Alliance Graphique Internationale

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Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) is a club of the world's leading graphic artists and designers. There are 527 members from 43 countries. Its members have been collectively responsible for the identity design of most of the world's top corporations and institutions as well as for countless examples of globally known packaging, publications, illustration and posters. Bernard Baissait is the only member who left the AGI following disagreement.[1]


In 1951 two Swiss and three French graphic artists decided to formalise their relationship into a kind of association. In 1952 the Alliance Graphique Internationale was incorporated in Paris with 65 members. The first AGI show was in Paris in 1955. In 1969 the AGI headquarters moved to Zürich.[2]

The most important events of the organisation are the annual AGI Congress and AGI Open that take place in a different country in each year.[3]


Name Country Year joined
Michael Amzalag France (registered as Japanese member)[4] 2020
Mathias Augustyniak France (registered as Japanese member)[4] 2020
Italy 1999
Majid Abbasi Iran 2009
Erik Adigard US 2009
Roland Aeschlimann Switzerland 1986
Zak Kyes UK 2019
sang-soo ahn South Korea 1999
José Albergaria France 2010
Jorge Aldarete Argentina/Mexico 2015
Cordula Alessandri Austria 2003
Hans-Ulrich Allemann US 1998
Walter Allner US 1962
Yurdaer Altintas Turkey 2009
Peter Andermatt Switzerland 1971
Ian Anderson UK 2010
Gordon Andrews Australia 1969
Samuel Antupit US 1974
Masuteru Aoba Japan 1988
Philippe Apeloig France 1997
Robert Appleton Canada 2001
Dana Arnett US 1998
Antoine Audiau France 2012
Bob Aufuldish US 2011
Paul Austin UK 2010
Kiyoshi Awazu Japan 1966
France 1997 (Dismiss in 2001)[1]
Franco Balan Italy 1997
André Baldinger France 2002
Andreu Balius Spain 2010
Ludovic Balland Switzerland 2010
Walter Ballmer Italy 1970
Marian Bantjes Canada 2008
Rik Bas Backer France 2010
Saul Bass US 1958
Franco Bassi Italy 1970
Ruedi Baur France 1992
Michael Baviera Switzerland 1998
Edward Bawden UK 1956
Herbet Bayer US 1954
Lester Beall US 1954
Timothy Beard UK 2011
Anders Beckman Sweden 1952
Anthon Beeke Netherlands 1979
Dirk Behage France 2010
Nick Bell UK 2009
Félix Beltrán Mexico 1974
Ephram E. Benguiat US 1980
Francis Bernard France 1954
Pierre Bernard France 1987
Polly Bertram Switzerland 1997
Xuefeng Bi China 2006
John Bielenberg US 2002
Michael S. Bierut US 1989
Peter Bilak Netherlands 2006
Joseph Binder US 1954
Heribert Birnbach Germany 2000
Bruce Blackburn US 1981
Karl Oskar Blase Germany 1963
Bernard Blatch Norway 1993
Andrew Blauvelt US 2007
Nicholas Blechman US 2001
R.O. Blechman US 1975
Walter Bohatsch Austria 1997
Egidio Bonfante Italy 1978
Hermann Bongard Norway 1967
Irma Boom Netherlands 1997
Ben Bos Netherlands 1978
Günter Karl Bose Germany 2000
Pierre Boucher France 1952
Paul Boudens Belgium 2008
Michel Bouvet France 1997
Helmut Brade Germany 2003
Peter Bradford US 1974
Erik Brandt US 2012
Pieter Brattinga Netherlands 1975
Erich Brechbühl Switzerland 2007
Walter Breker Germany 1956
