Dünamo (company)

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Dünamo (since 1968 Estonian full name: Dünamo" Eesti Vabariikliku Nõukogu Eksperimentaal-suusavabrik) was an Estonian company which produced skis, tennis and badminton rackets.[1]

The company established in 1944.[1]

1970s and 1980s the company was one of the biggest skis producers in Soviet Union. In 1977 the company started to produce plastic skis; being the first in Soviet Union.[2]

In 1979 the company has 314 workers, and 1986 has 359 workers.[2][1]

In 1989 the company was re-organised into the company Desurek which in 1999 went into bankruptcy.[3]


  1. ^ a b c ENE, II volume, Tallinn: Valgus, 1987, page. 185
  2. ^ a b Tallinn. Lühientsüklopeedia. Tallinn: Valgus, 1979, page 284
  3. ^ "Kohus keelas kinnisvaratehingud suusavabriku endise hoonega". Ärileht. Retrieved 6 July 2021.

External links[]

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