Dafne in lauro

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Dafne in lauro (Daphne as a laurel tree) is a chamber opera, a componimento per camera, composed by Johann Joseph Fux to a libretto by Pietro Pariati and performed for the imperial court before dinner on 1 October 1714 in the Favorita garden, Vienna, for the birthday of Emperor Charles VI.[1] The opera is based on the myth of Apollo and Daphne.


  • Apollo, with four arias, alto castrato – Gaetano Orsini (1667–1750)
  • Dafne, also with four arias – Maria Conti-Landini
  • Diana, soprano – Regina Schoonjans
  • Amore, sixteen-year-old soprano castrato – Giovanni Vincenzi
  • Mercurio, tenor – Silvio Garghetti


  • Dafne in lauro, Mieke van der Sluis, Lina Akerlund, Gérard Lesne, Silvia Piccolo, Martin Klietmann. Clemencic Consort & La Capella Vocal Ensemble; René Clemencic; recorded 1990, Paris, 2CD Nuova Era
  • Dafne in lauro, Ensemble 415 Chiara Banchini 2CD 2021 Arcana


  1. ^ Harry White, Johann Joseph Fux and the Music of the Austro-Italian Baroque, 2017. "This was Dafne in Lauro, which was first performed in the Favorita garden before dinner on 1 October, 1714." The two main roles, Apollo and Dafne, with four arias each, were sung by Orsini and Maria Conti-Landini; the soprano part, Diana, was ... the sixteen-year-old soprano castrato Giovanni Vincenzi played Amore – often sung by boys – and the tenor Garghetti sang the role of Mercurio.
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