Dutch philosophy

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Dutch philosophy is a broad branch of philosophy that discusses the contributions of Dutch philosophers to the discourse of Western philosophy and Renaissance philosophy. The philosophy, as its own entity, arose in the 16th and 17th centuries through the philosophical studies of Desiderius Erasmus and Baruch Spinoza. The adoption of the humanistic perspective by Erasmus, despite his Christian background, and rational but theocentric perspective expounded by Spinoza, supported each of these philosopher's works.[1][2] In general, the philosophy revolved around acknowledging the reality of human self-determination and rational thought rather than focusing on traditional ideals of fatalism and virtue raised in Christianity.[3] The roots of philosophical frameworks like the mind-body dualism and monism debate can also be traced to Dutch philosophy, which is attributed to 17th century philosopher René Descartes. Descartes was both a mathematician and philosopher during the Dutch Golden Age, despite being from the Kingdom of France.[4] Modern Dutch philosophers like D.H. Th. Vollenhoven provided critical analyses on the dichotomy between dualism and monism.[5]

In general, Dutch philosophy is characterised by a discussion of the importance of rational thought and humanism with literary links to religion, specifically Calvinism and biblical criticism thereof. Modern Dutch philosophers in the 20th century like Gerrit Mannoury have also, in addition to discussions on humanism, placed an emphasis on the connection between science and Dutch philosophy.[6]

Influence on Dutch philosophy[]

Thought of Desiderius Erasmus[]

Quinten Massys, Desiderius Erasmus,c.1517.

Desiderius Erasmus's influence on Dutch philosophy is marked by his contributions to the discourse of Christian humanism, which highlights a philosophy that synthesises the humanistic perspective of self-determination with classical Christian traditions of virtue.[7] At the core of his philosophical teachings, Erasmus promulgated the religious doctrine of docta pietas (English: learned piety), which Erasmus believed was the 'Philosophy of Christ'.[7] Erasmus, further expanded upon this notion in Julius Excluded from Heaven (Latin: Julius exclusus e coelis), as cited in The Erasmus Reader where:

"Our great master did not come down from heaven to earth to give men some easy or common philosophy. It is not a carefree or tranquil profession to be a Christian."[8]

Erasmus also wrote a large collection of ten critical essays titled Opera Omnia, which explore critical views on topics that range from education on the philosophy of Christian humanism in the Dutch Republic to his personal translation of the New Testament that consisted of his humanistic-influenced annotations.[9][10] He grounded these annotations through extensive readings of Church Fathers writings.[11] Erasmus further commented in Enchiridion militis Christiani (Latin: Handbook of a Christian Knight) that the readings can equip people with a more advanced understanding of Christian humanism.[12] The book was written in order to highlight the divergence of theological education from classical antiquity, which incorporated a philosophy on morals and ethics, practised in the Dutch Republic during the 16th century.[11][12] Erasmus further argued that detailed knowledge of classical antiquity would correspond to people having greater knowledge of the 'Philosophy of Christ' and therefore, have some knowledge of Christian humanistic philosophy.[13]

Thought of Baruch Spinoza[]

Portrait of Baruch de Spinoza, c.1665.

The development of Dutch philosophy was one that expounded the fallacy behind God's metaphysical nature and in general, God's existence. These fallacies are attributed to the writings of Baruch Spinoza.[14] With lacking affiliations to any religious institution and university, a direct consequence of being excommunicated by his local Sephardic community in Amsterdam for the aforementioned views, Spinoza pursued his philosophical studies with a degree of independence.[15] Spinoza's philosophical works, the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (also referred to as the Theologico-Political Treatise), which was Spinoza's only work published during his lifetime, contributed to his influence on Dutch philosophy.[16] The Theologico-Political Treatise discusses the relevance of Calvinist theology in the Dutch Republic by commenting how the Bible should be interpreted exclusively on its own terms by extracting information about the Bible from only what is directly evident in the text. Spinoza also raised the need to avoid the formulation of hypotheticals about what the Bible may assume, referred to as his hermeneutic principle.[17] Additionally, in this work, Spinoza advocated for the practice of libertas philosophandi ( Latin: freedom to philosophise) which emphasises the importance of philosophy that is void of any external religious or political constraint.[18]

