Chronological list of saints in the 3rd century

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A list of 3rd-century saints:

Name Birth Birthplace Death Place of death Notes
Persecution under Septimus Severus (202–210) begins
Irenaeus 130 Smyrna 202 Lugdunum Bishop of Lyons
Leonides of Alexandria     202 Alexandria, Egypt; father of Origen
Plutarch, Potamiaena, and Companions     202 Alexandria, Egypt
Charalampias 89 Magnesia, Greece 203 Antioch, Pisidia
Gundenis     203 Carthage, Africa Province
Perpetua and Felicitas     203 Carthage, Africa Province
Zoticus of Comana     204   Bishop of Comana
Abdon and Sennen     205  
Basilides and Potamiana     205 Alexandria, Egypt
Andeolus   Smyrna 208 Viviers, Gaul
Serapion of Antioch     211   Patriarch of Antioch
Felix, Fortunatus, and Achilleus     212 Valence, Gaul introduced Christianity to Valence, Drôme
Ferreolus and Ferrutio     212  
Mavilus of Adrumetum     212 Adrumetum, Africa Province killed by wild beasts [1]
Narcissus of Jerusalem 100   212 Aelia Capitolina Syria Palaestina Patriarch of Jerusalem
Urciscenus     216   Bishop of Pavia (183-216)
Asclepiades of Antioch     217   Patriarch of Antioch (211-217)
Clement of Alexandria 150 Athens, Greece 217  
Zephyrinus   Rome, Roman Empire 217 Rome, Roman Empire Pope
Theodore, Philippa, and Companions     220 Pamphylia
Callixtus I (Callistus)     222 Todi, Roman Empire Pope
Asterius of Ostia     223 Ostia, Roman Empire
Martina of Rome     228 Rome, Roman Empire
Cecilia   Rome, Roman Empire 230 Sicily, Roman Empire
Tatiana of Rome   Rome, Roman Empire 230 Rome, Roman Empire
Thespesius     230 Cappadocia
Urban I   Rome, Roman Empire 230 Rome, Roman Empire Pope
Demetrius of Alexandria   Alexandria, Roman Empire 231   Pope of Alexandria
Calepodius     232  
Persecution under Maximinus the Thracian (235-38) begins
Andrew of Trier     235   Bishop of Trier
Barbara   Nicomedia, Roman Empire 235 Nicomedia, Roman Empire
Florentius and Felix     235 Furcona, Roman Empire
Pontian     235 Sardinia, Roman Empire Pope
Quiriacus     235   Bishop of Ostia
Anterus     236 Rome, Roman Empire Pope
Hippolytus 170 Rome, Roman Empire 236 Sardinia, Roman Empire
Orentius and Patientia   Osca, Hispania 240 Aragon, Hispania
Heraclas     247   Patriarch of Alexandria
Apollonia     249 Alexandria, Egypt
Cointha (Quinta)     249 Alexandria, Egypt
Cyriaca (Dominica) Rome, Roman Empire   249  
Monas     249   Bishop of Milan
Persecution under Decius (250-251) begins
Agabius     250   Bishop of Verona
Alexander of Fermo     250   Bishop of Fermo
Alexander     250  
Ammonaria (two women with the same name)     250  
Babylas of Antioch     250   Patriarch of Antioch
Barsimaeus     250   Bishop of Edessa
Bassus     250   Bishop of Nice
Cassian of Imola     250  
Castus and Emilius     250  
Christopher     250  
Cyril of Caesarea     250  
Denis, Rusticus and Eleutherius     250  
Epicharis     250  
Epimachus     250  
Fabian     250   Pope
Faustus, Abibus and Dionysius of Alexandria     250  
Felinus and Gratian     250  
Florentius     250  
Fusca and Marura     250  
Germanus     250  
Heliconis     250  
Heron     250  
Lucian and Marcian     250  
Macarius     250  
Macarius     250  
Maximus of Aquila     250  
Maximus of Nola     250   Bishop of Nola
Maximus of Ephesus     250  
Mercurius     250  
Metranus (Metras)     250  
Minias (Miniato)     250  
Moses (Moysetes)     250  
Moseus and Ammonius     250  
Myron     250   Bishop of Crete
Nemesion     250  
Papias     250  
Paramon and Companions     250  
Parasceva     250  
Parmenius     250  
Pionius     250  
Saturninus of Rome     250  
Saturninus (Sernin)     250   Bishop of Toulouse
Saturninus, Thrysus, and Victor     250  
Secundian     250  
Secundina     250  
Ten Martyrs of Crete     250  
The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus     250  
Troadius     250  
Venatius of Camerino     250  
Vissa     250  
Agatha     251  
Agatho     251  
Alexander     251   Bishop of Jerusalem
Alphius     251  
Caerealis and Sallustia     251  
Callinica and Basilissa     251  
Conon the Gardener     251   martyr
Galation (Galacteon) and Episteme     251  
Maximus and Olympiades (Olympias)     251  
Maximus     251  
Menignus     251  
Moses     251  
Myrope     251  
Nestor     251   Bishop of Magydos
Pergentinus and Laurentinus     251  
Peter of Lampsacus, Andrew, Paul, and Denise (Dionysia)     251  
Quintus, Simplicius, and companions     251  
Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinicus     251  
Trypho (Tryphon)     251  
Serapion     252  
