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Argythamnia serrata 4.jpg
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Subfamily: Acalyphoideae
Tribe: Chrozophoreae
Subtribe: Ditaxinae
Genus: Argythamnia
  • Argithamnia Sw. spelling variation
  • Argothamnia Spreng. spelling variation
  • Argyrothamnia Müll.Arg. spelling variation
  • Argytamnia Duchesne spelling variation
  • Odotalon Raf.

Argythamnia is a genus of plants of the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1756.[2] They are known commonly as silverbushes.


As with many other genera, there have been many changes in classification the past several years. The following list includes species accepted as members of Argythamnia as of September 2014. The species are native to Central America, Mexico, the West Indies, Colombia, and Texas.

  1. Croizat - Colombia
  2. Millsp. - South Caicos
  3. Cory - Texas
  4. Sw. - West Indies
  5. (Brandegee) Croizat - Veracruz, Puebla
  6. Britton & P.Wilson - Cuba
  7. J.W.Ingram - Alta Verapaz
  8. Argythamnia haplostigma Pax & K.Hoffm. - Roatán
  9. J.W.Ingram - Cuba
  10. J.W.Ingram - Jalisco
  11. Millsp. - Bahamas, Turks & Caicos
  12. J.W.Ingram - Yucatán Peninsula
  13. Pax - Camagüey
  14. J.W.Ingram - Guerrero
  15. Urb. - Hispaniola
  16. Argythamnia proctorii J.W.IngramGrand Cayman
  17. Griseb. - Bahamas, Turks & Caicos
  18. (Brandegee) J.W.Ingram - Veracruz
  19. Urb. - Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
  20. Millsp. - Veracruz, Yucatán, Guatemala, Honduras
  21. J.W.Ingram - Yucatán
formerly included[3]

Moved to other genera (Caperonia Chiropetalum Croton Ditaxis Philyra Speranskia)

  1. A. acalyphifolia -
  2. A. acaulis -
  3. A. aculeolata -
  4. A. adenophora -
  5. A. angustissima -
  6. A. anisotricha -
  7. A. aphoroides -
  8. A. argentea Brandegee 1912 not Millsp. 1906 - Ditaxis heterantha
  9. A. argentinensis -
  10. A. argothamnoides -
  11. A. arlynniana -
  12. A. astroplethos -
  13. A. bahiensis -
  14. A. berteroana -
  15. A. bicolor -
  16. A. blodgettii -
  17. A. boliviensis -
  18. A. brandegeei -
  19. A. brasiliensis - Philyra brasiliensis
  20. A. breviramea -
  21. A. buettneriacea -
  22. A. californica -
  23. A. calycina -
  24. A. canescens -
  25. A. cantonensis -
  26. A. castaneifolia -
  27. A. catamarcensis -
  28. A. claryana -
  29. A. corchorodes -
  30. A. cordata -
  31. A. cremnophila -
  32. A. cuneifolia -
  33. A. cyanophylla -
  34. A. depressa -
  35. A. desertorum -
  36. A. dioica -
  37. A. discolor -
  38. A. dressleriana -
  39. A. erubescens -
  40. A. fasciculata -
  41. A. fendleri -
  42. A. foliosa -
  43. A. gardneri -
  44. A. gentryi -
  45. A. gracilis -
  46. A. grisea -
  47. A. guatemalensis -
  48. A. gymnadenia -
  49. A. haitiensis -
  50. A. herbacea - Croton monanthogynus
  51. A. heterantha - Ditaxis heterantha
  52. A. heteropetala -
  53. A. heteropetalodes -
  54. A. hochstetteri -
  55. A. humilis -
  56. A. illimaniensis -
  57. A. intermedia -
  58. A. jablonszkyana -
  59. A. katharinae -
  60. A. laevis -
  61. A. lanceolata (Benth.) Müll.Arg. 1865 not (Müll.Arg.) Pax & K.Hoffm. 1906 -
  62. A. lancifolia -
  63. A. langsdorffii -
  64. A. linearifolia -
  65. A. lineata -
  66. A. macrantha -
  67. A. macrobotrys -
  68. A. malpighiacea -
  69. A. malpighiphila -
  70. A. manzanilloana -
  71. A. melochiiflora -
  72. A. mercurialina -
  73. A. micrandra -
  74. A. mollis -
  75. A. montevidensis -
  76. A. muellerargoviana -
  77. A. multicostata -
  78. A. neomexicana -
  79. A. neomexicana var. depressa -
  80. A. palmeri -
  81. A. paludosa -
  82. A. palustris -
  83. A. pavoniana -
  84. A. phalacradenia -
  85. A. pilosissima -
  86. A. pilosistyla -
  87. A. polygama -
  88. A. pringlei -
  89. A. purpurascens -
  90. A. quinquecuspidata -
  91. A. ramboi -
  92. A. regnellii -
  93. A. rhizantha -
  94. A. rosularis -
  95. A. rubricaulis -
  96. A. ruiziana -
  97. A. rutenbergii -
  98. A. salina -
  99. A. savanillensis -
  100. A. schiedeana -
  101. A. sellowiana -
  102. A. senegalensis -
  103. A. sericophylla -
  104. A. serrata -
  105. A. serrata var. magdalenae -
  106. A. simoniana -
  107. A. simulans -
  108. A. sponiella -
  109. A. stenophylla -
  110. A. triandra -
  111. A. tricocca -
  112. A. tricuspidata -
  113. A. tuberculata -


  1. ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^ Browne, Patrick. 1756. Civil and Natural History of Jamaica in Three Parts 338–339 descriptions in Latin, discussion in English
  3. ^ a b "World Checklist of Selected Plant Families". The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 27 September 2014.

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