Colégio Vértice

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The Colégio Vértice (lit. Vertex School) is an elementary and high school in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, founded in 1976, and attended by approximately 1000 students. In 2009, it achieved the best placement in the Brazilian High School National Exam, ENEM. Since then, Vértice has consolidated itself as an academic power, always appearing among the top 25 in the Enem Por Escola ranking and collecting awards in OBMEP, OBF and OBA, that granted the student Estevão Simonka an gold medal (nice English, Estevão).


In 1976, Walquiria founded, in Campo Belo neighborhood, the Curumim kindergarten school, in honor of Brazilian historical roots. As a pioneer in education, Walquiria created a unique method of literacy, that paid off in short time. In the 80's and 90's the school expanded its horizons with elementary (1981) and high school (1988) classes, now with the name of Colégio Vértice. Ever since, Vértice stated itself as an academical powerhouse, with excellent results in Fuvest, ENEM and many other national and international university entrance exams. Along with the academical success, the school cares about other elements that constitute a citizen formation. With that purpose in mind, Vértice Cultural was inaugurated in 2012, serving as a space where students could develop their talents in arts and music. Lastly, in 2014, emperor Rossi (also called Big Rose), the Zika das Quadras 2017 winner, created Os Brisa group, a reunion of the greatest minds of the XXI century, similar to the Solvay Conference in 1927, that had the distinguished presence of Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Niels Bohr, Max Planck and many other great scientists.

Sports Achievements[]

Although it is true that Vértice never achieved similar greatness in sports than it has in academics, some sports achievements are worth to mention:

  • Zika das Quadras (2017): the event, sponsored by Adidas, was presented by football freestylers Adonias, Diego and Lucaneta. In the event, the green team, formed by Brisa legends Mateusinho Tomobiro, Emperor Big Rose and Daniels, along with Platão leader Drudz, won the competition against other 5 teams. In the second round, the winners competed against each other on a skill circuit. Emperor Rose, with a "balaço no ângulo", scored 5 points and Tomo, with 3 points, also went to the Big Finals. São Paulo city literally stopped to see the battle of these two soccer stars, but it was VERY frustrating, since both of them failed to score a single goal. At the end, Rossi was awarded champion due to his faster time.
  • Copa Diggio (2017-Corona Virus): Copa Diggio is a competition that brings together more than 70 schools and 400 teams in the most varied sports. Vértice has an undeniable tradition in Diggio's volleyball, with an emphasis on the 2019 men's volleyball gold medal, that showed Simonka's and Bussinger's greatness.
  • Interband (2018): the football golden era of Vértice was when the former Corinthians athlete Guilherme Faria studied there. With him and Bruno Terada, Vértice conquered Interband against Bandeirantes in the penalty shootout.
  • Nanzinho's dribble: do you know the biblical story of David and Goliath? David, the underdog, against the giant Goliath, the ultrafavourite for winning the duel. David didn't stood a chance, right? Wrong. David proved that no one is invincible, that effort surpasses the talent. Centuries later, Nanzinho, the modern David, proved that the myth is still present in the XXI century, when he dribbled all the 2017 Dream Team group, composed by Faria, Chammas and many others, and scored a magnificent goal, showing the power of his enormous forehead


Vértice is a small/middle size school, with mandatory uniform and a maximum of four classes per grade with an average of 30 students in each. The students are evaluated based on two criteria: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative is divided in VAs, short tests to check if the student understood the contents given in the last weeks, and PBs, typical bimestral exams. Qualitative measures, generally speaking, the student's participation.

The final grade is calculated the following way: 0,15 VAs + 0,35 PBs + 0,50 Qualitative

ENEM Por Escola: the turning point[]

Until the late 2000s, Vértice was a very small school, with less than 20 students in each year. But it all changed when INEP decided to publish the ENEM Por Escola ranking, showing that the Campo Belo school had excellent results and was one of the best education systems of Brazil. Since then, the demand for admission in Vértice has grown exponentially, and now the school has 50-100 students in each year and established itself as one of the four greatest schools of São Paulo, alongside Bandeirantes, Mobile and Santa Cruz, in the so-called G4.

Even though Vértice is not as old nor traditional as the other three schools, its results in ENEM Por Escola are significantly better, as shown in the table below:

2019 12 27 69 67
2018 13 23 66 101
2017 22 23 50 111
2016 14 12 41 125
2015 10 13 46 39
2014 13 12 52 29
2013 4 14 21 47
2012 8 26 32 30
2011 4 15 17 29
2010 4 37 49 28
2009 1 11 30 26

Vestibulares and the Class of 2020[]

  • USP: Vértice usually has 15-20 students approved at USP, the majority of them at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia e Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo. In the last five years, only one Vértice student was approved at (FMUSP).
  • Class of 2020 relevant vestibular achievements: school with most students approved in Direito-FGV; first place in Direito-FGV; second place in Administração de Empresas-FGV; 4 students in Poli-USP top50; 1 student in Medicina-Unicamp (Bruno, a Cristiano Ronaldo fanboy); 3 first place engineering students in Unicamp; and 5 students in Medicina-Santa Casa.