Ethics—published after his death—garnered Spinoza scholarly attention, as he was one of the first Dutch philosophers during the Renaissance period that gave criticism to long-standing perspectives on God, the universe, nature and the ethical principles that grounded them.[19] Spinoza incorporated metaphysical and anthropological conceptions to support his conclusions.[20] This work, together with others, led to Spinoza being ostracised from the Jewish community in Amsterdam because he devalued the commonly held belief that God should not be "feign a God, like man, consisting of a body and mind, and subject to passions."[21]

Spinoza further extended this belief in his Propositions in Ethics by commenting on the nature of human desire as one that is interrelated with the mind's pathema (Ancient Greek: passions).[22] In conjunction, the human desire and pathema contributed to what Spinoza argued was an affect of the human body, which grant humans the capability to achieve some state of perfection.[23][24] Modern Dutch philosopher Theo Verbeek further comments that Spinoza's commentaries on the affect, in addition to the practice of libertas philosophandi, contributed to Renaissance Dutch philosophy.[25]

Dualism and Monism in Dutch philosophy[]

Descartes's diagram on the complexities underlying the function of mind-body dualism.

The dualism and monism philosophical frameworks are a dimension of the philosophy of mind with their roots traced to Dutch philosophy. René Descartes described the dualism framework as one that makes a distinction between the two primary substances constituting human beings: the mind (soul) and body.[26] Similarly, D.H.Th. Vollenhoven further expanded upon this notion through his explanation of anthropological dualism, which focuses on gauging from what exact sources do the mind and body originate from.[5] On the contrary, the monism framework argues that all substances originate from one source where Descartes extended this through Cartesian dualism. He stated that a core attribute is that they are created by God or rather require some "immediate concurrence in all things."[27]

Spinoza's philosophy on the dualism was antithetical to Descartes, as he argued that instead of the mind and body being classed as substances that are distinct from one another, they are meant to be classified as one whole entity and are thus, interdependent on each other's functioning.[28] Portuguese-American neuroscientist Antonio Damasio supports Spinoza's idea by making a connection between the mind and body that one does not exist without the other and therefore, require to co-exist.[29] He further comments how these philosophical commentaries contributed to Spinoza's influence on Dutch philosophy.[29] Spinoza also posited in Ethics that the only one extended substance in existence is the entire world, which consists of every form of matter in existence.[30] Spinoza considered human beings to be a subset of this one substance and are considered as an "extension" of the body.[31] A degree of mutual understanding among the two philosophers on this debate is found in their commentaries on the primary attribute of the mind and the body-the former being thought, while the latter, being extension.[32] The commonality in understanding lies in Descartes's discussion of each attribute exhibiting the "nature and essence" of all substances in Principia Philosophiae, where Spinoza similarly argued in Ethics that the core property of the one substance is that it too constitutes some form of essence.[32][33]

Rationalism in Dutch philosophy[]

The front cover of René Descartes's Principia philosophiae, c.1644.

Rationalism, which also stems from Renaissance Dutch philosophy, is credited to the studies of Descartes. He described his formal rationalist principles in Meditations on First Philosophy.[34] Descartes's publication of the Principia Philosophiae in 1644 was synonymous with providing the first linkage between rationalism, natural philosophy and natural science. The philosophical view of rationalism and studies of natural philosophy and science, according to Dutch philosopher L. E. J. Brouwer, contributed to academic commentaries on Dutch philosophy in the 20th century.[35][36] His rational worldview contrasted Calvinist principles on the laws of nature taught by theologians at universities in the Dutch Republic.[37] Specifically, in 1640, Dutch theologian Gisbertus Voetius argued that Descartes's mind-body dualism framework does not consider God's creation of the world and is therefore, antithetical to the teachings of Calvinism.[38][39] Distinct to Descartes' philosophy and by extension, Dutch philosophy, was the recognition of rationalistic philosophy.[39] This was grounded by, according to Descartes, a "well-directed intelligence...and distinct that absolutely no doubt is left about that which we understand."[40][41]