Tony Brook UK 2006
Peter Brookes UK 1988
James Brown Australia 2013
Donald Brun Switzerland 1951
Dick Bruna Netherlands 1978
Wim Brusse Netherlands 1952
Mayo Bucher Switzerland 1997
Stephan Bundi Switzerland 2001
Will Burtin US 1955
Andrew Byrom US 2012
Fritz Bühler Switzerland 1951
Feliks Büttner Germany 1993
Georges Calame Switzerland 1967
Mel Calman UK 1974
Margaret Calvert UK 1976
Fang Cao China 2004
Frederick Vincent Carabott UK 1968
Ken Carbone US 1997
Erberto Carboni Italy 1952
Alois Carigiet Switzerland 1957
Jean Carlu France 1952
Matthew Carter US 1978
Jacqueline Casey US 1974
A.M Cassandre France 1955
Mimmo Castellano Italy 1981
Dr Kenneth W. Cato AO Australia 1978
Pierluigi Cerri Italy 1985
Alan Chan - 2014
Alvin Chan Netherlands 2007
Vladimir Chaïka Russia 1999
Ivan Chermayeff US 1978
Seymour Chwast US 1975
Roman Cieslewicz France 1966
Giulio Cittato Italy 1976
Stephen Coates UK 1998
Flavia Cocchi Switzerland 2012
Jean Colin France 1951
Paul Colin France 1955
Jeanette Collins UK 1977
Giulio Confalonieri Italy 1967
Muriel Cooper US 1983
Silvio Coppola Italy 1975
Thomas Couderc - 2014
Paul Cox France 2003
Jeremy Coysten UK 2012
Bart Crosby US 1997
Theo Crosby UK 1966
James Cross US 1975
Wim Crouwel Netherlands 1957
Ronald Curchod France 2005
Richard Danne US 1974
Louis Danziger US 1974
Jean David Israel 1957
Paul Brooks Davis US 1974
Michel De Boer Netherlands 1998
Rudolph De Harak US 1963
Esther De Vries - 2014
Wout De Vringer Netherlands 2002
Lizá Defossez Ramalho Portugal 2007
Mike Dempsey UK 1998
Marion Deuchars UK 2000
Alexandre Dimos - 2014
Theo Dimson Canada 1977
Bob Dinetz US 2004
Pierre DiSciullo France 2010
Lou Dorfsman US 1955
Stephen Doyle US 1996
William Drenttel US 2010
Markus Dressen Germany 2004
Jacques Dubois France 1952
Gert Dumbar Netherlands 1978
Sonya Dyakova UK 2013
Tatsuo Ebina Japan 2001
Tom Eckersley UK 1952
Heinz Edelmann Germany 1963
Hermann M. Eggmann Switzerland 1972
Rick Eiber US 1997
Hermann Eidenbenz Switzerland 1952
Olle Eksell Sweden 1952
Dick Elffers Netherlands 1952
Garry W. Emery Australia 1978
Klaus Ensikat Germany 1993
Bülent Erkmen Turkey 1998
Mario Eskenazi Spain 1997
Simon Esterson UK 1998
Roger Excoffon France 1952
Oded Ezer Israel 2009
Hans Fabigan Austria 1965
Germano Facetti UK 1966
Sara Fanelli UK 2000
Kiko Farkas Brazil 2006
Ben Faydherbe Netherlands 2002
Gene Federico US 1960
Diego Feijóo Spain 2013
Mário Feliciano Portugal 2009
Isidro Ferrer Spain 2000
Dieter Feseke Germany 2003
Detlef Fiedler Germany 2000
Louise Fili US 1998
Enzo Finger Norway 1993
Jeffrey Fisher UK 1996
Gilles Fiszman Belgium 1974
Willy Fleckhaus Germany 1976
Josef Flejšar Czech Republic 1981
Allan Robb Fleming Canada 1974
Alan Fletcher UK 1966
Karin Fong US 2001
Colin Forbes US 1966
Italy 2019
André François France 1952
Barnett Freedman UK 1952
Tobias Frere-Jones US 2014
Vince Frost UK 2001
Adrian Frutiger Switzerland 1980
Shigeo Fukuda Japan 1979
Osamu Fukushima Japan 2012
Paul Marcus Fuog Australia 2017
Martin Gaberthüel Switzerland 1998
Louis Gagnon Canada 2010
Jacques Nathan Garamond France 1951
Ken Garland UK 2013
Christof Gassner Germany 1988
