From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a Brazilian humor website, created in February 2000 by the cartoonist .[1] It's known for its animated cartoons, made with the Macromedia Flash program.[2][3] Due to their success, the cartoons are even shown on television stations, such as Rede Globo, which shows every Tuesday on the Big Brother Brasil on a day of elimination.

The charges animadas (see below), which the site presents daily, are the main feature of the site. There are other minor features, such as the piada do dia (joke of the day) that publishes jokes sent by the site's visitors, and the emails comentados (commented emails), in which the site's owner will publish some of the emails sent to the site (which can range from site feedback, to relationship advice, to lame jokes, to people sending a message just asking to be published) and add some comments to them. There are also some Flash-powered games, also themed generally on recent events.[4]

In the year 2006, it won the iBest Prize for Best entertainment site, by popular jury.[5] Since 2012, animations have also been made available through their own YouTube channel.

Charges animadas[]

The term charges animadas can be translated as something along the lines of animated cartoons. However, in Portuguese, the word charge is used to refer to editorial cartoons. These works consist of Flash animations of short length, showing some humorous, generally related to recent events and situations.


The term charge-okê is a fusion of the words charge and karaoke, properly adapted to Portuguese. It refers to some of the site's charges animadas that consist on musical parodies of popular music hits. The parodies are usually sung by a character who has something to do with the lyrics. For example, Brasileiro e sua consciência - Lonely, published on January 26, 2006, is a parody of the hit Lonely, sung by Akon. The modified lyrics talk about the indecision of a mid-class Brazilian on which candidate to choose in the Brazilian president elections in 2006. The charges-okê are published about once a week along with other regular charges.

Tobby Entrevista[]

Or Tobby Interviews in the literal translation, is the way who Mauricio use to criticize and satirize a specific famous person and/or pop culture work, where Tobby, the interviewer (a cynical and sarcastic person with nanism, that uses Jimmy Five's shirt, Mickey Mouse hat and have the "Zacarias bald head") ask questions to the interviewee (who can be a spoof of a person or famous character) where they unintentionally make fun of one another.

In 2007 with the success of film Elite Squad in the country one of the interviewees was Captain Morrimento (a parody of Captain Nascimento), who took over the program (besides lowering Tobby to be his assistant) and changed its name to "Capitão Interroga" (Captain interrogates), which the Captain interviewed guests often beating them up. In 2008 after some requests Tobby returned to the program, but with the direction of Captain Morrimento (but Morrimento left the program later in 2010).

Tobby Entrevista was eventually canceled in 2019 and Tobby has since made small appearances in other series.

Espinha e Fimose[]

Or Pimple and Phimosis in the literal translation, is a recurring shown in charges (that satirizes teenager`s social acts and behaviors), and the most famous characters in the cast, where 2 teenagers (who share their last) attempt to make sex with attractive girls and/or get some money with they witness scams, but their plans often(though not always) fail, due to they lack of planning or luck.

Só Levando[]

A web series inspired in American adult family cartoons like The Simpsons about a poor family who lives in a favela known as Morro do Lamento (lit. Hill of the Regrets) that is headed by a criminal organization. The series is starred by Bezerra, a middle-aged father who is drunk and supports his wife Bernadete (with whom he has an open relationship), his eldest daughter Suelen (a young adult who is studying medicine, but secretly works as a prostitute to support the family) and Johan (an adopted German descendant boy who is influenced by Afro-Brazilian culture and raps about social problems).

Among the other characters in the series are Coisa Ruim (a crime boss who works in drug trafficking and acts as the big boss of Lamento), Otoridade (a former police officer who serves Coisa Ruim), Beringela (another of Coisa Ruim's main henchmen), Consuelo (Suelen's best friend who is a transsexual prostitute), Robalho (a corrupt and greedy senator who works in partnership with Coisa Ruim), Juke & Box (Johan's rap friends) and Dona Geralda (a middle aged lady who serves as a running gag due to her bad luck).


Title of the first season.

