Binomial differential equation

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In mathematics, the binomial differential equation is an ordinary differential equation containing one or more functions of one independent variable and the derivatives of those functions.

For example:

when is a natural number (i.e., a positive integer), and is a polynomial in two variables (i.e., a bivariate polynomial).

The Solution[]

Let be a polynomial in two variables of order ; where is a positive integer. The binomial differential equation becomes using the substitution , we get that , therefore or we can write , which is a separable ordinary differential equation, hence

Special cases:

- If , we have the differential equation and the solution is , where is a constant.

- If , i.e., divides so that there is a positive integer such that , then the solution has the form . From the tables book of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik we found that


See also[]


  • Zwillinger, Daniel Handbook of Differential Equations, 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Academic Press, p. 120, 1997.
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