Reinhard Gassner Austria 2000
Pierre Gauchat Switzerland 1952
Martin Gavler Sweden 1952
Tom Geismar US 1975
K. Domenic Geissbühler Switzerland 1968
Steff Geissbühler US 1980
David Gentleman UK 1972
Michael Gericke US 1998
Stephen Gilmore UK 2012
George Giusti US 1955
Milton Glaser US 1975
Keith Godard US 1997
James Goggin US 2010
Carin Goldberg US 1998
Andrew Goldstein Germany 2012
Jeffrey Goldstein Germany 2012
Tomás Gonda US 1980
Nikki Gonnissen Netherlands 2012
US 2001
Fritz Gottschalk Switzerland 1975
Mark Gowing Australia 2013
Milner Gray UK 1952
J. Malcolm Grear US 1998
Robert M. Greenberg US 1994
April Greiman US 1985
Franco Grignani Italy 1952
Frieder Grindler Germany 1976
Joost Grootens Netherlands 2010
Yu Guang - 2014
Chengcheng Guo - 2013
Igor Gurovich Russia 2013
Fernando Gutiérrez UK 1997
Stefan Guzy Germany 2016
O.H.W Hadank Germany 1955
Helfried Hagenberg Germany 1999
Ebrahim Haghighi Iran 2001
Jiaying Han China 2007
Aage Sikker Hansen Denmark 1952
Kenya Hara Japan 2001
Rolf P. Harder Canada 1974
George Hardie UK 1994
Hans Hartmann Switzerland 1958
Niels Hartmann Denmark 1967
Julia Hasting US 2000
Kazunari Hattori Japan 2011
Daniela Haufe Germany 2000
Ashley Havinden UK 1952
Luke Hayman US 2011
Jianping He Germany 2005
Jun He China 2008
Yiyang Hei China 2012
Jessica Helfand US 2010
Steven Heller US 2010
F.H.K Henrion UK 1952
Walter Herdeg Switzerland 1952
Richard Hess US 1972
Fons Hickmann Germany 2004
Ernst Hiestand Switzerland 1968
Ursula Hiestand Switzerland 1968
David Hillman UK 1976
Hans Hillmann Germany 1961
George Him UK 1952
Kit Hinrichs US 1990
Keiko Hirano Japan 2011
Hara Hiromu Japan 1966
Masaaki Hiromura Japan 2012
Hans Peter Hoch Germany 1974
Armin Hofmann Switzerland 1967
Paul Hogarth UK 1969
Max Huber Switzerland 1958
Lam Hung China 2011
Thomas Huot-Marchand France 2010
Allen Hurlburt UK 1972
Angus Hyland UK 1999
Takenobu Igarashi Japan 1981
Melchior Imboden Switzerland 1998
Alexander Isley US 1998
Norman Ives US 1967
Marcel Jacno France 1952
Jonathon Jeffrey UK 2011
Werner Jeker Switzerland 1989
Radovan Jenko Slovenia -
Hua Jiang China 2006
Dan Jonsson Sweden 1981
Alex(ander) Jordan France 1989
Maira Kalman US 2007
Tibor Kalman US 1996
YUSku Kamekura Japan 1955
Tai-Keung Kan China 1997
Herbert W. Kapitzki Germany 1958
Sadik Karamustafa Turkey 1997
Hjalti Karlsson US 2009
Kaoru Kasai Japan 2006
Aimo Katajamäki Finland 2013
Mitsuo Katsui Japan 1984
Michalis Katzourakis Greece 1968
Pat Keely UK 1952
Johnny Kelly Ireland 2012
Itoh Kenji Japan 1966
Sano Kenjiro Japan 2013
Frith Kerr UK 2011
Martin Kerschbaumer Italy 2018
Erik Kessels Netherlands 2012
Chip Kidd US 1998
Günther Kieser Germany 1963
Atsuki Kikuchi - 2014
Do-hyung Kim Korea 2012
Jock Kinneir UK 1976
Max Kisman Netherlands 2002
Issay Kitagawa Japan 2001
Alan Kitching UK 1994
Peter Knapp France 1989
René Knip Netherlands 2005
Jacques Koeweiden Netherlands 1997
Takashi Kono Japan 1961
Elisabeth Kopf Austria 2006
Stanislav Kovář Czech Republic 1969
Burton Kramer Canada 1974
Thomas Kronbichler Italy 2018
Henrik Kubel UK 2007
Willi Kunz US 1998
Mervyn Kurlansky Denmark 1970
Björn Kusoffsky Sweden 2000
