Appel du 18 joint

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The Appel du 18 joint is a manifesto calling for the legalization of cannabis in France, published on June 18, 1976 in the daily Libération.

In 1993, the Cannabis Information and Research Collective brought out the text of the appeal to make it a petition; since then, it has organized annual gatherings on June 18, to challenge public opinion and relaunch the debate on the prohibition of cannabis.

Content of the original appeal[]

Its name is a play on words between the appeal of June 18 and the word "joint" usually designating cannabis cigarettes.

The text began as follows: “Cigarettes, pastis, aspirin, coffee, red wine, sedatives are part of our daily life. On the other hand, a simple “joint” of cannabis can lead you to prison or to a psychiatrist.” The manifesto called for "the total decriminalization of cannabis, its use, its possession, its cultivation (self-production) or its introduction on French territory in quantity of current consumption". The text clearly specifies that it does not call for consumption but for the end of a policy which denies the subject. The signatories then demanded the establishment of legislation identical to that of the Netherlands, which has tolerated the sale and consumption of cannabis since 1976. Many personalities from the entertainment world, intellectuals, and doctors have signed this text.

Partial list of the 1976 signatories[]

Among the signatories of the appeal are:[1] Jean Jacques Abrahams, Bernard Kouchner, , Gilles Deleuze, Philippe Sollers, Bernadette Lafont, Bertrand Tavernier, Isabelle Huppert, Philippe Druillet, Jean-François Bizot, Les Cahiers du cinéma, André Glucksmann, Gotlib, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, , Philippe Val, Christiane Rochefort, Félix Guattari, Edgar Morin, Maxime Le Forestier, Valérie Lagrange, Romain Bouteille, Pierre Barouh, Yvan Dautin, Zouzou, Roland Topor, Bulle Ogier, Colette Magny, Marjorie Alessandrini, Pierre Bourgeade, François Béranger, Jacques Baratier, Jacques-Laurent Bost, Jeannette Colombel, , Copi, Pierre Clémenti, Jean Carpentier, Louis-Jean Calvet, Charles Duits, , Gérard Fromanger, , Philippe Fourastié, Alain Geismar, Gébé, Gir, , Dominique Issermann, Alain Jaubert, Benoît Jacquot, Alain Kan, Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, Jean-François Lyotard, , Mandryka, Marc'O, , , Richard Pinhas, Severo Sarduy, Jérôme Savary, , Joan-Pau Verdier et François Châtelet.

Gathering of 18 Joint[]

The IARC, an association created in 1991, took up the idea in 1993, by organizing a meeting in Paris and Lyon every June 18 to demand the legalization of cannabis.

From the 2010s, gatherings have multiplied in the provinces ( Toulouse, Tours, Saint-Denis de La Réunion, Lille, etc.).[2]

Besides the festive and convivial aspect of the gatherings, the 18th joint is one of the rare occasions to discuss drugs publicly. Thus, many personalities occasionally join the meeting of 18 Joint, including some political representatives.[3]

Meetings in 2013[]

In 2013, gatherings took place in different cities of France for the appeal of the 18 Joint:[4]

  • Paris - Large lawn of La Villette, the June 18 at 18 hours.
  • Lyon - Grande prairie, Gerland park (Lyon 7 th ), at 6 p.m.
  • Toulouse - Parc Compans, the June 18 at 18 hours.
  • Lille - Matisse Garden, the June 18 at 18 hours.
  • La Roche-sur-Yon - Prefecture Square, 6 p.m.
  • Papeete ( Tahiti ) - Bougainville Park, at 4 p.m.
  • St Leu (Reunion) - La Falaise, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Brive la Gaillarde - Place de La Guierle, at 6 p.m.


A petition partly repeating the original appeal, but including new parameters such as medical cannabis was also launched by the IARC and recently collected more than 19,000 signatures.

Partial list of signatories of CIRC petition[]

, Jean-Pierre Andrevon, (journaliste), (réalisatrice), (médecin membre de la Commission nationale des stupéfiants et des psychotropes), Frédéric Beigbeder, , Olivier Besancenot, Black Bomb A, , Jean-Pierre Bouyxou, , Burning Heads, (rédacteur en chef de Toc), , (Chanvre et Cie), Chester (dessinateur), Chiche ! (mouvement de jeunes écologistes), Yves Cochet, Colle François-Xavier (psychologue), Colson Renaud (Maitre de conférences en droit / Nantes), Coppel Anne (sociologue), Corbier François (Auteur-compositeur-interprète), Sergio Coronado (porte-parole des Verts), , , Benoît Delépine, Cécile Duflot, Alain Dugrand, (écrivain et musicien), , Fillias Edouard (président d'Alternative Libérale), , , (médecin), , Farid Ghehiouèche (responsible du groupe Drogues des Verts), , Guizmo, Hilight Tribe, High Tone, Illouz (avocat), (éditions Trouble-Fête), (batteur de Mickey 3D), , (musiciens), , Jan Kounen, , , , Le Peuple de l'Herbe, Les Jeunes Verts, Alain Lipietz, Lofofora, Noël Mamère, Philippe Manœuvre, , (écrivain), , MLC (), Mathilde Monnier, , (ASUD), (), (artiste), , , , , , , Radio libertaire, , , , , (association de réduction des risques), , , , The Wailers, Karl Zéro.


  1. ^ « L'Appel du 18 joint », 1976, reproduit sur Consulté le 30 mars 2012.
  2. ^ 18 Joint 2012 à Toulouse, article publié le 19 juin 2012 sur
  3. ^ "Appel du 18 joint" : le Circ mobilise les politiques, article mis à jour le 23 juin 2008 sur Consulté le 30 mars 2012.
  4. ^ "Appel du 18 joint 2013" - Site internet du CIRC
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