Discharge of radioactive water of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

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Water is stored in three types of facilities though there are occasional leaks.[1] Two varieties of above-ground water tanks are seen at the back, and the workers are working in an underground storage pool.[2]

Radioactive waste water has been discharged into the Pacific Ocean since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, triggered by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 in Japan. Most of the radioactive materials came from immediate leaks into the atmosphere, 80% of which eventually deposited over the Pacific (and over some rivers).[3] Leakage to groundwater has persisted since the disaster and was only first admitted by the nuclear plant in 2013.[4] Water treatment began that year as the "Advanced Liquid Processing System" become operable,[5] which is capable of removing most radionuclides except notably tritium.[6] In 2021, the Japanese cabinet approved the dumping of radioactive water into the Pacific over a course of 30 years.

Discharge to groundwater by leakage[]

Abukuma River was banned from fishing for 10 years for radioactivity reasons. It reopened in April 2021.[7]

Initially, as of June 2011, the biggest threat was the leakage of caesium from the nuclear reactors into the Pacific. Over time, groundwater became the main source for leaks. While soil naturally absorbs the caesium in groundwater, strontium and tritium flow more freely through the soil into the ocean.[8]

Despite repeated denial of leaks,[9] the operator of the nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), on 22 July 2013 finally admitted that leaks to groundwater had been happening, something long suspected.[4][10] It was later determined the leaks came from the water tanks from 2013 to 2014.[1] Since then, TEPCO has had a record of being dishonest on its figures and has lost the public trust.[11][12][13][14] For instance, in 2014, TEPCO blamed its own measuring method and revised the strontium in a groundwater well in July 2013 to be 5 million becquerels per liter, which is 160,000 times the standard for discharge.[15]

The UNSCEAR report in 2020 concluded "Direct release of about 60 TBq [terabecquerel, 1012 Bq] of Caesium-137 in ground water draining from the site up to October 2015, when measures were taken to reduce these releases, and about 0.5 TBq per year thereafter".[3]

Deposition on river[]

The indirect deposition to rivers come from the earlier direct discharge to the atmosphere. "Continuing indirect releases of about 5 to 10 TBq [terabecquerel, 1012 Bq] of Caesium-137 per year via rivers draining catchment areas", according to the UNSCEAR report in 2020.[3]

Discharge to ocean by dumping[]

Sea water sampling supervised by IAEA staff (left).

Immediately after the disaster[]

On 5 April 2011, the operator of the nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), discharged 11,500 tons of untreated water into the Pacific Ocean in order to free up storage space for water that is even more radioactive. The untreated water was the least radioactive contaminated among the stored water, but still 100 times the legal limit.[16][17] In May 2011, another 300,000 tons of untreated radioactive water were dumped to free water tanks.[18]

The UNSCEAR report in 2020 determined "direct releases in the first three months amounting to about 10 to 20 PBq [petabecquerel, 1015 Bq] of Iodine-131 and about 3 to 6 PBq of Caesium-137".[3] About 82 percent having flowed into the sea before 8 April 2011.[19]

Government final approval in 2021[]

Prime Minister Suga holding a bottle of treated radioactive water and was affirmed "after diluting it would be drinkable". Fukushima plant, 2020.[20][21]

Since the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the nuclear plant has accumulated 1.25 million tonnes of waste water, stored in 1,061 tanks on the land of the nuclear plant, as of March 2021.[22] It will run out of land for water tanks by 2022.[22] It has been suggested the government could have solved the problem by allocating more land surrounding the power plant for water tanks, since the surrounding area had been designated as unsuitable for humans. Regardless, the government was reluctant to act.[23][24][25] Mainichi Shimbun criticized the government for showing "no sincerity" in "unilaterally push[ing] through with the logic that there will no longer be enough storage space"[11]

On 13 April 2021, the Cabinet of Prime Minister Suga unanimously approved that TEPCO dump the stored water to the Pacific Ocean over a course of 30 years. The Cabinet asserted the dumped water will be treated and diluted to drinkable standard.[26][27] The idea of dumping had been floated by Japanese experts and officials as early as June 2016.[5]

Treatment of water (2013-)[]

One of the three types of water storage facilities at the power plant.[2]

Water dumped before 2013 was not treated. Water treatment began in March 2013 as "Advanced Liquid Processing System" (ALPS, Japanese: 多核種除去設備) become operable.[5] ALPS was designed to remove radionuclides; however, it cannot remove tritium, an isotope of hydrogen.[6]

