Bibliography of Christadelphians

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The following is a bibliography of books in the English language relating to the general topic of Christadelphians.


  • Alfs, Matthew - Concepts of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit : a classification and description of the Trinitarian and non-Trinitarian theologies existent within Christendom
  • Andrew, J. J. - Baptismal-Belief
  • Andrew, J. J. - The Blood of the Covenant
  • Andrew, J. J. - The Doctrine of Atonement
  • Arnstein, Walter L. - Protestant Versus Catholic in Mid-Victorian England
  • Bacon, Graham - The Revelation at a Glance
  • Bible Companion
  • Blore, Charles B. - Dr John Thomas: his family and the background of his times
  • Booker, George - Biblical Fellowship
  • Booker, George - A New Creation
  • Boulton, William Henry - Paul the Apostle
  • Brady, Madalaine Margaret - Christadelphians and conscientious objection to military service in Britain in World War One
  • Bricknell, John - Do all to the glory of God : a brief account of the formation of the first Christadelphian Ecclesia at Goolwa in South Australia and of the Victor Harbor Christadelphian Ecclesia
  • Burrell, Maurice C. & John S. Wright - Some modern faiths : (Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians, Christian Scientists, Theosophicalsystems, Mormons, Spiritualists)
  • Clark, Elmer T. - The Small Sects of America
  • Collyer, W. Islip - Conviction and Conduct
  • Collyer, W. Islip - The Guiding Light
  • Collyer, W. Islip - Robert Roberts: A Study in Life and Character
  • Cooper, Amy F. - Reframing, regrouping, and empowering : the Christadelphians as a test case for theories about conservative christian women
  • Encountering new religious movements: a holistic evangelical approach.
  • Evans, E. R. - Test Case for Canada '3314545'
  • Evans, E. R. - "Ye are strangers and sojourners with me": a study of the Christadelphian teaching concerning a Christian's relationship to the state
  • Fadelle, Norman - John Thomas and His Rediscovery of Bible Truth
  • Gibson, Arthur - Evolution versus creation
  • Govett, Robert - Christadelphians, not Christians
  • Alan Hayward - Creation and Evolution
  • Hayward, Alan - Great news for the world
  • Hayward, Alan - God's Truth
  • Heaster, Duncan - Bible basics
  • Hopkins, Branson - Unmasking Christadelphianism : the hopelessness of the hope
  • House, H. Wayne - Charts of cults, sects & religious movements
  • Hutchins, Leta - Christadelphians
  • Jannaway, A. T. - The Ground of Resurrectional Responsibility
  • Jannaway, A. T. - The Inspiration Division, 1884-1921
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - The Bible and How It Came to Us
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - The Bible Divine
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - The Bible Student in Many Lands
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Bible Times and Seasons
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - British Museum - Bible in Hand
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Brother Roberts on Copyright
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Christ Our Passover
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Christadelphian Answers on all sorts of Difficulties
  • Jannaway, Frank G., comp. - Christadelphian Facts Concerning Christendeom ... by Dr. J. Thomas ... and other ...Christadelphians
  • Jannaway, Frank G., comp. - Christadelphian Key to the Prophecies
  • Jannaway, Frank G., comp. - Christadelphian Treasury
  • Jannaway, Frank G., comp. - Christadelphians and Fellowship
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Christadelphians and Military Service
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Christadelphians on the Great War
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Christadelphians Then and Now
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Christians not Christians
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - A Godless Socialism
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - A Happy World
  • Jannaway, Frank G., comp. - How Long?
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Lest We Forget or Have Forgotten
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Our New Bible
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Ought Christians to Be Socialists?
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Palestine and the Jews
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Palestine and the Powers
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Palestine and the World
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - The Salvation Army and the Bible
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Solemn Warning Concerning Christadelphian Apostasy
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Tears of Gratitude
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - The Triune God of the Church of England
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Which Is the Remedy - Socialism or the Reign of Christ?
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - Without the camp : being the story of why and how the Christadelphians were exempted from military service
  • Jannaway, Frank G. - The Worst Enemies of the Bible
  • Keele, G. T. - Truth and Error
  • Lea, John W. - The Life and Writings of Dr. Thomas
  • Lippy, Charles H. - The Christadelphians in North America
  • Lo Bello, Kristin Anne - The Christadelphians: the true fundamentalists
  • MacGregor, Lorri - Christadelphians and Christianity
  • McHaffie, Averil and Iam McHaffie - 150 years : a very brief history of Edinburgh Christadelphian Ecclesia (1853-2003)
  • McHaffie, Ruth - Brethren indeed?: Christadelphians and "outsiders" (16th-21st century)
  • McHaffie, Ruth - Finding founders and facing facts
  • McHaffie, Ruth - Timewatching - and Israel. Volume 1. Expectations
  • Mitchell, Thomas S. - I am a conscientious objector : explaining the position of those who by reason of their religious training and belief, support the tenets of the Christadelphian faith
  • Morgan, James Logan - Christadelphians in Arkansas, 1968.
