Andrzej Ścibor-Bogusławski

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Andrzej Ścibor-Bogusławski (?-1729) was a Polish instigator at the Crown Court(1700), Crown Bailiff at Sieradzki (1703-1717), Wicepodkomorzy (bailiff border) at łęczycki sieradzki (1717 to 1718) and a Judge komisarskiego(1719). [1][2][3] [4]


Born into the powerful clan of Ostoja, Andrzej Bogusławski was the son of Marianna Rosowska (née Korab), heiress of Rososzycy and , the heir to Wrzeszczewice. His paternal grandparents were and Marcin Bogusławski, and on the maternal side and . Bogusławski had three siblings: Marianna Zabłocka, Stanisław, and Stefan.

His first wife was . He later married Katarzyna Górzyńska, with whom he had five children - Elżbieta Rembiewska, Barbara Rudnicka, Franciszek (a chorąży in the National Cavalry), Ignacy Piotr (a priest), and Jakub.

His uncle was the Monsignor Stanisław Ścibor-Bogusławski, Chancellor of .


Andrzej Bogusławski held the office of Chief Crown Court instigator.(1700AD) In 1717 he was appointed by to the office of bailiff of the border (wicepodkomorzego) at łęczycki and a year later he was appointed at Sieradzki. This office he held for 11 years. He died in July 1729 year.


  1. ^ A. Kompa, Dwa dokumenty z dziejów Sieradzkiego, "Na Sieradzkich Szlakach" 2/82/2006.
  2. ^ A. Boniecki, Herbarz Polski, (Warszawa 1889-1913).
  3. ^ AGAD, Księgi grodzkie sieradzkie, rel. 62, k. 314-315; 87, k.686.
  4. ^ R. Bogusławski, Ks. kan. Ignacy Piotr Ścibor-Bogusławski herbu Ostoja, dziekan warcki, ("Na Sieradzkich Szlakach", 3/99/2010.)

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