It was a series in anime style. The story revolved around the adventures of Tonin a country boy who becomes "the chosen hero" to be travel in the time to defeat his enemies. In the beginning the shorts was created as a parody the Japanese TV series, such as anime, but with time was approaching subjects increasingly serious though without losing its comedy with the parodies. Lasted four seasons "Tonin, The Ninja Who Came from the Countryside" (2008-2009), "Tonin - The Return of Those Who Were Not" (2009-2010), "Tonin, Ninja From Hell" (2010-2011) and "Tonin - Saga Final" (2012). It was the first series to contain sagas and a final, not returning to production since the end of the fourth season.

Pedreiros Zoeiros[]

Or Mocking Bricklayers in the literal translation, is a sketch series focused on a two bricklayers Pedrão and Jerônimo (the latter usually portrayed as an unseen character) who often make fun of people (usually controversial artists) who often appear walking in front of the construction area where they work.


In 2013 there was a saga entitled Transando esse Transa, which was a crossover between the series Espinha & Fimose and Só Levando with appearances by characters from Tobby Entrevista and Tonin (in their versions of the dimension created in the epilogue of last season). This saga introduced Dinho Star, a retired 70s rock singer who was an old friend of Bezerra and one of Lesado's fathers. This saga also showed the first meeting between Espinha and Suelen, in addition to introducing Tonin as a wealthy businessman who owns a dairy factory.

Some small crossovers between the series continued to occur in some animations released later, with Espinha still interested in winning the love of Suelen, Espinha meeting Coisa Ruim, Dameshana meeting Maria Joana, some characters appearing a few times in Tobby Entrevista and Pedreiros Zoeiros, and Jerônimo being revealed Bezerra's lost brother.

In 2020 a series divided into 6 seasons entitled Todo Mundo em Casa! (lit. Everybody at Home!) has been published. The series not only brought together Espinha & Fimose, Só Levando, Tonin, Pedreiros Zoeiros and Tobby Entrevista (Tobby now unemployed) again, but it reconnected some events that occurred in the Tonin series and connected them to the other series, like: Coisa Ruim and Lesado being old friends, the origin of the Coisa Ruim's evil and Lesado's mental problem is that they met the Oracle in the past which made Lesado gain infinite knowledge and Coisa Ruim be possessed by Vilano-san, Tonin from the original timeline and Aparecido traveling in time, Tonin from the new timeline still having the "chosen one" status and able to summon the Oracle, in addition to the existence of another dimension from which Dameshana changed the life of the Bezerra family for the better.


Tobby Entrevista[]

Tobby: The website interviewer, famous by his ridiculous clothes; obnoxious and sardonic personality; and usual lack of luck. His main job is interviewing (and annoying) his guests, something that usually end up in Tobby being either humiliated or physically harmed. He wears a Mickey Mouse hat and a similar shirt to the Jimmy Five (Monica's Gang). The character remained in his role as an interviewer until 2019, when the Tobby Entrevista was canceled. After that Tobby only returned making small appearances in the series Pedreiros Zoeiros, until in 2020 he was moved to become a regular character in crossovers with Só Levando, becoming one of Coisa Ruim's henchmen.

Capitão Morrimento: A spoof of Capitão Nascimento from the film Tropa de Elite, known for being a straight and practical, but also rather than an amoral, violent and short-tempered cop. right after Tobby point out some advantages over his job, Morrimento become delightful and forces Tobby to give his job to him, but Morrimento eventually gets tired of his job as an interviewer and gets out of it. unfortunately to Tobby, Morrimento become the director of his program, constantly scolding and nagging both Tobby and the guests even for the slight. Fortunately, Internet users eventually grew weary of Morrimento and forced him to withdraw from the program, but he still makes occasional appearances on the site. He seems to be superhumanly strong, having once single-handed stopped Superman from fly away, and even the Hulk could barely support his slaps over his head.

Espinha e Fimose[]

Espinha and Fimose: Two teenagers who always try to have sex with some girl whom they consider "hot", but rarely do well in this task. Espinha (literally, Pimple) has this name due to his '"pimple fashion", and is known by his navie and inattentive personality, and by his poor grades. Fimose (literally, Phimosis)(who has this name due to his pink cap) on the other hand, while not much more intelligent or responsible than Espinha, is the straight man from the duo, and the unofficial leader.