  • Nicholls, Alfred - Remember the days of old: twelve editorial articles from the Christadelphian
  • Norris, A. D. - The Apocalypse for Every Man
  • Norris, A. D. - The Things We Stand For
  • Norris, A. D. - Understanding the Bible
  • Norris, E. - The courts of the women
  • One Hundred Years of the Christadelphian
  • Panton, D. M. - Satanic Counterfeits
  • Pollock. A. J. - Christadelphianism Astray from the Bible
  • Pollock, A. J. - Christadelphianism: briefly tested by scritpture
  • Powell, J. W. - The historical record of the Sydney Central Christadelphian Ecclesia, 1864 to 1990 : compiled by J.W. Powell
  • Poynter, J. W. - Christadelphiansism
  • Proctor, Don - The Christadelphians : are they of the household of faith?
  • Roberts, Robert - Christendom Astray from the Bible
  • Roberts, Robert - Christ's Doctrine of Eternal Life
  • Roberts, Robert - Coming Events in the East
  • Roberts, Robert - A Declaration of First Principles of the Oracles of the Deity
  • Roberts, Robert - Dr. Thomas: His Life and work
  • Roberts, Robert - England and Egypt
  • Roberts, Robert - England's Ruin
  • Roberts, Robert - Epitome of the Commandments of Christ
  • Roberts, Robert - Everlasting Punishments Not Eternal Torments
  • Roberts, Robert - The Kingdom of God
  • Roberts, Robert - The Law of Moses
  • Roberts, Robert - Robert Roberts, Born 1839 - Died 1898
  • Roberts, Robert - The Sect Everywhere Spoken About
  • Roberts, Robert - The Slain Lamb
  • Roberts, Robert - The Trial
  • Roberts, Robert - The Truth in the Nineteenth Century
  • Roberts, Robert - Was Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah?
  • Roberts, Robert - Ways of Providence
  • Roberts, Robert & J. Andrew - Resurrectional Responsibilities Debate
  • Roberts, Robert and C. C. Walker - The Ministry of the Prophets
  • Rumble, Leslie - The anti-immortals : a reply to the Rationalists, Jehovah Witnesses, Adventists and Christadelphians
  • Tennant, Harry - The Christadelphians: what they believe and preach
  • Thomas, John - The Apostasy Unveiled
  • Thomas, John - The Book Unsealed
  • Thomas, John - Catechesis
  • Thomas, John - "The Destiny of Human Governments in the Light of Scripute
  • Thomas, John - The Destiny of the British Empire as revealed in the Scriptures
  • Thomas, John - Elpis Israel
  • Thomas, John - Eureka
  • Thomas, John - The Faith in the Last Days
  • Thomas, John - The Holy Spirit Not a Present Possession
  • Thomas, John - Odology: An Antidote to Spiritualism
  • Thomas, John - Phanerosis - Exosition of the doctrine of the Old Testament
  • Thomas, John - The Revealed Mystery
  • Thomas, John - The Roman Question or the Fall of the Papacy
  • Thomas, John - What Is the Truth?
  • Thomas, John - Who Are the Christadelphians?
  • Thompson, William Lester - A study of the theology of Dr. John Thomas, founder of the Christadelphians
  • Turner, F. W. - The Exclusiveness of Christianity
  • Turney, Edward - Ereuna: being an answer to R. Govett's "Christadelphians not Christians."
  • Walker, C. C. - Rome and the Christadelphians
  • Walker, C. C. - The Word of God
  • Walker, Joseph Viccars - The Christadelphians and their doctrine
  • Whittaker, Harry - Letters to George and Jenny : a book for young Christadelphians
  • Williams, Thomas - Life and Work of Thomas Williams
  • Wilson, Andrew R. - The history of the Christadelphians, 1864-1885 : the emergence of a denomination
  • Wilson, Bryan R. - Sects and society: a sociological study of the Elim Tabernacle, Christian Science, and Christadelphians
  • Yearsley, W. R. - Working with the grain : chips and sawdust at the bench and the cross grain of life : reflections on secular and spiritual values, a family record
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