Chercher province

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Chercher also spelled as Charchar was a former province in Eastern Ethiopia.,[1] also known as Ahmar and West Hararghe, is the name given to mainly to the highland areas of West Hararaghe Zone, where the chains of Checher or Ahmar mountains extend inland[citation needed]. The capital of the former province was Chiro.[1]


In the 1923 regent Ras Tafari appointed Fit′awrari Tekle Hawariat Tekle Mariyam as governor of Chercher, a year later governor Tekle Hawariat founded the town of Chiro (known then under its old name Asebe Tafari.) and the new capital of the province.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Zewde, Bahru (2002). Pioneers of change in Ethiopia : the reformist intellectuals of the early twentieth century. Oxford, Athens, Addis Abeba: Oxford University Press, Ohio University Press, Addis Ababa University Press. pp. 57–64. ISBN 9780821414460. OCLC 469992008.

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