The treatment process began by pouring 400 metric tonnes of water everyday into the damaged reactor buildings to cool them from nuclear meltdown. In addition, another 400 metric tonnes of groundwater was seeping into the basements of buildings and became radioactive contaminated each day. Therefore, 800 tonnes of water was pumped out every day and treated for caesium removal and desalination. While half of the water pumped out was reused for cooling the reactors, the remaining 400 tonnes ended up in storage tanks.[28] As of 2020, the resulted contaminated water reduced to 170 metric tonnes per day.[6] 20% of the water had been treated to the required level as of September 2018, according to TEPCO.[29]

Reactions to dumping[]

Official nuclear science panels[]

  • The Japanese expert panel "ALPS subcommittee", set up by Prime Minister Abe, released a report in January 2020 which calculated that discharging all the water to the sea in one year would cause a radiation dose of 0.81 microsieverts to the locals, therefore it is negligible as compared to the Japanese' natural radiation of 2,100 microsieverts per year.[30] Its calculations was endorsed by IAEA.[31]
  • A South Korean official report in 2020 found the treated water had "no problem in terms of science".[32][33] On 26 April 2021, Korean Nuclear Society published a separate report along the same line.[34][35]

Japanese public[]

  • A panel of public policy professors pointed out the lack of research on the harmful effects of tritium. It also criticized the government being insincere on accepting alternative disposal proposals as the proposals were always shelved after "procedural" discussion.[12]
  • A survey by Asahi Shimbun in December 2020 found, among 2,126 respondents, that 55% of Japanese opposed dumping and 86% worried about international reception.[36]
  • The Fukushima Fishery Cooperatives was given written promises by TEPCO's CEO in 2015 that TEPCO would not dump the water before consulting the fishery industry.[37] The Cooperatives felt bypassed and betrayed by the government's decision.[5]

International reactions[]

  Japan   In support   In opposition
In opposition
  • Baskut Tuncak, United Nations's Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights, wrote on Japan's Kyodo News that "The communities of Fukushima [...] It is their human right to [...] not be exposed deliberately to additional radioactive contamination. Those rights should be fully respected and not be disregarded by the government in Tokyo. [...] It saddens me to think that a country that has suffered the horrors of being the only country on which not one but two nuclear bombs would continue on a such a path in dealing with the radioactive aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster."[38] Greenpeace and five other UN Rapporteurs, respectively, issued condemnation echoing those sentiments.[39][40]
  • The Pacific Islands Forum expressed deep concerns and urged Japan to rethink its decision on the discharge of the ALPS Treated Water.[41]
In support
  • International Atomic Energy Agency's top official Rafael Grossi reached a consensus with the Japanese on 23 March 2021, three weeks before the Japanese announced its decision to dump the water.[5]
  • U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated on 13 April 2021, “We thank Japan for its transparent efforts in its decision to dispose of the treated water”.[27] US Climate Envoy John Kerry expressed support.[51]

Discharge to atmosphere[]

Caesium-137 concentration in the air, 19 March 2011

Among all radioactive materials discharged, most came from leaks into the atmosphere immediate after the disaster, which 80% eventually deposit over the Pacific (and some over rivers), according to the UNSCEAR report in 2020.[3] Specifically, "The total releases to the atmosphere of Iodine-131 and Caesium-137 ranged generally between about 100 to about 500 PBq [petabecquerel, 1015 Bq] and 6 to 20 PBq, respectively. The ranges correspond to about 2% to 8% of the total inventory of Iodine-131 and about 1% to 3% of the total inventory of Caesium-137 in the three operating units (Units 1–3)".[3]

Environmental effects[]

General opinion[]

"There is consensus among scientists that the impact on health is minuscule, still, it can't be said the risk is zero, which is what causes controversy", Michiaki Kai, a Japanese nuclear expert, told AFP.[52] Scientists and officials claiming the treated water to be scientifically safe are generally met with skepticism as they refuse to consume the treated water themselves.[53] Also, presenting the science alone has yet to gain public trust, as TEPCO has a history of being dishonest on leaks while the government's attitude was deemed insincere by the public.[11][12][13][14]

Data on concentrations[]

Concentrations declined faster in coastal waters than in coastal sediments. By 2013, the concentrations of caesium-137 in the Fukushima coastal waters were around the level before the accident. However, coastal sediments are "influenced by inputs of caesium-137 bound to clay minerals in sediments. The inventory of caesium-137 in coastal sediments is now thought to exceed the inventory in the overlying water column, and the sediments could provide a long-term source of caesium-137 in seawater."[54]