Lesado: A mentally affected 40-year-old man who cannot discern reality from fantasy due his abuse in use drugs and suffer of frequents lapses of memory. Despite his mental instability, Lesado is straightforward person, being well aware of his condition and being an honest and intelligent (though deranged) guy, or was Espinha and Fimose claims, he is "crazy, but not stupidy!".

Lipo: A naive, awkward friend of Espinha and Fimose. He seems to be quittenly dim-witted, often misinterprets what the others say to him and has very low grades (even though he has more detication in his studies than Espinha and Fimose). Regardless to this, Lipo is, in contrary to Lesado, "stupid, but not crazy" being well aware of his surroundings and of his limitations, indicating that he is more straightforward than he appears to be. despite being less experienced in pick-up arts, Lipo has much more success and luck in this area than Espinha and Fimose.

Vera Diva: An intelligent and serious teenager who is on friendly terms with Espinha and Fimose, but doesn't hide her displeasure over their immaturity.


Tonin: A boy who was the protagonist of his own series. He was born on a farm as the first of several children of her greedy father Tião Dois Dentes (lit: Tiao Two Teeth), at 12 years old he was sold to two ninjas of feudal Japan to save the past of a villain. During his adventures he was gaining new allies, powers in hell a ninja half brother, a girlfriend former-villain and plus travel time several times. At the end of the story he dies, but is saved in an alternative version of the future going to be a normal boy from the country.

Vilano-san: The main villain of the Tonin series. He is an ex-ninja who is a sorcerer from Feudal Japan and an old rival of Pai-Meio (from which he cut off his legs in the past) who was responsible for tormenting the village of Pai-Meio until the arrival of Tonin who was chosen by Pai-Meio to defeat Vilano. Vilano was introduced as a powerful sorcerer who had immortality after winning a duel against the Oracle in the past that made him become invulnerable to everything except dairy products. Vilano is killed by Tonin at the end of the first season after having his skull destroyed by Tonin's hard cheeses, however, he is resurrected by Oracle without his invulnerability. At the end of the second season it is revealed that he is Tonin's biological father. In the third season he allies himself with Pai-Meio and dies definitively at the end of the season, at the same time that he is revealed as Aparecido's biological father.

Dameshana: One of Tonin's allies. At first she was introduced as a demonic vampire (which look was a reference to Morrigan Aensland of Darkstalkers) serving as Vilano-san's henchman who during the first season acted as a secondary antagonist for Tonin helping Vilano-san. However from the second season onwards she allied herself with Tonin becoming a full human at the end of the third season. At the end of the fourth season after making a pact with the Devil she is responsible for altering the course of Tonin's timeline at present, preventing him from becoming a time-traveling ninja and managing to advance in time to marry Tonin as an adult.

Tião Dois Dentes: Tonin's father who was responsible for raising him with Creusa during his childhood until he sold him to Pai-Meio for a golden bar. He is characterized as a greedy, irresponsible and stupid caipira. He was a secondary protagonist during the first season where he used the gold bar to buy and surround the beaches in Barra da Tijuca and later entered into business with politicians in Rio de Janeiro until he became governor of Rio de Janeiro and divorced Creusa in the meantime having only Aparecido as his only son. In the second season he acts as the main antagonist with Aparecido after Tonin returns to Brazil in 2016 (10 years after his departure) where Tonin discovers that Tião has become a corrupt and criminal politician who aims to become president of Brazil.

Aparecido: Tonin's younger brother and one of the main villains. At first he was introduced as a baby in the first season, being the youngest son of Tião and Creusa in 2006. He starts to have a greater focus on the plot from the second season, where after 10 years it is revealed that he was Tião's only son left (after he became governor in Rio de Janeiro) becoming a mean and violent boy that becomes Tonin's enemy aiming to become Tião Dois Dentes's only heir. In the third season he discovers the space-time portal and travels to Feudal Japan for the first time where he meets Pai-Meio and Vilano-san. After Aparecido kills Vilano-san at the end of this season, he ends up lost by space-time (because Kaipiro messed up in his calculations) returning in the fourth season as an old man (claiming to be Vilano-san's successor) having learned witchcraft during his decades traveling through space-time. He tries to get revenge on Tonin, but ends up being killed with him at the end of the season. Dameshana subsequently prevents his birth in the new timeline.

