Americans for Honesty on Issues

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Americans for Honesty on Issues is a Houston, Texas based 527 group that by mid-October 2006 had spent over one million dollars on television advertisements, critical of Democratic Party candidates, in advance of the 2006 United States general election.[1] 527 groups are tax-exempt organizations that participate in political activities, typically via soft money contributions, which have no legal limit.[2] By United States federal law, they are not allowed to coordinate their efforts with political campaigns.


  • , a Houston business owner, is the president of Americans for Honesty on Issues. Walden was a lobbyist for Enron and is considered a close ally of the former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who was forced to resign from Congress amid ethics scandals. Walden has been a Minor League Pioneer fundraiser for George W. Bush,[3] raising $43,000.[4] and was an adviser to Kenneth L. Lay, the former chief executive of Enron.[1]
  • Bob J. Perry, a Houston construction firm owner, appears to be the sole funder of AHI. Perry was the major funder of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who ran a campaign against John Kerry in the 2004 election. He also is the majority funder of the Economic Freedom Fund[5] and has donated $5,000,000 to the Free Enterprise Fund.[6]

See also[]


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