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Agyrrhius (Greek: Ἀγύρριος) was a native of Collytus in Attica,[1] whom Andocides calls "the noble and the good" (τὸν καλὸν κἀγαθὸν) after being in prison many years for embezzlement of public money.[2] He obtained around 395 BC the restoration of the Theorica, and also tripled the pay for attending the assembly, though he reduced the allowance previously given to the comic writers.[3] By this expenditure of the public revenue Agyrrhius became so popular that he was appointed general (strategos) in 389.[4]


  1. ^ Smith, William (1867), "Agyrrhius", in Smith, William (ed.), Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 1, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, p. 83, archived from the original on 2011-05-14, retrieved 2008-06-06
  2. ^ Andocides, De Mysteriis (1885), p. 65, ed. Reiske
  3. ^ Smith, after Harpocration, s.v. Θεωρικὰ, Ἀγύῤῥιος; Suda, s.v. ἐκκλησιαστικὸν ; Scholiast ad Aristoph. Eccl. 102; Dem. c. Timocr. 742
  4. ^ Smith, after Xenophon, Hellenica iv. 8. § 31; Diodorus Siculus, xiv. 99; Philipp August Böckh, The Public Economy of Athens (1852), pp. 223, 224, 316, 2nd ed. Engl. transl.; Georg Friedrich Schömann, De Comitiis Atheniensium (1819), p. 65, &c.


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