Oracle: a omnipotent spirit who was responsible for give semi-immortality to Vilano-san and also choosing Tonin as the hero of time-space who would defeat Vilano-san for Pai-Meio. He has the appearance of a floating elderly black man with a pipe, a straw hat and no visible legs. Oracle has also had appearances in other series on, most notably appearing in the 2020 series "Todo Mundo em Casa!" where it is revealed that he was responsible for giving infinite wisdom to Lesado and Vilano's evil essence to Coisa Ruim in their past. He often appears to those who are knowledgeable and connected to him such as Tonin, Pai-Meio, Vilano-san and (more recently) Coisa Ruim and Lesado.

Só Levando[]

José Bezerra: Usually referred to by his last name, he is the patriarch of the Bezerra family. A resident of a poor community in Morro do Lamento who frequently creates plans and swindles in order to become rich and lift his family out of poverty, although his plans to get rich often fail, most of the time because his plans always have flaws or bad luck. The character serves as an equivalent to Homer Simpson often appearing with a new job with each episode, besides also being a alcoholic.

Suelen: The eldest daughter of the Bezerra family. A young adult who claims to study and take medical courses, when in reality she secretly works as a prostitute without her family knowing it and taking advantage of this work to raise money to support her family. She dreamed of being a doctor since childhood, but gave up due to a childhood trauma after seeing the dead bodies of Johan's parents in her house developing hematophobia. Over time, she developed a love for Coisa Ruim, who eventually became not only her biggest client, but also a love interest. However, when the crossovers started, she began to develop a romance with Espinha, thus forming a love triangle.

Johan: The youngest and adopted son of the Bezerra family. He is of German descent and is the son of the late Nazi criminal Fritz Schneider, however, due to his strong interest in Afro-Brazilian culture, he refuses to believe that he is of German descent and prefers to believe that he has African descent. His main hobby is rapping, if he aspires to be a famous rapper with his friends Juke and Box without success. Despite being just a child, he often proves to be mature and serious. and often raps by social critics. His full name is Johan Routen Schneider.

Bernadete: Bezerra's wife. She has an open relationship with her husband and just like Suelen she sometimes goes into prostitution in order to support the family. She doesn't have a good relationship with Bezerra, normally being rude and severe with her husband, especially when he is in his plans to get rich without success. She is characterized by always wearing clothes with jaguar skin and sometimes smoking cigarettes.

Coisa Ruim: The rich big boss of Morro do Lamento and the main antagonist of the series. He acts as a leader for Lamento, leading all criminals and residing in a mansion in the top of the hill which previously belonged to former leader Fritz Schneider. He has as main allies Otoridade and Beringela, and having rivalry against the Captain Nascimorto who seeks to capture Coisa Ruim and end his drug trafficking scheme. His real name is Carlos Roberto Dias (nicknamed Carlinhos in his youth), but he changed his name to Cristiano Ronaldo Schneider (named after the Portuguese footballer, and sometimes being referred to simply as "C.R.") when he decided to devote himself to the criminal world. He has a tragic past, having lost his family in childhood and separated from his sister Nair Dias. In his younger years he was best friends with Diego Arnaldo (Lesado) who encouraged him to ingest a mushroom that eventually led them to the Oracle that granted Coisa Ruim the evil essence of Vilano-san (after being temporarily possessed by his spirit) which resulted in Coisa Ruim forget about his tragic past and become the current criminal he is now. Despite being considered the main villain in the series, he is not at all evil, as he often comes to help the Bezerra family and related to escape problems. During the episodes he developed a love interest for Suelen to the point of showing a slight rivalry with Espinha for it.