Ruedi Külling Switzerland 1968
David Lancashire Australia 1996
Eric Lancaster France 1952
Admin Last - -
Freeman Lau Siu Hong China 2002
Roger Law UK 1994
Alain Le Quernec France 1989
Matthew Leibowitz US 1955
Jan Lenica Poland 1956
Anette Lenz France 1999
Michel Lepetitdidier France 2003
Jeremy Leslie UK 2011
Herbert Leupin Switzerland 1952
Jean-Benoit Levy Switzerland 1998
Jan Lewitt UK 1952
Tommy Li China 2004
Harmen Liemburg - -
Stig Lindberg Sweden 1952
Rico Lins Brazil 1997
Leo Lionni US 1955
Domenic Lippa UK 2005
Zhizhi Liu China -
Flemming Ljorring Denmark 1980
Sascha Lobe Germany 2009
Uwe Loesch Germany 1988
Celso Longo Brazil 2013
Helmut Lortz Germany 1954
Charles Loupot France 1955
Jingren Lu China 2006
Herbert Lubalin US 1960
Chi Cheong Luk China 2012
Italo Lupi Italy 1981
Alvin Lustig US 1955
Hans-Rudolf Lutz Switzerland 1992
Emanuele Luzzati Italy 1972
Huimin Ma - -
Michael Mabry US 2000
Laurence Madrelle France 1994
Alejandro Magallanes Mexico 2004
P. Scott Makela US 1997
Jean-Dennis Malclès France 1952
Eduardo Manso Spain 2010
Riccardo Manzi Italy 1956
Javier Mariscal Spain 1995
Carlos Augusto Martins Lacaz Brazil 2010
Pablo Martín Spain 2000
Les Mason Australia 1975
John Massey US 1967
Robert Massin France 2001
Keizo Matsui Japan 1997
Shin Matsunaga Japan 1988
Kei Matsushita Japan 2003
Herbert Matter US 1955
Holger Matthies Germany 1976
John McConnell UK 1975
Katherine McCoy US 1986
Edward McKnight Kauffer UK 1952
Fernando Medina Spain 1979
Peter Megert Switzerland 1974
Fanette Mellier - 2014
Pierre Mendell Germany 1980
Peter Mendelsund US 2012
Saed Meshki Iran 2002
Frédéric Metz Canada 1998
Rudi Meyer France 1993
Anthony Michael UK 1998
Gérard Miedinger Switzerland 1970
James Miho US 1995
Tomoko Miho US 1974
Paul Mijksenaar Netherlands 2013
Ken Miki Japan 1998
Armando P. Milani Italy 1981
J. Abbott Miller US 1998
Philippe Millot France 2000
Etienne Mineur France 2000
Jan Mlodozeniec Poland 1974
Morteza Momayez Iran 1977
Bruno Monguzzi Italy 1979
Isolde Monson-Baumgart Germany 1976
Germán Montalvo Aguilar Mexico 1997
John Morgan UK 2011
Antonio Morillas i Verdura Spain 1966
Jennifer Morla US 1998
Peter Moser Switzerland 2000
Jósef Mrosczak Poland 1966
Hamish Muir UK 2004
Bruno Munari Italy 1952
Martti Mykkänen Finland 1966
Lars Müller Switzerland 1993
Rolf Müller Germany 1976
Josef Müller-Brockmann Switzerland 1952
Kazufumi Nagai Japan 2011
Kazumasa Nagai Japan 1966
Keisuke Nagatomo Japan 2001
Hideki Nakajima Japan 1998
Makoto Nakamura Japan 1985
Flávia Nalon Brazil 2013
Stephanie Nash UK 1998
Andreas Netthoevel Switzerland 1998
Hans Neuburg Switzerland 1967
Yung-Chen Nieh Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) 2012
Christoph Niemann US 1999
Richard Niessen - 2014
Minoru Niijima Japan 1998
Erik Nitsche US 1964
Bob Noorda Italy 1966
Finn Nygaard Denmark 1997
Henrik Nygren - 2014
Sabina Oberholzer Switzerland 1997
Siegfried Odermatt Switzerland 1974
Justus Oehler Germany 2003
Tadashi Ohashi Japan 1966
Hiroshi Ohchi Japan 1955
Bruno Oldani Norway 1976
Vaughan Oliver UK 2012
Clotilde Olyff Belgium 2004
Michel Olyff Belgium 1962
Anukam Edward Opara US 2011
