Duncan Shaw

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Duncan Weld Shaw is a former British Columbia Supreme Court justice who served on the court from 1987 to 2007. He was also a litigation lawyer from 1958 to 1987, appearing before numerous courts and tribunals, including the Supreme Court of Canada. In his role as a judge, he attracted particular public attention for his ruling in R. v. Sharpe that certain provisions of the child pornography laws of Canada were unconstitutional. [1]

Shaw is also a self-taught theoretical scientist. He has developed concepts and published papers on the physical cause of gravity [2, 3 and 4]; the revival of James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of aether as the medium that transmits light [5]; a mechanical explanation of entanglement [6 and 7]; the underlying physical base of the quantum mechanics theory [6 and 7]; and the unification of gravity, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and entanglement [7]. He has also authored papers on the fundamental structure of atoms [8] and the mechanical cause or causes of inertia [9].

Personal life[]

1932: Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

1950-1956: Educated in Arts and Sciences and Law at the University of British Columbia.

1953-1964: Pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force Reserves.

1958-1987: Practice of law as a litigation lawyer.

1961: Married to Patricia Nan Shaw (nee. Gardner).

1967: Birth of daughter, Madeleine Shaw.

1969: Birth of son, Keith Shaw.

1981: Fellow of American College of Trial Lawyers.

1987-2007: Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

2001 to present: Research and author of papers in area of theoretical physics.


1.  Ian Bailey (January 21, 1999), Child Porn Judge Considered Student of the Law (http://www.efc.ca/pages/media/cp.21jan99.html), Canadian Press.

2.  The Cause of Gravity: A Concept, Phys. Essays 25, 66 (2012).

3.  Flowing Aether: A Concept, Phys. Essays 26, 523 (2013).

4.  Outflowing Aether, Phys. Essays 29, 485 (2016).

5.  Reconsidering Maxwell’s Aether, Phys. Essays 27, 601 (2014).

6.  Aether Explanation of Entanglement, Phys. Essays 31, 29 (2018).

7.  On Maxwell’s 1865 Theory of Aether: A Step Toward Unity, Phys. Essays, 33, 256 (2020).

8.  On the Structure of Atoms, Proceedings of the JCNPS, (2015), Vol. 1, p. 112

9.  On the Cause or Causes of Inertia, Proceedings of the JCNPS, (2015), Vol. 1, p.109

External links[]

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