Data on marine foods indicates their radioactive concentrations are falling towards initial levels. 41% of samples caught off the Fukushima coast in 2011 had caesium-137 concentrations above the legal limit (100 becquerels per kilogram), and this had declined to 0.05% in 2015.[54] United States Food and Drug Administration stated in 2021 that "FDA has no evidence that radionuclides from the Fukushima incident are present in the U.S. food supply at levels that are unsafe".[55] Yet, presenting the science alone has not helped customers to regain their trust on eating Fukushima fishery products.[13]

Comparison to other nuclear facilities[]

As of April 2021, total amount of tritium stored in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is about 860 terabecquerels (TBq). In comparison to the discharge of tritium from nuclear facilities across the world, see the table below. In 2018, La Hague reprocessing plant in France discharged 11,460 TBq of tritium, which is more than 13 times the total amount of tritium stored in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.[56] From 2010 to 2020, nuclear power plants in South Korea discharged a total of 4,362 TBq of tritium, which is more than 5 times the total amount of tritium stored in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.[57]

Annual discharge of tritium from nuclear facilities[56]
Location Nuclear facility Closest
 United Kingdom Heysham nuclear power station B Irish Sea 396 2.1 398 2019
 United Kingdom Sellafield reprocessing facility Irish Sea 423 56 479 2019
 Romania Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Black Sea 140 152 292 2018
 France La Hague reprocessing plant English Channel 11,400 60 11,460 2018
 South Korea Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant and others Sea of Japan 211 154 365 2020[58]
 Taiwan Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant Luzon Strait 35 9.4 44 2015
 China Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant Taiwan Strait 52 0.8 52 2020
 China Sanmen Nuclear Power Station East China Sea 20 0.4 20 2020
 Canada Bruce Nuclear Generating Station A, B Great Lakes 756 994 1,750 2018
 Canada Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Great Lakes 220 210 430 2018
 Canada Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Units 1-4 Great Lakes 140 300 440 2015
 United States Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units1, 2 Pacific Ocean 82 2.7 84 2019

See also[]

  • 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
  • 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster
  • London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
  • Nuclear power in Japan