A particular attribute of this rationalistic philosophy that can be traced to Descartes's works is the concept of 'transparency of the mind' to which American philosopher Gary Hatfield states that the mind does not have any correlation with the material world, as it is subject to constant perception and indirect realism.[42] This extends to Hatfield further arguing that Descartes acknowledged in his understanding of rationalistic philosophy that a core condition of this concept is that if the mind is conscious, it is ultimately aware of its own thoughts and mental states.[42] The distribution of these commentaries on rationalism by Descartes throughout the Renaissance period is credited to the studies of philosophy undertaken in Utrecht University and Leiden University in the Dutch Republic during the 17th century.[43]   

Additionally, in the Low Countries, which consists of the Netherlands, the philosophy became driven by discussions on vernacular rationalism in the 17th and 18th centuries.[44] This type of rationalism revolved around a cultural avant-garde discussion of the country's widely accepted ethics, the implications of unfamiliarity with rationalism and that reason should dictate all modes of human behaviour.[45] Vernacular nationalism, studied in the Netherlands, was a by-product of the humanist studies that were led by Renaissance intellectual figures like Spinoza. Dutch historian Ruben Buys, in his thesis Sparks of Reason, explains that this type of rationalism is closely related and has its roots in Renaissance humanism which prioritises human dignity and self-determination over Christian classicism.[45]

Science and Dutch philosophy[]

Evert Willem Beth's The Foundations of Mathematics book cover (1958).

Despite the scientific and rational contributions of Spinoza and Descartes to Renaissance Dutch philosophy, interest in the parallel between science and Dutch philosophy also resurfaced in the 20th century.[46] James W. McAllister, the current Academic Director of the Philosophy of Science department at Leiden University, has contributed to discussing the influences of scientific thinking on Dutch philosophy with literary links to the Dutch Significs Group.[46] They brought to the fore the study of analytic philosophy, which used criticism to suggest that methodology, with the support of intuitionistic logic, should be incorporated to discuss the relationship between science and Dutch philosophy.[47] Many works detailing this relationship were published in journal publications like Synthese (1936), the book series Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics (1958) as well as studies by intellectual figures like Gerrit Mannoury and Evert Willem Beth, whose works are still archived in Amsterdam and Haarlem and are yet to be analysed.[48] Mannoury assisted in advancing this scholarly interest in the relationship between science and Dutch philosophy by taking a critically interdisciplinary approach to his studies of logic and language in philosophy.[49]

Gerrit Mannoury, c.1917.

Signifist thinkers placed an emphasis on establishing a distinction between intuitionistic logic and linguistics of mathematics, where the latter, according to Dutch mathematician Johan de Iongh, should guide any discussion of 'mathematical activities' in Dutch scientific philosophy.[50] Mannoury further added to this discourse through his commentaries in Erkenntnis (German: knowledge recognition), a journal of philosophy that focuses on scientific philosophy and epistemology.[51][52] He discusses that any form of communication by philosophers in their studies, either through logical semantics or language of mathematics, should incorporate psychologism (categorised by Mannoury as "mysticism"), in their respective philosophical writings.[53] Mannoury commented on the relevance of psychologism, as he argued that its critical understanding would provide greater knowledge of self-consciousness for all philosophers, irrespective of their speciality areas in philosophy.[54] Mannoury's philosophical readings also had a role in educating the public about the Significs group with some of his commentaries cited in a 1953 edition, volume 16 of the Winkler Prins, which formerly was the largest Dutch encyclopaedia until 1993.[55][56]

The education of Beth, who completed his PhD at University of Amsterdam in 1935 on natural sciences, was supported by the Marburg School's ideas of neo-Kantianism.[51] This school of thought commented on the need for a distinction between psychology and philosophy, whereas other signifist thinkers like Mannoury argued that the two academic fields should complement each other in discussions of science in Dutch philosophy.[57] Members of the Society for Critical Philosophy, which was the Dutch branch of the school, upheld a rational view on the empirical philosophy of mathematics.[51] Beth, who was a member, published an academic paper in 1933 highlighting that the "critical method" in "the construction of philosophy" should revolve around studies of intuitionistic logic without any influence of psychology.[58] He further commented that this logic is closely interrelated with any discourse on science in Dutch philosophy, as practised by the Significs. This is because, according to Beth, intuitionistic logic acts as a foundational component of scientific discussions in Dutch philosophy.[59][60]