Cornelius     253   Pope
Victoria of Tivoli     253  
Felician 160   254  
Lucius I     254   Pope
Messalina     254  
Martyrs of Saragossa     254 Zaragoza
Maximus     255  
Paternus     255  
Restituta     255  
Tarsicius     255  
Venantius     255   Bishop of Dalmatia
Rogatian     256  
Persecution under Valerian (257-59) begins
Anastasia II and Cyril     257  
Athanasius     257   Bishop of Tarsus
Basilla of Rome Rome 257 Rome
Dionysius, Faustus, Gaius, Peter, Paul and companions     257  
Eugenia     257  
Protus and Hyacinthus     257  
Quadratus of Herbipolis     257  
Rufina and Secunda     257  
Stephen I     257   Pope
Tertullinus     257  
Agapitus     258  
Codratus of Corinth, Dionysius, Cyprian, Anectus, Paul, and Crescens     258  
Crescentian     258  
Curomotus     258  
Cyprian     258   Bishop of Carthage
Jovinus and Basileus     258  
Lawrence of Rome 225   258  
Romanus Ostiarius     258  
Sixtus II, Pope and martyr, and Companions     258  
Saint Agapius of Spain     259  
Digna and Emerita     259  
Justin     259  
Patroclus     259  
Polyeuctus     259  
Felix of Nola     260  
Leo and Paregorius     260  
Martyrs of Utica     260  
Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander     260  
Regulus (Rieul, Rule)     260   Bishop of Civitas Silvanectium
Peregrine     261   Bishop of Auxerre
Agrippina     262  
Asterius     262 Caesarea Palaestina
Marinus, Roman soldier and martyr,     262 Caesarea Palaestina
Cassius     264  
(Anatolianus)     265  
(Tude)     265   Bishop of Besançon
Dionysius     265   Patriarch of Antioch
Dionysius     268   Pope
    268   Bishop of Bologna
(Cyrinus)     269  
Valentine     269  
Persecution under Aurelian (270-275) begins
Aurea     270  
Gregory Thaumaturgus (the wonderworker)     270   Bishop of Neocaesarea
Hermes     270  
Honestus     270  
Martha     270  
Paul and Juliana     270  
    270   Bishop of Fermo
Prisca     270  
Agapitus     272  
Priscus (Prix) and Companions     272  
Reverianus     272  
Sabas (the Goth)     272  
(Agape)     273  
Columba of Sens     274  
Felix I     274   Pope
Alexander the Charcoal-Burner     275   Bishop of Comana
Mamas     275  
Philomenus     275  
Trophimus     280   Bishop of Arles
Maximus     282  
Anatolius     283  
Cosmas and Damian     283  
Pelagius     283  
Chrysanthus and Daria     284  
Claudius     284  
Hilarius of Aquileia (Hilary of Panonia)     284   Bishop of Aquileia, Italy. Beheaded in the persecutions of Numerian
Maximilian     284   Bishop of Lorch
Thalelaeus     284  
(Theopompus), Bishop of Nicomedia and martyr, and Theonas     284  
Victorinus and Companions     284  
Castulus     286  
Crispin and Crispian     286  
Marcus and Marcellianus (Mark and Marcellian), deacons     286  
Piaton (Piat)     286  
Regina (Reine)     286  
Victor and Companions     286  
Victor and Ursus     286  
Zoe     286  
Alban     287  
Boniface of Tarsus     287  
Crescentian     287  
Faith (Foy, Fides)     287  
Maurice and Companions     287  
Maxentius     287  
Palmatius     287  
Quentin (Quintinius)     287  
Sabinus     287  
Valerius and Rufinus     287  
Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian     287  
Sebastian 257   288  
Donatian and Rogatian     289  
Apollinaris     290  
Firmus and Rusticus     290  
Hermes and Adrian     290  
Justin     290  
Lucian of Beauvais     290  
Paul     290   Bishop of Narbonne
Pompeius     290   Bishop of Pavia
Rhipsime, Gaiana, and Companions     290  
Serena     290  
Victor of Marseilles     290  
Aquilina     293  
Carpophorus     295  
Domnio     295  
Maximilian of Tebessa 273   295  
Rufus and Carpophorus     295  
Tiburtius and Susanna     295  
Urpasian     295  
Gabinus     296  
Caius     296   Pope
Octavius     297  
Primus and Felician     297  
Romanus of Samosata     297 Samosata, Syria
Marcellus the Centurion     298  
(Martha)     298  
Agrippinus     300   Bishop of Naples
Andrew the Tribune     300  
Autonomous     300  
Callistratus     300  
Clerus     300  
Dasius     300  
Epicharis     300  
Flavius     300   Bishop of Nicomedia
Hermes     300  
Hieron     300  
Jovinian     300  
Leontius     300  
Lucy and Geminian     300  
Lupercus (Luperculus)     300  
Marciana     300  
Memmius (Menge, Meinge)     300   Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne
Montanus     300  
Papas     300  
Papulus     300  
    300   Bishop of Meaux
    300   Bishop of Trier
Theonas     300   Patriarch of Antioch
(the Lawyer)     300  
Zeno     300  

See also[]

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