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A Chekist (Russian: чекист) in a narrow meaning is an agent of the Cheka (ChK), in a broader meaning the term can denote an agent of Cheka and its descendants - NKVD, KGB, FSB, SVR, Lubyanka (see Lubyanka Building). As the Soviet and Russian state-security organs changed in title, additional synonyms for chekist emerged, such as gebist (Russian: гэбист) or gebeshnik (Russian: гэбэшник), both meaning "state security guy", or kagebist (Russian: кагебист) and kagebeshnik (Russian: кагебешник), both meaning "KGB-guy".

Chekist may relate to:

  • Cheka, first of a succession of Soviet state-security organizations
  • Chekism, a term expressing the influence of Soviet state-security organizations
  • The Chekist, a 1992 Russian film
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