István Orosz Hungary 2003
Anders Osterlin Sweden 1959
Nicolaus Ott Germany 1997
R.D.E. Oxenaar Netherlands 1978
Julian Palka Poland 1956
Gábor Palotai Sweden 2002
Kum-jun Park South Korea 2008
Ben Parker UK 2010
Alejandro Paul Argentina 2011
Arthur Paul US 1978
Harry Pearce UK 2005
David Pearson UK 2012
Harry Peccinotti France 1975
Alan Peckolick US 1978
B. Martin Pedersen US 1987
Remy Peignot France 1957
Sean Perkins UK 2010
Giorgio Pesce Switzerland 2003
Michael Peters UK 1979
Thom Pfister Switzerland 2011
Roger Pfund Switzerland 1981
Felix Pfäffli Switzerland 2013
Volker Pfüller Germany 1997
Celestino Piatti Switzerland 1957
Jean Picart le Doux France 1951
David Pidgeon Australia 2006
Kari Piippo Finland 1997
Cipe Pineles-Burtin US 1955
Giovanni Pintori Italy 1952
Woody T. Pirtle US 1980
Josep Pla-Narbona Spain 1963
David Plunkert US 2011
Santiago Pol Venezuela 1997
Dean Poole New Zealand 2010
Hans-Georg Pospischil Germany 1988
Fábio Prata Brazil 2013
Robert Probst US 1997
Matt Pyke UK 2009
Jan Rajlich sen. - -
Jan Rajlich Czech Republic 1981
Gunter Rambow Germany 1974
Elaine Ramos Brazil 2012
Michael Rand UK 1976
Hermann Rastorfer Austria 1966
Brian Rea US 2012
Artur Rebelo Portugal 2007
Hans Dieter Reichert UK 2003
Edgar Reinhard Switzerland 1982
Dan Reisinger Israel 1970
Lex Reitsma Netherlands 1997
Roger R. Remington US 2012
Jacques Richez Belgium 1952
Jean Robert Switzerland 1986
Lucienne Roberts UK 2013
Ernst Roch Canada 1974
Gabriela Rodriguez Valencia Mexico 1998
Sarah Rosenbaum Norway 1993
David Ruiz Spain 1997
John Rushworth UK 1994
Marte Röling Netherlands 1978
Ruedi Rüegg Switzerland 1971
Mehdi Saeedi US-IRAN 2017
Guy Saggee Israel 2012
Stefan Sagmeister US 1998
Paul Sahre US 2005
Makoto Saito Japan 1994
Arnold Saks US 1968
Roberto Sambonet Italy 1975
Willem Sandberg Netherlands 1952
Kashiwa Sato Japan 2011
Koichi Sato Japan 1988
U. G. Sato Japan 1998
Taku Satoh Japan 1998
Raymond Savignac France 1952
Peter Saville UK 2011
Yasuhiro Sawada Japan 2001
Gerald Scarfe UK 1988
Clemens Theobert Schedler Austria 1998
Paula Scher US 1993
Hans Schleger UK 1952
Georg Schmid Austria 1963
Helmut Schmid Germany 1988
Max Schmidt Switzerland 1967
Gerwin Schmidt Germany 2003
Hans Günter Schmitz Germany 1997
Niels Schrader Netherlands 2010
Ralph Schraivogel Netherlands 1995
Jurriaan Schrofer Netherlands 1966
Arnold Schwartzman US 1974
Ronald Searle UK 2003
James Sebastian US 1998
Serge Serov Russia 2013
Chen Shaohua China 2000
Adrian Shaughnessy UK 2011
Imatake Shihiro Japan 1957
Ghobad Shiva Iran 2001
Mariano Sigal Argentina 2014
Jorge Silva Portugal 2011
António Silveira Gomes Portugal 2010
Louis Silverstein US 1969
Nancy Skolos US 1998
Finn Sködt Denmark 1997
David Smith Ireland 2010
Edo Smitshuijzen Netherlands 1988
Leslie Smolan US 1997
Lanny Sommese US 1998
Xiewei Song China 2003
Leonardo Sonnoli Italy 2000
Alvaro Sotillo Venezuela 1997
Kris Sowersby New Zealand 2013
Ariane Spanier Germany 2013
Herbert Spencer UK 1966
Todd St. John - 2014
Anton Stankowski Germany 1956
Franciszek Starowieyski Poland 1966
Astrid Stavro Spain 2010
Bernard Stein Germany 1997
Albe Steiner Italy 1955
