Carrot 4NT

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The Carrot 4NT slam-convention was developed in Carrot Club, but can be used in any bidding system instead of the more common Blackwood or RKC conventions. It is a refinement of an older convention, .

Rather than asking for Aces or keycards, 4NT is used to show number of keycards.

This convention applies when 4NT is preceded by cuebids, and generally when 4NT is a non-jumping bid. The immediate advantage of this approach over Blackwood/RKC, is that while still establishing the combined number of keycards, the pair will be able to use the 5-level for cuebids, too, to more thoroughly explore and negotiate their slam-potential.

Normally, 4NT shows at least 3 out of 5 keycards (including the King of trumps) plus first or second round control in any suit(s) not yet cuebid.

Thus, if a player by-passes 4NT or omits bidding 4NT when he logically could, it means that he either lacks the required number of keycards or that he lacks control in a side-suit that has not yet been cuebid.

If a player has already shown a 17+hcp hand (by reverse-bid, big-club opening, takeout-double followed by new suit, etc.), his partner's 4NT promises only 2 out of 5 keycards.

If a player has opened with a strong 2C or shown a 20+ balanced hand, and later bids 4NT, he promises 4 out of 5 keycards.

Under this convention, 4NT is still Blackwood or RKC when it is a jumping bid and not a natural raise. Also, if a player opens, raises, or jumps to 4H/4S without any preceding cuebids, 4NT by his partner is Blackwood or RKC. Likewise, in competitive situations where opponents have bid at the 3- or 4-level, 4NT is Blackwood or RKC.

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