extremist mentalities and for a critique of the sociological systems theory of Niklas Luhmann.[5][6]


  1. ^ Ciompi, Luc; Hoffmann, Holger (October 2004). "Soteria Berne: an innovative milieu therapeutic approach to acute schizophrenia based on the concept of affect-logic". World Psychiatry. 3 (3): 140–146. PMC 1414694. PMID 16633478.
  2. ^ Ciompi, Luc (March 2015). "The key role of emotions in the schizophrenia puzzle". Schizophrenia Bulletin. 41 (2): 318–322. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbu158. PMC 4332953. PMID 25481397.
  3. ^ Spitzer, Manfred (June 1993). "Book review: Luc Ciompi, The Psyche and Schizophrenia. The Bond Between Affect and Logic". Noûs. 27 (2): 269–271. doi:10.2307/2215766. JSTOR 2215766.
  4. ^ Lieberman, Stewart (September 1989). "Book Reviews: The Psyche and Schizophrenia: the Bond Between Affect and Logic, Luc Ciompi". International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 35 (3): 289. doi:10.1177/002076408903500314. S2CID 144943060.
  5. ^ Stenner, Paul (May 2004). "Is autopoietic systems theory alexithymic? Luhmann and the socio-psychology of emotions". Soziale Systeme. 10 (1): 159–186. doi:10.1515/sosys-2004-0109. S2CID 62806756.
  6. ^ Calise, Santiago Gabriel (December 2015). "A decorporealized theory? Considerations about Luhmann's conception of the body". Pandaemonium Germanicum. 18 (26): 104–125. doi:10.1590/1982-88371826104125.

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