Arikun people

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Arikun people
Regions with significant populations
Nantou, Taichung, and Changhua in Taiwan.
Arikun (previously), Taiwanese, Mandarin
Animism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity
Related ethnic groups
Hoanya, Lloa

Arikun is a group of Austronesian indigenous Formosan people[1] living from the western plain to central basin of Taiwan, especially. They have lived through the Dutch colonization of Taiwan, as well as the Manchurian occupation during the Qing Dynasty.

Arikun people along with Lloa people used to be classified as a subgroup of Hoanya people, but this concept has been rejected by some scholars, as the name "Hoanya" seems to be a derogatory exonym from huan-á (Southern Min: "the barbarians") by the Chinese immigrants.[2][3]


Some indigenous communities founded by Arikun in the 18th century include:

  • Man Talack (萬斗六社) in nowadays Taichung, a community resided by both Arikun and Babuza.
  • Kakar Barroroch (貓羅社) in nowadays Changhua.
  • Tausa Mato (北投社) in nowadays Nantou.
  • Tausa Talakey (南投社) in nowadays Nantou.

See also[]


  1. ^ Cauquelin, Josiane. The Aborogines of Taiwan (PDF). Routledge Curzon. p. 14.
  2. ^ Chung, Yu-Lan (1997). "平埔研究中的「族群分類」問題——再議Hoanya(洪雅族)之適宜性 ("On the Classification in the Pepo Studies: The Adequacy of the Ethnic Name 'Hoanya'")". Symposium on the Developmental History of Taiwan. Taipei: Academia Historica: 137–166.
  3. ^ Wen, Jia-Yin (2008). "荷蘭時期原住民分佈研究回顧 ("A Review on the Studies of the Distribution of the Indigenous Peoples during the Dutch Formosa Period")". 臺灣的語言方言分佈與族群遷徙工作坊. Taipei: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica.

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