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Shozugawa, Katsumi; Hori, Mayumi; Johnson, Thomas E. (2020). "Landside tritium leakage over through years from Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant and relationship between countermeasures and contaminated water". Scientific Reports. 10 (19925).
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b "TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (02813326)". IAEA Imagebank. 2013-04-17.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f "Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Annex B Advance Copy)" (PDF). United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. November 2020. p. 104-105. Retrieved 14 April 2021.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Kiger, Patrick J. (2013-08-09). "Fukushima's Radioactive Water Leak: What You Should Know". National Geographic News.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e "漁業者「国も東電も信用できない」 6年前の約束はどこへ 福島第一原発の汚染処理水海洋放出" [The Fishery industry says both Japan and TEPCO are not trustworthy. Written promises made 6 years ago were broke]. Tokyo Shimbun. 2021-04-13. Archived from the original on 2021-04-13.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b c McCurry, Justin (2020-10-16). "Japan to release 1m tonnes of contaminated Fukushima water into the sea – reports". The Guardian.
  7. ^ "阿武隈川で10年ぶり釣り解禁 国の出荷制限解除の魚種". NHK. 2021-04-01. Archived from the original on 2021-04-01.
  8. ^ Hsu, Jeremy (2013-08-13). "Radioactive Water Leaks from Fukushima: What We Know". Scientific American.
  9. ^ Adelman, Jacob. (7 August 2013) Abe Pledges Government Help to Stem Fukushima Water Leaks. Bloomberg. Retrieved on 6 September 2013. Archived 2 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine
  10. ^ Fukushima Plant Admits Radioactive Water Leaked To Sea. Huffingtonpost.com. Retrieved on 6 September 2013. Archived 17 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b c "Editorial: Japan's decision to release Fukushima plant water into sea leaves many doubtful". Mainichi Shimbun. 2021-04-14. Archived from the original on 2021-04-14.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b c ; Mitsuta, Kanna; Gotō, Manashi (2021-04-11). "福島第一原発のALPS(多核種除去設備)処理汚染水海洋放出問題についての緊急声明". 原子力市民委員会 [Citizens' Commission on Nuclear Energy]. Tokyo. Archived from the original on 2021-04-11.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b c 千葉雄登 [Chiba, Yuto] (2021-04-13). "処理水の海洋放出はいつから?安全なの?漁業への影響は?知っておくべき3つのポイントと専門家の願い". Buzzfeed News Japan. Archived from the original on 2021-04-16.
  14. ^ Jump up to: a b "(社説)処理水の放出 納得と信頼欠けたまま" [(Editorial) The discharge of treated water moves forward without the trust and convincement of the public]. Asahi Shimbun. 2021-04-14. Archived from the original on 2021-04-13.
  15. ^ "TEPCO to review erroneous radiation data". NHK World. 9 February 2014. Archived from the original on 9 February 2014.
  16. ^ Westall, Sylvia (4 April 2011). "Japan to dump 11,500 metric tons of radioactive water The wastewater facility had 11,500 tons of water stored (by 10 April 8900 tons had been pumped into the sea)". Reuters.
  17. ^ Radiation fallout from Fukushima plant will take "months" to stop. Asahi.com (4 April 2011). Retrieved on 30 April 2011.
  18. ^ http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201105120189.html TEPCO drowning in dealing with tons of radioactive water Archived 16 May 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  19. ^ Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (26 October 2011). "Synthèse actualisée des connaissances relatives à l'impact sur le milieu marin des rejets radioactifs du site nucléaire accidenté de Fukushima Dai-ichi" (PDF) (in French). Retrieved 3 January 2012. La valeur ainsi obtenue est de 27.1015 Bq, la majorité (82 %) ayant été rejetée avant le 8 avril. [2.7 × 1016 Bq of caesium-137 (about 8.4 kg) entered the ocean between 21 March and mid-July 2011, about 82 percent having flowed into the sea before 8 April 2011]
  20. ^ 大月規義 (2020-11-03). "原発の処理水、菅首相「飲んでもいい?」 東電の説明は" [Prime Minister Suga asks if the treated radioactive water is drinkable. Here is TEPCO's response]. Asahi Shimbun.
  21. ^ 佐藤侑希 (2020-09-26). "福島視察の菅首相「飲めるの?」 多核種除去設備で処理した汚染水を渡され". Sankei Biz.
  22. ^ Jump up to: a b "Government OKs discharge of Fukushima nuclear plant water into sea". Japan Times. 2021-04-13.
  23. ^ Clark, Aaron; Stapczynski, Stephen (2021-04-13). "Why Japan Is Dumping Water From Fukushima in the Sea". Bloomberg News – via Washington Post.
  24. ^ "One million tons of nuclear sewage from Fukushima, Japan will be discharged into the Pacific Ocean? International organizations warn". YCNews. 2020-10-25. Translated from "大海是生命的摇篮,不是垃圾箱,福岛核污水入海或损害人类" [Ocean is the cradle of life, not a rubbish bin]. 中央广电总台央视新闻客户端 [China Central Television News Channel app]. 2020-10-25. Archived from the original on 2021-04-14.
  25. ^ Burnie, Shaun (2021-04-14). "Greenpeace: Japan must reverse decision". Greenpeace East Asia. Archived from the original on 2021-04-14 – via China Daily English.
  26. ^ "Fukushima: Japan approves releasing wastewater into ocean". BBC. 2021-04-13.
  27. ^ Jump up to: a b Clark, Aaron (2021-04-12). "U.S. Friends Join China in Ripping Japan Plan on Fukushima Water". Bloomberg News.