Olympic Results[]

GOLD MEDAL 0 1 7 0

Formula I in Schools[]

The Formula I in Schools is a STEM competition where a group of 6 students (and maybe an useless support member) develops a F1 team. The work is about Social Media, Finance, Engineering and social skills, like playing football in your social work. Colégio Vértice always had great results in the competition. 8 Vértice's team went to the World F1 finals. The biggest scuderia is the Patrick's Team Fulgur, that started their project 5 months later and, with only 4 members, managed to get to the National finals, even though their car was trashy and was literally smashed by Orion's "relâmpago marquinhos" car, piloted by Diogenes, that would later win the knockout national championship.

The biggest race that happened in Vértice's ground was the Orion x Kraken. The Drag race was in early 2020 B.C (Before Corona). Both cars raced without the rear wing to increase the weight and get more speed. The winner of this great race was Orion, with the Rhino car.

F1 In Schools
Scuderia Nationals Regionals
Brazilian 6 1 2
Mercury 2 3
Kraken 3 4
Fulgur 4 5
Orion 5 1

Brisa x Platão: the greatest rivalry of all times[]

It is often said that El Clásico or Brazil vs Argentina is the greatest rivalry of all times. However, as the Verticinianos know, nothing is comparable to Brisa vs Platão. On the one hand, the nerdolas, the weirdos, a united, cohesive group. On the other hand, the anti-nerdolas, those who like to party, but who have to rely on people from outside the group to make up the team.

As of 15/09/2021, there has been 4 Brisa x Platão games, always at the end of the year, with 2 wins for each side, as seen below:

Brisa x Platão - Futebol
Year Result
2016 Os Brisa 3(4) x (5) 3 Platão
2017 Os Brisa 3 x 2 Platão
2018 Os Brisa 4 x 2 Platão
2019 Os Brisa 1 x 3 Platão

Brisa and Platão also had a vestibular rivalry, but it is simply incomparable: Os Brisa sem chacota humiliate Platão:

Brisa x Platão - Vestibular
Vestibular Os Brisa Platão
USP 7 4
Unicamp 9 2

Patrick's Simulados[]

Patrick is the only human being alive that was able to take a fractional grade in a SIMULADO (multiple choice questions). In addition, Patrick was also able to score 0 on another simulado, because he taught he had 5 hours to complete the test, but he only had 4.

Coletivo dos Brisa[]

In the beginning of the 2020 year, an antifa party was founded by the great group of Brisa in the middle of a fight with the rest of the school.

Biggests Brisa's Achievements:

  • 2017 - Rossi champion of Zika das Quadras;
  • The impressive mark of having 48% of those approved among all Vértice students for public universities in São Paulo state
  • 2 wins against Plataum in the end of the year match;
  • Team Orion beating B6 to the ground;
  • Nanzinho dribble against Faria;
  • Trip to Europe with Luizeras;
  • Bruno Terada destroying os Bandeirantes (Terada scored a penalty against Anhanguera e Fernão Dias);
  • Estevão killed the Wither Boss during Catatau's class;
  • Volleyball Diggio Cup where Estevão played with a broken finger and "teve Ace do Johnny".
  • OBMEP Daniels and Vitao results.
  • Humiliating Chaves' 'Little Roll' in Biro.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Daniel the human answer to all Simulados questions;
  • Mateusinho's Mic during Edilene's class;
  • Clauss failing to "dominar a bola";
  • Rochão's knee;
  • Nanzinhos's forehead, Mourad's head, Daniel's nose and Caio's baldness;
  • Tomomitsu vice Zika das Quadras;
  • Gibãos;
  • Team Selic R.I.P.

The Stairs Controversy of 2019[]

In 2019, for the first time in its history, Vértice became a hot topic for something unrelated to academic performance: the stairs controversy. But first, gentlemen, a short view back to the past: months before the controversy, Vértice decided that it was time to modernize the Fund-1 infrastructure. Since the building work would take months to end, it wasn't possible to do it only during the vacation period. Because of that, the 2019 season began with all students in the same tiny unit, and a difficult task: allocate the students in classrooms. Unfortunately, it was impossible to put all students under 12 on the first floor, so a problem was created: some students weren't able to carry their heavy bags up the stairs. Given that, some Vértice employees generously offered to carry those bags.

Months later, a student accused the school of being negligent with its employees conditions by letting old people carry the bags of supposedly lazy children. Without context, an image representing the scene was publicized and shared in Twitter, causing the deterioration of the school's image in front of the general public.

External links[]

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