Catherine Hübscher

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Catherine Hubscher, Maréchale Lefebvre Duchesse de Dantzig, known as "Madame Sans-Gêne (1753-1835), anonymous artist, c 1810.

Catherine Hübscher (Goldbach-Altenbach, 2 February 1753 - 1835) was a First French Empire aristocrat, wife to François Joseph Lefebvre, Marshal of the Empire and Duke de Dantzig.

Known as a woman of modest origins and of strong temperament, she is best known by her nickname of Madame Sans-Gêne, though this was only attributed to her by the dramatist Victorien Sardou - the nickname's first holder was the woman soldier Thérèse Figueur, whom Napoleon I of France gave the nickname Madame Sans-Gêne.

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