Battle of Llapushnik

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Battle of Lapušnik
Part of the Kosovo War
Date7–10 March 1998
Lapušnik, Kosovo, Yugoslavia

KLA victory

  • KLA forces capture Lapušnik
  • Lapušnik prison camp build by the KLA
  • Yugoslav forces retake Llapushnik on 25 July 1998[1]
UCK KLA.svg KLA Federal Republic of Yugoslavia FR Yugoslavia
Commanders and leaders
Fatmir Limaj
Isak Musliu
Imer Alushani
Casualties and losses
47 killed[2] unknown
23 Serbian and Albanian civilians killed by the KLA

The Battle of Lapušnik (Albanian: Battle of Gyrka e Llapushnikut) took place in Llapushnik, District of Pristina, 1998 during the Kosovo war. It lasted 3 days and ended in the Kosovo Liberation Army being victorious against the Yugoslav forces.[3] Kadri Veseli a Kosovo Politician and former founder and leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army recalled it as one of the most fierce battles. Saying that the dimensions of frontal fighting in Llapushnik resonated throughout Europe and increased the populations confidence in the strength of the Kosovo Liberation Army with a massive mobilisation.[4]


  1. ^ "Haradin Bala, Isak Musliu, and Agim Murtezi Transferred to the ICTY following their Indictment for Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes". United Nations | International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals. 18 February 2003. Retrieved 10 January 2022.
  2. ^ "20 Vjet nga beteja e Llapushnikut". Kallxo. 10 May 2018. Retrieved 18 January 2022.
  3. ^ "22 years since the battle of Llapushnik". 10 May 2020. Archived from the original on 2020-05-15.
  4. ^ "Veseli: The battle of Llapushnik increased the populations confidence in the strength of the KLA". 9 May 2020. Archived from the original on 2022-01-07.
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