Daniel Coronell

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' 'Daniel Alfonso Coronell Castañeda' (Bogotá, October 25 of 1964) is a Colombian journalist. He has been news director of RCN, Noticias Uno and president of Noticias de Univision, the Hispanic network in the United States, until August 1, 2021. For twelve consecutive years he has been chosen as the most read columnist by opinion leaders in Colombia by the independent study carried out by the firm Cifras y Conceptos. His column was published by Semana magazine and now by the Los Danieles portal where he shares with Daniel Samper Ospina, Antonio Caballero, Ana Bejarano and Daniel Samper Pizano. Coronell has uncovered some of the great scandals of recent years. Among others, the case of Yair Klein, the negligence of the Colombian government to guard Pablo Escobar during his incarceration, revealed the calls that linked Ernesto Samper with , and numerous complaints related to the former president including the ilegal purchase of parliamentary votes that allowed his re-election, a scandal known as yidispolitica. Álvaro Uribe. [1],

Coronell was the victim of multiple threats that forced him into exile. [2] In the 2002 received threats after publishing that, in 1984, a helicopter belonging to President Álvaro Uribe's father had been found in a coca laboratory in Tranquilandia. The aircraft had obtained its license when Álvaro Uribe was director of the . [3] [4] [5] [6] In September 2005, Coronell had to leave the country and live in exile for two years for r death threats made to him and his family. [7]

Career path[]

Coronell is a social communicator and journalist for the . He studied in Switzerland and Spain. He has been a professor at the Universities Javeriana, Externado de Colombia and the . He was a Senior Research Fellow of the Knight Fellowship of the Stanford University, as well as a researcher and visiting professor (senior visiting scholar) of the University of California, in .

Threats and exile[]

Coronell is known for his positions in the Colombian and world news. His writings have criticized the government of the former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez and the paramilitary leaders.

In August 2005, he went into exile in United States, along with his wife, also a journalist María Cristina Uribe and his daughter. Coronell had received death threats through phone calls, funeral wreaths, and email s. According to Coronell's own research, [8] confirmed by the authorities, the former congressman , who resides in Spain and is mentioned by

Education and career[]

Coronell graduated at the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogotá and majored in journalism at the Universidad Externado de Colombia. He specialized in Switzerland and Spain.

He also wrote an opinion column for the weekly news magazine Semana. He has taught at the Javeriana and Externado de Colombia universities and has been a member of the teaching staff for the Masters Program on Journalism at the Universidad de los Andes. He is a senior research fellow at Stanford University and senior visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley.

Exile and return[]

On August 2005 he had to go into exile with his wife, journalist and anchorwoman María Cristina Uribe (who at the time presented Noticias Uno), and their daughter. His loved ones had been persistently threatened through phone calls, funeral wreaths and anonymous e-mails.

Coronell and his family decided to come back to Colombia in July 2007, where a few months later, as a result of his columns and TV reports critical of President Uribe's government, he had an improvised argument with the latter on-the air, through La FM, a national radio network.


Coronell has been awarded with six Emmy awards and the prestigious Simón Bolívar National Journalism Award on seven occasions:

  • 1987: Best TV Chronicle
  • 1989: Best Journalistic Report
  • 1992: Best Cultural Report
  • 2007: Best Opinion Column
  • 2008: Best TV News Follow-up Report and Best Investigative Report for TV
  • 2013: Journalist of the year

In 2009 he was granted the highest award for a TV investigative report by the Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano - Cemex, for "Un crimen casi perfecto" (An Almost Perfect Crime) together with a team of journalists from Noticias Uno. The program was broadcast in 2007. In 2009, he was honored with an Oxfam Novib/PEN Award.[9]

See also[]


  1. ^ https://lasillavacia.com/quienesquien/perfilquien/daniel-coronell
  2. ^ https://www.elespectador.com/entrentación/arteygente/gente/los-exilios-de-daniel-coronell-articulo-598515
  3. ^ https://www.elespectador.com/opinion/las-licencias-de-uribe-columna-752711
  4. ^ https://www.elespectador.com/opinion/las-otras-licencias-de-uribe-columna-754138
  5. ^ https://books.google.fr/books?id=32FgGZwEtF8C&pg = PA317 & lpg = PA317 & dq = license + when +% C3% 81lvaro + Uribe + was + manager + of + a +% 5B% 5BAeron% C3% A1utica + Civil% 5D% 5D & source = bl & ots = Mch7N0bQ_v & sig = ACfU3U2jAsUM2Q6God3plmIW0Y08ZT3H8w & hl = en & sa = X & ved = 2ahUKEwjTv_6cuefoAhVvzoUKHVCRDMQQ6AEwAnoECAsQLw # v = onepage & q = license% 20when% 20% C3% 81lvaro% 20Uribe% 20era% 20director% 20of% 20la% 20% 5B% 5BAeron% C3% A1utica% 20Civil% 5D% 5D & f = false
  6. ^ https: / /www.ivancepedacastro.com/uribe-les-otorgo-licencias-a-pilotos-de-narcotraficantes-and-as-socio-de-la-empresa-del-banquero-del-cartel-de-medellin-condenado-por -the-murder-of-guillermo-cano /
  7. ^ https://lasillavacia.com/quienesquien/perfilquien/daniel-coronell
  8. ^ Daniel Coronell, Discovering the executioner, Semana , June 27, 2005
  9. ^ "Irakli Kakabadze among the recipients of the Oxfam Novib/PEN Award". ICORN. November 2009. Archived from the original on April 20, 2012. Retrieved September 10, 2012.

External links[]

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