Heiri Steiner Switzerland 1952
Henry Steiner China 1980
Jennifer Sterling US 2000
André Stolarski Brazil 2012
Swip Stolk Netherlands 2000
Shinnoske Sugisaki Japan 2001
Jaroslav Sura Czech Republic 1981
Yuri Surkov Russia 2000
Deborah Sussman US 1985
Josef Svoboda Czech Republic 1968
Waldemar Swierzy Poland 1966
Fumio Tachibana Japan 2006
Ikko Tanaka Japan 1966
David Tartakover Israel 1998
Paolo Tassinari Italy 2005
Tiit Telmet Canada 1998
Lucille Tenazas US 1998
Evelyn ter Bekke France 2010
Frédéric Teschner France 2010
Patrick Thomas UK 2005
Bradbury Thompson US 1955
Peter Till UK 1998
Rosmarie Tissi Switzerland 1974
Henryk Tomaszewski Poland 1957
Feliks Topolski UK 1956
Pino Tovaglia Italy 1967
Daniel Trench Brazil 2013
Otto Treumann Netherlands 1952
Alex Trochut Spain 2011
Fred Troller US 1974
Annik Troxler Switzerland 2013
Niklaus Troxler Switzerland 1989
Paula Troxler - 2014
George Tscherny US 1965
Barrie Tucker Australia 1979
Richard James Turley US 2013
Alice Twemlow US 2013
Mehmet Ali Türkmen Turkey 2009
Andreas Uebele Germany 2007
Ryosuke Uehara Japan 2013
Arne Ungermann Denmark 1952
Maciej Urbaniec Poland 1974
Rick Valicenti US 1998
Julien Vallée Canada 2013
Richard van der Laken Netherlands 2012
Jelle Van der Toorn Vrijthoff Netherlands 1978
Bob van Dijk Netherlands 2006
Jan Van Toorn Netherlands 1972
Michael Vanderbyl US 1986
Yarom Vardimon Israel 1982
Mihaly Varga Switzerland 1999
Kyösti Varis Finland 1974
Clément Vauchez - 2014
Jukka Veistola Finland 1975
Tomàs Vellvé Spain 1967
Pier Paolo Vetta Italy 2003
Massimo Vignelli US 1965
Bernard Villemot France 1952
Jonas Vögeli Switzerland 2010
Douglas Wadden US 1998
Henning Wagenbreth Germany 2002
Heinz Waibl Italy 1976
Garth Walker South Africa 2002
Min Wang China 2004
Xu Wang China 2000
Yue Fei Wang China 2002
Teeranop Wangsillapakun Thailand 2016
Manuel Warosz France 2012
Russell Warren-Fisher UK 2004
Kurt Weidemann Germany 1975
Markus Weisbeck Germany 2011
Mason Wells UK 2011
Hugo Wetli Switzerland 1967
Thomas Widdershoven Netherlands 2012
Jean Widmer France 1976
Bruno K. Wiese Germany 1974
Jan Wilker US 2009
Marina Willer UK 2007
Scott Williams UK 2007
Kurt Wirth Switzerland 1956
Benno Wissing US 1966
Hans Wolbers Netherlands 2002
Henry Wolf US 1966
Switzerland 2017
Robert Wong US 2013
Stanley Wong China 2004
Martin Woodtli Switzerland 2000
Yong Wu China 2012
Richard Saul Wurman US 1986
Lance Wyman US 2013
Tamotsu Yagi US 1990
Ryuichi Yamashiro Japan 1966
Bingnan Yu China 1992
Garson Yu US 2006
Lu Yu China 2004
Hermann Zapf Germany 1980
Catherine Zask France 1997
Mark Zeugin Switzerland 1967
Jian Zhao China 2004
Qing Zhao China 2010
Liu Zhizhi China 2010
Zdenek Ziegler Czech Republic 1981
Jorg Zintzmeyer Switzerland 1997
Pepijn Zurburg Netherlands 2012
Michiel Schuurman Netherlands 2018
Hansje van Halem Netherlands 2017


  • AGI- Graphic Design since 1950, by Elly and Ben Bos, Thames & Hudson Publishers 2007, ISBN 978-0-500-51342-2
  • Alliance Graphique International - German Members, Hesign Publisher 2011, ISBN 978-3-9810544-4-6


External links[]

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