Christina of Sweden (disambiguation)

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Christina, Queen of Sweden was Queen regnant 1632.

Christina of Sweden may also refer to:



  • Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden, Swedish princess, died 1122
  • Christina, Swedish princess about 1166, daughter of King Carl I
  • Christina, Swedish princess (alleged), died 1252, daughter of King Sweartgar II
  • Christina, Swedish princess de facto around 1242 as the daughter of Jarl Birger of Sweden and his royal Swedish wife
  • Christina, Swedish princess (consort) 1302, married to Prince Valdemar, Duke of Finland
  • Christina, Swedish princess de facto 1448 as the daughter of King Carl II
  • Christina of Denmark, Swedish princess 1520
  • Christina, Princess of Sweden 1598, daughter of King Carl IX (died in infancy)
  • Christina Augusta, Princess of Sweden 1623, daughter of King Gustav II Adolph (died in infancy)
  • Christina Magdalen, Princess of Sweden 1654 as the sister of King Carl X Gustav
  • Princess Christina, Mrs. Magnuson, née Princess of Sweden 1943


  1. ^ With the titles of Queen of the Swedes, Goths (or Geats) and Wends[1] (Suecorum, Gothorum Vandalorumque Regina);[2] Grand Princess of Finland, and Duchess of Estonia, Livonia and Karelia,[3] Bremen-Verden, Stettin, Pomerania, Cassubia and Vandalia,[4] Princess of Rugia, Lady of Ingria and of Wismar.[5]


  1. ^ J. Guinchard (1914). Sweden: Historical and statistical handbook. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Söner. p. 188.
  2. ^ Stefan Donecker/Roland Steinacher (2009) Der König der Schweden, Goten und Vandalen. Königstitulatur und Vandalenrezeption im frühneuzeitlichen Schweden. In: Vergangenheit und Vergegenwärtigung. Frühes Mittelalter und europäische Erinnerungskultur. Ed. by Helmut Reimitz and Bernhard Zeller (= Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 14; Wien 2009).
  3. ^ Stolpe 1974 pp. 142 & 145
  4. ^ Stefan Donecker/Roland Steinacher, Rex Vandalorum. The Debates on Wends and Vandals in Swedish Humanism as an Indicator for Early Modern Patterns of Ethnic Perception. In: Der Norden im Ausland – das Ausland im Norden. Formung und Transformation von Konzepten und Bildern des Anderen vom Mittelalter bis heute, ed. Sven Hakon Rossel (Wiener Studien zur Skandinavistik 15, Wien 2006) 242–252
  5. ^ A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. by Whitlocke. 2005-12-28. Retrieved 10 July 2017 – via
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