Battle of Collejares

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Battle of Collejares
Part of the Reconquista
Reino de Granada.svg
Map of the Reino Nazari de Granada.
Result Victory for the Kingdom of Castile.
Bandera de la Corona de Castilla.svg Crown of Castile Standard of Grenade after Cresques Atlas s XIV.svg Emirate of Granada
Commanders and leaders
Bandera de la Corona de Castilla.svg Henry III of Castile Standard of Grenade after Cresques Atlas s XIV.svg Muhammad VII

The Battle of Collejares also known as the Battle of los Collejares was a battle of the Spanish Reconquista that took place in 1406 at nearby the towns of Úbeda and Baeza in Granada, Spain. The battle was fought between the Kingdom of Castile, whose forces were commanded by Henry III of Castile, and the Emirate of Granada, whose troops were commanded by Sultan Muhammad VII.


The Kingdom of Castile had signed a peace treaty with the Nasrid dynasty who controlled the Emirate of Granada. Power struggles and changes in the court of the Emirate of Granada prompted them to break the cease fire. Muhammad VII, encouraged and aided by the Marinid Dynasty of Morocco, invaded the territory of Murcia. Henry III of Castile, who had completed a series of battles against Portugal, saw his opportunity to counter the Granadan threat after signing a peace treaty with the Portuguese in 1402. One of the more famous Castilian knights that participated in this campaign was Juan de Tovar y Toledo, who was given land and title in part for his actions at Collejares. Henry III moved against Granada, the last Muslim stronghold on the Iberian Peninsula after centuries of Reconquista. The two armies met in the area around , localized near the towns of Úbeda and Baeza. The Castilian forces were able to rout the forces of the Emirate of Granada. Henry III would die a few months later in December 1406.


  • Most of the information on this page was translated from its Spanish equivalent.

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