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BAeSEMA was a naval technology joint venture between British Aerospace and the French Sema Group. The company was formed in 1991 and dissolved in November 1998 when BAe purchased SEMA's 50% share.

BAeSEMA acquired Dowty-Sema in 1992, another naval systems joint venture between Dowty Group and Sema.



From BAe's perspective BAeSEMA was an attempt to increase its capabilities as a naval prime contractor. This was not entirely successful for two reasons:

  • A customer was more likely to choose a prime contractor with shipbuilding experience and capabilities.
  • Another shipbuilder was unwilling to team with the company because as prime contractor BAeSEMA would effectively control that shipbuilder.

BAeSEMA's major competitor in the UK naval systems market was GEC-Marconi through its Ferranti Naval Systems and Plessey Naval Systems businesses.

On November 11, 1998, BAe acquired Sema's interest in the company for £77 million and merged it into . BAe's naval capabilities increased dramatically in the next year, its acquisition of Marconi Electronic Systems to form BAE Systems saw it take control of Marconi Marine's shipyards; VSEL (Barrow-in-Furness), Govan (Glasgow) and YSL (Scotstoun).


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