Astrid Lindgren Prize

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The Astrid Lindgren-priset, or Astrid Lindgren Prize in English, is a Swedish literary award named after the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren of the same name. The prize was instituted by the publishing house Rabén & Sjögren in 1967 to honour Lindgren on her 60th birthday.[1]

It is awarded annually on Lindgren's birthday, 14 November, to a Swedish writer for children and young adults;[1] this distinguishes it from the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award which has a more international focus.




  1. ^ a b "Astrid Lindgren-priset". Nationalencyklopedin. Retrieved 25 November 2018.
  2. ^ "The Astrid Lindgren Prize". Astrid Lindgren. 23 May 2018. Retrieved 27 August 2021.

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