Consuelo: Born as Donizete, she is Suelen's best friend being a transsexual prostitute who also lives in Lamento. She met Suelen when she started working at the La Cattin brothel. She has a love relationship with Robalhinho which Robalho disapproves of and tries to hide from the public. Consuelo remained working at the brothel until the saga "A Vida Continua" when she was hired to hosting the TV news replacing Ruthinha Shariar.

Juke and Box: Two Afro-brazilian twin boys who are the rap friends of Johan and also residents of Lamento. They often accompany Johan on his raps usually assisting him in beatboxing. Just like Otoridade, their real names are unknown, being often referred to by nicknames created by Bezerra. They have a mother named Dona Vitrola (lit.: Mrs. Record Player).

Dona Geralda: A running gag character. A middle-aged woman who is a neighbor of the Bezerra family and often suffers from bad luck. In each episode she is often seen being accidentally attacked, framed, or publicly humiliated, which leads the characters to frequently say "Poor Dona Geralda". Another running gag involving her is that Geralda is never seen speaking at any time, only giving a cry of despair and usually talking off screen.

Robalho: The corrupt and greedy senator from Urbanópolis who is one of Coisa Ruim's main allies. He is a reference to corrupt and greedy politicians who launder money, since his name is a pun with "roubar" (steal in portuguese). He is the father of Robalhinho and disapproves of his son's love for Consuelo, being also a conservative politician.

Ruthinha Shariar: A journalist with a squeaky voice who works hosting a news show for Rede Cubo (a parody of Rede Globo) normally giving the news about Urbanópolis. She is a parody of Rachel Sheherazade. She used to present the TV news until the saga "A Vida Continua" when Consuelo took her place in the host of the program causing Ruthinha to be demoted to another TV show.

Captain Nascimorto: The captain of the Urbanópolis police battalion, who, like Morrimento, is also a parody of Capitão Nascimento from the film Tropa de Elite. He is Coisa Ruim's main rival, wanting to capture him to put an end to his drug trafficking scheme. Just like Morrimento he is also characterized by his aggressive and threatening behavior, also being a humorous parody of Nascimento's personality.

Other characters[]

Dinho Star: One of Lesado's 3 parents and former lead singer of the seventies rock band Alfa Sigma. In his youth he was a famous and popular singer and also a friend of Bezerra, until he disappeared from the media shortly after the birth of his son. Dinho marked his debut in the crossover saga Transando esse Transa in 2013, remaining since then in the core of characters. His real name is Eduardo and together with the names of his deceased bandmates they form Lesado's full name.

Pedrão: A bricklayer with a mineiro accent who works for Odebroxa and is known to often mock people who appear walking in front of the construction site being accompanied by Jerônimo. He usually mocks people first by speaking exactly words that might make them angry (and pretending to be talking without noticing the person is around) and then disguises saying that he wasn't actually referring to such a person, but talking about something else and then disguises it by saying that he wasn't actually referring to such a person but talking about something else entirely and claiming to be in favor of the person he's mocking and making the person think that he had judged Pedrão wrong. He is married and is Pietra's father.

Jerônimo: Pedrão's co-worker, usually being portrayed as an unseen character in most episodes in which he appears. He often stays on the slab above helping Pedrão to make fun of the people who appear walking in front of the construction site where they work, however unlike Pedrão he tends to be naive and often does what Pedrão says. With time it was revealed that Jerônimo was the lost brother of Bezerra, who ended up losing memory after a accident in the past and had been found dead when in fact he had been found by Pedrão, with whom he started to live (curiously he appeared in the old episodes of Só Levando as a easter egg character in the backgrounds).


  1. ^ Sanchotene, Carlos Renan Samuel (2010). Mídia, humor e política: A charge da televisão. Editora E-papers. p. 35. ISBN 978-8-576-50275-3.
  2. ^ "Charges, tiras e animações recheiam a internet". . 20 February 2002.
  3. ^ "Flash turbina passatempo". 23 March 2002. Retrieved 11 February 2013.
  4. ^ Les Tribalistas fabriquent les tubes qui agitent les été brésiliens (in French), Le Monde, September 26, 2003
  5. ^ Editorial ≈ Archived October 8, 2006, at the Wayback Machine

External links[]

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