Ambiguities in Chinese character simplification

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A number of Chinese characters are simplified-traditional multipairings (简繁一对多; 簡繁一對多), which do not have a one-to-one mapping between their simplified and traditional forms.

This is usually because the simplification process merged two or more distinct characters into one. In most cases, these traditional characters are homonyms, having the same pronunciation but different meanings. As a result, converting text from simplified to traditional characters is difficult to automate, especially in the case of common characters such as 後后 (behind, empress), 表錶 (table, clock), 奸姦 (traitor, rape) and more.

In a smaller number of cases, a single traditional character is mapped to multiple simplified characters as the character is only simplified in one of its usages.

The following is an exhaustive list of all characters whose simplified and traditional forms do not map in a one-to-one manner. Simplified characters are marked with a pink background, and traditional characters with light blue.

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板闆  辟闢  表錶  別彆  卜蔔  布佈  才纔  彩綵  虫蟲  丑醜  出齣  村邨  當噹  黨党  澱淀  弔吊  冬鼕  發髮  范範  豐丰  谷穀  雇僱  刮颳  广廣广  哄鬨  後后  獲穫  幾几  機机  飢饑  奸姦  姜薑  借藉  捲卷  克剋  困睏  夸誇  羅囉  累纍  厘釐  漓灕  梁樑  了瞭  霉黴  彌瀰  蔑衊  么麼  麽麼  蘋苹  僕仆  鋪舖  朴樸  簽籤  舍捨  沈瀋  勝胜  術朮  松鬆  他祂  嘆歎  壇罈  你妳  體体  同衕  涂塗  團糰  喂餵  為爲  纖縴  鹹咸  弦絃  綉繡  須鬚  熏燻  ��醃腌  葉叶  傭佣  湧涌  游遊  於于  余餘  籲吁  郁鬱  欲慾  御禦  願愿  岳嶽  雲云  贊讚  臟髒  扎紮  占佔  折摺  證証  志誌  制製  致緻  鍾鐘  種种  周週  註注  準准  塚冢  庄莊  澀澁  蠶蚕  懺忏  噸吨  趕赶  構构  櫃柜  怀懷怀  壞坏  極极  繭茧  家傢  價价  潔洁  驚惊  臘腊  蠟蜡  簾帘  憐怜  嶺岭  撲扑  秋鞦  千韆  確确  擾扰  灑洒  曬晒  適适  聽听  窪洼  網网  旋鏇  踴踊  優优  症癥  朱硃  薦荐  離离  鹵滷  氣气  聖圣  萬万  與与  擺襬  蟣虮  籬篱  寧宁  濘泞  惡噁  托託  嚥咽  线線綫  咨諮  蕩盪  亘亙  侖崙  体體  趟蹚  杯盃 

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曲麯麴  升昇陞  蘇囌甦  系係繫  嘗甞嚐  胡鬍衚  畫劃划  回迴囘  匯彙滙  里裡裏  歷曆厤  裊嫋嬝  向嚮曏  它牠祂  冲沖衝[1]  仇讎讐  迹跡蹟  尽盡儘  毀燬譭  刨鉋鑤  泛氾汎  抵牴觝

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并並併竝  采埰寀採  厂庵厰廠  乾干幹榦  蒙懞濛矇��� 面麵麪麫  復複覆复  只隻衹祇  參蔘葠蓡  酬醻詶酧  据據㨿拠

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臺台檯枱颱  粗麤觕麁麄

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著着  () (ér)  (qián) (gān)  () (jiè)  (liào) (liǎo)  () (me)  馀余  摺折  鲶鲇  沈渖  碱硷  (píng)