British NVC community H6

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NVC community H6 (Erica vagans - Ulex europaeus heath) is one of the heath communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system. It is one of five communities categorised as lowland dry heaths.

It has a very localised distribution in southern England. There are four subcommunities.

Community composition[]

The following constant species are found in this community:

  • Brown Bent (Agrostis vinealis)
  • Glaucous Sedge (Carex flacca)
  • Bell Heather (Erica cinerea)
  • Cornish Heath (Erica vagans)
  • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
  • Common Gorse (Ulex europaeus)
  • Western Gorse (Ulex gallii)
  • Common Dog-violet (Viola riviniana)

A number of rare species are associated with the community: Bristle Bent (Agrostis curtisii), Chives (Allium schoenoprasum), Cornish Heath (Erica vagans), Dwarf Rush (Juncus capitatus), Spring Squill (Scilla verna) and (Trifolium bocconei).


This community is confined to The Lizard peninsula in Cornwall.


There are four subcommunities:

  • the so-called typical subcommunity
  • the Festuca ovina subcommunity
  • the Agrostis curtisii subcommunity
  • the Molinia caerulea subcommunity


  • Rodwell, J. S. (1991) British Plant Communities Volume 2 - Mires and heaths ISBN 0-521-39165-2 (hardback), ISBN 0-521-62720-6 (paperback)
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