Category of elements

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In category theory, if C is a category and F:CSet is a set-valued functor, the category el(F) of elements of F (also denoted CF) is the following category:

  • Objects are pairs where and .
  • Morphisms are arrows of such that .

A more concise way to state this is that the category of elements of F is the comma category ∗↓F, where is a one-point set. The category of elements of F comes with a natural projection el(F)→C that sends an object (A, a) to A, and an arrow (A,a)→(B,b) to its underlying arrow in C.

The category of elements of a presheaf[]

In some texts (e.g. Mac Lane, Moerdijk) the category of elements is used for presheaves. We state it explicitly for completeness. If PĈ:=SetCop is a presheaf, the category of elements of P (again denoted by el(P), or, to make the distinction to the above definition clear, C P = ∫CopP) is the following category:

  • Objects are pairs where and .
  • Morphisms are arrows of such that .

As one sees, the direction of the arrows is reversed. One can, once again, state this definition in a more concise manner: the category just defined is nothing but (∗↓P)op. Consequentially, in the spirit of adding a "co" in front of the name for a construction to denote its opposite, one should rather call this category the category of coelements of P.

For small C, this construction can be extended into a functor C from Ĉ to Cat, the category of small categories. In fact, using the Yoneda lemma one can show that C PyP, where y:CĈ is the Yoneda embedding. This isomorphism is natural in P and thus the functor C is naturally isomorphic to y↓–:ĈCat.

The category of elements of an operad algebra[]

Given a (colored) operad O and a functor, also called an algebra, A:OSet, one obtains a new operad, called the category of elements and denoted OA, generalizing the above story for categories. It has the following description:

  • Objects are pairs where and .
  • An arrow is an arrow in such that

See also[]


  • Mac Lane, Saunders (1998). Categories for the Working Mathematician. Graduate Texts in Mathematics 5 (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-98403-8.
  • Mac Lane, Saunders; Moerdijk, Ieke (1992). Sheaves in Geometry and Logic. Universitext (corrected ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-97710-4.

External links[]

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