  28. ^ "Japan seeks outside help for contaminated water". World Nuclear News. 26 September 2013. Retrieved 18 September 2019.
  29. ^ Agency for Natural Resources and Energy [資源エネルギー庁] (2018-10-25). "安全・安心を第一に取り組む、福島の"汚染水"対策①「ALPS処理水」とは何?「基準を超えている」のは本当?". Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Japan.
  30. ^ "The subcommittee on handling of the ALPS treated water report" (PDF). Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. 10 February 2020. pp. 12, 16, 17, 33, 34. Retrieved 10 April 2020.
  31. ^ "IAEA follow-up review of progress made on management of ALPS treated water and the report of the subcommittee on handling of ALPS treated water at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station" (PDF). International Atomic Energy Agency. 2 April 2020. p. 8. Retrieved 10 April 2020.
  32. ^ Joongang Ilbo offers a trilingual news coverage on this.
  33. ^ 후쿠시마 원전 오염수 관련 현황 [Impact of the Contaminated Water at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant], 15 October 2020, South Korean government taskforce led by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission.
  34. ^ "Korean Nuclear Society Dismisses Concerns over Fukushima Water Release". KBS World. April 26, 2021.
  35. ^ "원자력학회 "日 후쿠시마 오염수 방류해도 피폭 영향 미미" 주장" [The Nuclear Society argues, "Even if discharged from Japan's Fukushima contaminated water, the impact of exposure is negligible."]. Korea Economic Daily. April 26, 2021.
  36. ^ "処理水海洋放出、反対55% 風評被害に不安、86% 朝日新聞社世論調査". Asahi Shimbun. 2021-01-03.
  37. ^ Naomi, Hirose (2015-08-25). "東京電力(株)福島第一原子力発電所のサブドレン水等の排水に対する要望書に対する回答について" [Reply to the list of demands regarding the water discharge of Fukushima Daiichi Plant] (PDF). Tokyo Electric Power Company. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-10-17.
  38. ^ Tuncak, Baskut (2020-07-08). "Fukushima nuclear waste decision also a human rights issue". Kyodo News English version. Japan. Archived from the original on 2020-07-13.
  39. ^ Greenpeace International (13 April 2021). "The Japanese government's decision to discharge Fukushima contaminated water ignores human rights and international maritime law". Greenpeace.
  40. ^ Two statements issued by United Nations's Special Rapporteur:
  41. ^ "Statement by Dame Meg Taylor, Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Regarding the Japan Decision to Release ALPS Treated Water into the Pacific Ocean – Forum Sec". Retrieved 2021-04-29.
  42. ^ 나운채 (2021-04-13). "정부, 日 후쿠시마 오염수 방류에 "일방적 조치…강한 유감"" [The South Korean government express regret to Japan's unilateral decision to dump treated radioactive water]. JoongAng Ilbo. Archived from the original on 2021-04-14.
  43. ^ "N. Korea slams Japan over decision to released contaminated Fukushima water". Korea Herald. Korea Herald. 15 April 2021. Retrieved 2021-04-15.
  44. ^ "日本政府2021年4月13日閣僚會議後決定將福島含氚廢水分批排入海中,原能會表示遺憾". Atomic Energy Council of Taiwan. 13 April 2021.
  45. ^ McCurry, Justin (13 April 2021). "Fukushima: Japan announces it will dump contaminated water into sea". The Guardian.
  46. ^ Guenot, Marianne (14 April 2021). "Russia joins China and South Korea in expressing 'serious concern' at Japan's plan to release waste water from the Fukushima nuclear disaster". Business Insider.
  47. ^ Panti, Llanesca (15 April 2021). "Palace calls on Japan to follow laws on releasing wastewater into ocean". GMA News.
  48. ^ 오석민 (2021-05-11). "S. Korea, New Zealand share concerns over Japan's Fukushima water release plan". Yonhap News Agency. Retrieved 2021-05-12.
  49. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h 김승연 (2021-04-23). "S. Korea, Central American countries express 'deep concerns' over ocean discharge of harmful materials". Yonhap News Agency. Retrieved 2021-04-28.
  50. ^ Herald, The Korea (2021-04-24). "S. Korea, Mexico share concerns about Japan's Fukushima decision". www.koreaherald.com. Retrieved 2021-04-28.
  51. ^ "S.Korea, U.S. show differences over Japan's Fukushima plans". Reuters. 2021-04-18. Retrieved 2021-04-18.
  52. ^ "Understanding the plan to release treated Fukushima water". Agence France-Presse. 2021-04-13 – via France 24.
  53. ^ Taylor, Adam (2021-04-14). "China to Japanese official: If treated radioactive water from Fukushima is safe, 'please drink it'". Washington Post.
  54. ^ Jump up to: a b "Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Annex B Advance Copy)" (PDF). United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. November 2020. p. 34. Retrieved 14 April 2021.
  55. ^ "FDA Response to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Facility Incident". U.S. Food and Drug Administration. April 14, 2021.
  56. ^ Jump up to: a b "Basic policy on handling of the ALPS treated water" (PDF). Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. 13 April 2021.
  57. ^ "Radiation safety information". Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power.
  58. ^ "2020년도 원전주변 환경방사능 조사 및 평가보고서" [2020 Environmental Radiation Survey and Evaluation Report Around Nuclear Power Plant]. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power. 26 April 2021. p. 25.

External links[]

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