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Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Tunicata
Class: Ascidiacea
Order: Aplousobranchia
Lahille 1887

See text.



Aplousobranchia is an order of sea squirts in the class Ascidiacea. They are colonial animals, and are distinguished from other sea squirts by the presence of relatively simple pharyngeal baskets. This provides the etymology of their name: in ancient greek, ἁ.πλοος-ους (ha.ploos-ous) means "simple". The posterior part of the abdomen contains the heart and gonads, and is typically larger than in other sea squirts.


Order Aplousobranchia[1]

  • Family Clavelinidae Forbes & Hanley 1848 [Pycnoclavellidae Kott 1990]
    • Clavelina Savigny 1816 [Bradiclavella Zirpolo 1925; Chondrostachys Macdonald 1858; Dendroclavella Oka 1927; Podoclavella Herdman 1890; Rhodozona Van Name 1902; Stereoclavella Herdman 1890; Synclavella Caullery 1900]
    • Kott 1990
    • Nephtheis Gould 1856 [Oxycorynia Drasche 1882]
    • Pycnoclavella Garstang 1891 [Archiascidia Julin 1904]
  • Family Didemnidae Giard 1872 [Diplosominae Giard 1872]
    • Atriolum Kott 1983
    • Clitella Kott 2001
    • Herdman 1886
    • Didemnum Savigny 1816 [Didemnoides Drasche 1883; Diplosomoides Herdman 1886 non Lahille 1890; Hypurgon Sollas 1903; Leptoclinum Milne-Edwards 1842; Sarcodidemnoides Oka & Willey 1892; Tetradidemnum Della Valle 1881]
    • Diplosoma Macdonald 1859 [Arenadiplosoma Menker & Ax 1970; Astellium Giard 1872; Lioclinum Verrill 1871; Pseudodidemnum Giard 1872; Pseudodiplosoma]
    • Leptoclinides Bjerkan 1905 [Askonides Kott 1962]
    • Lissoclinum Verrill 1871 [Diplosomoides Lahille 1890 non Herdman 1886; Echinoclinum Van Name 1902; Polysoma Kott 1983]
    • Nott 1892
    • Trididemnum Della Valle 1881 [Didemnoides Lahille 1890 non Drasche 1884; Didemnopsis Hartmeyer 1903]
  • Family Euherdmaniidae Ritter 1904
    • Euherdmania Ritter 1904 [Herdmania Ritter 1903 non Lahille 1888]
  • Family Holozoidae Berrill 1950
    • Colella Herdman 1886 nomen nudum [2]
    • Della Valle 1881 [Celulophana; Holozoa Lesson 1832; Julinia Calman 1894; Leptobotrylloides Oka 1927]
    • Brewin 1953
    • Tokioka 1967
    • Kott 1990
    • Kott 1990
    • Kott 1969
    • Sanamyan 1993
    • Sycozoa Lesson 1832 [Cyathocormus Oka 1913]
    • Sigillina Savigny 1816 [Atapozoa Brewin 1946; Atopozoa Brewin 1956; Hyperiodistoma Michaelsen 1930]
  • Family Placentelidae Kott 1992
    • Placentela Redikorzev 1913 [Homoedistoma Redikorzev 1927; Sigillinaria Oka 1933]
  • Family Polycitoridae Michaelsen 1904
    • Archidistoma Garstang 1891
    • Kott 1990
    • Drasche 1884
    • Eucoelium Savigny 1816
    • Eudistoma Caullery 1909 [Distoma Savigny 1816 non Retzius 1786; Paessleria Michaelsen 1909]
    • Exostoma Kott 1990
    • Monniot & Monniot 1988
    • Polycitor Renier 1804 [Paradistoma Caullery 1909; Tetrazona Michaelsen 1930]
    • Michaelsen 1924
    • Rhombifera Peres 1956 non Barrande 1867
  • Family Polyclinidae Milne-Edwards 1841 [Synoicidae]
    • Aplidiopsis Lahille 1890
    • Aplidium Savigny 1816 [Haploidium Agassiz 1846; Amaroecium Milne-Edwards 1841; Circinalium Giard 1872; Fragarium Giard 1872; Heterotrema Fiedler 1889; Parascidia Milne- Edwards 1841; Polyclinoides Drasche 1883; Sidnyum Savigny 1816]
    • Redikorzev 1927
    • Macrenteron Redikorzev 1927
    • Morchellium Giard 1872
    • Neodictyon Sanamyan 1988
    • Polyclinella Harant 1931
    • Polyclinum Savigny 1816 [Glossophorum Lahille 1816]
    • Sidneioides Kesteven 1909
    • Synoicum Phipps 1774 [Atopogaster Herdman 1886; Lissamaroucium Sluiter 1906; Macroclinum Verrill 1871; Polyclinopsis Gottschaldt 1894; Psammaplidium Herdman 1886; Glossoforum Lahille 1886]
  • Family Protopolyclinidae Kott 1992
    • Condominium Kott 1992
    • Brewin 1952
    • Millar 1988
    • ' Millar 1960
  • Family Pseudodistomidae Harant 1931
    • Kott 1992
    • Monniot & Millar 1988
    • Michaelsen 1924
  • Family Ritterellidae Kott 1992
    • Herdman 1886
    • Harant 1931
  • Family Stomozoidae Kott 1990
    • Stomozoa Kott 1957
  • Family Vitrumidae Kott 2009
    • Vitrum Kott 2009


  1. ^ Gittenberger, A.; Sanamyan, K. (2015). Aplousobranchia. In: Shenkar, N.; Gittenberger, A.; Lambert, G.; Rius, M.; Moreira Da Rocha, R.; Swalla, B.J.; Turon, X. (2015) Ascidiacea World Database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species on 2015-12-23
  2. ^ "Colella Herdman, 1886". WoRMS. Retrieved 17 March 2019.
  • Barnes, Robert D. (1982). Invertebrate Zoology. Philadelphia, PA: Holt-Saunders International. p. 1042. ISBN 0-03-056747-5.
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