  1. ^ Caspari, Fritz (1947). "Erasmus on the Social Functions of Christian Humanism". Journal of the History of Ideas. 8 (1): 78–106. doi:10.2307/2707442. ISSN 0022-5037. JSTOR 2707442.
  2. ^ Melamed, Yitzhak Y. "Spinoza's Anti-Humanism: An Outline". The Rationalists: Between Tradition and Innovation: 147–166.
  3. ^ "Humanism- Erasmus Center for Early Modern Studies". www.erasmus.org. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  4. ^ Mehta, Neeta (2011). "Mind-body Dualism: A critique from a Health Perspective". Mens Sana Monographs. 9 (1): 202–209. doi:10.4103/0973-1229.77436. ISSN 0973-1229. PMC 3115289. PMID 21694971.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b Friesen, J. Glenn (2005). "Dooyeweerd Versus Vollenhoven: The Religious Dialectic within Reformational Philosophy". Philosophia Reformata. 70 (2): 102–132. doi:10.1163/22116117-90000355. ISSN 0031-8035. JSTOR 24709586. S2CID 143078395.
  6. ^ van Dantzig, D. (1956-01-01). "Mannoury's impact on philosophy and significs". Synthese. 10 (1): 423–431. doi:10.1007/BF00484684. ISSN 1573-0964. S2CID 46958067.
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b Rummel, Erika (2017), "Desiderius Erasmus", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2017 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2019-05-06
  8. ^ d. 1536, Erasmus, Desiderius; Erasmus, Desiderius (1990). The Erasmus Reader. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 9780802068064.
  9. ^ Olin, John C.; Erasmus, Desiderius (1979). Six Essays on Erasmus and a Translation of Erasmus' Letter to Carondelet, 1523. Fordham Univ Press. ISBN 9780823210244.
  10. ^ Erasmus; Brown, Andrew J. (2001). Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Secundus. Huygens instituut/Brill. ISBN 9780444509420.
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b Linkels, Nicole (Summer 2013). "Philosophy and Religion in service of the Philosophia Christi" (PDF). Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy. 5: 44–55 – via Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b O'Donnell, Anne M. (1980). "Rhetoric and Style in Erasmus' "Enchiridion militis Christiani"". Studies in Philology. 77 (1): 26–49. ISSN 0039-3738. JSTOR 4174027.
  13. ^ Celenza, Christopher S. (2008). "Humanism and the Classical Tradition". Annali d'Italianistica. 26: 25–49. ISSN 0741-7527. JSTOR 24016271.
  14. ^ Bidney, D. (1936). "Value and Reality in the Metaphysics of Spinoza". The Philosophical Review. 45 (3): 229–244. doi:10.2307/2180136. ISSN 0031-8108. JSTOR 2180136.
  15. ^ Nadler, Steven (2001). "The Excommunication of Spinoza: Trouble and Toleration in the "Dutch Jerusalem"". Shofar. 19 (4): 40–52. doi:10.1353/sho.2001.0116. ISSN 0882-8539. JSTOR 42943396. S2CID 159622294.
  16. ^ Steinberg, Justin (2019), "Spinoza's Political Philosophy", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2019 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2019-05-07
  17. ^ Strauss, Leo (1947). "How to Study Spinoza's "Theologico-Political Treatise"". Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research. 17: 69–131. doi:10.2307/3622164. ISSN 0065-6798. JSTOR 3622164.
  18. ^ Cook, Thomas (2012). ""Libertas Philosophandi" and Freedom of Mind in Spinoza's "tractatus Theologico-Politicus"". Tijdschrift voor Filosofie. 74 (2): 215–240. ISSN 1370-575X. JSTOR 23530396.
  19. ^ Seidel, Esther (2001). "SPINOZA". European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe. 34 (1): 57–69. ISSN 0014-3006. JSTOR 41443516.
  20. ^ De Dijn, Herman (1986). "Conceptions of Philosophical Method in Spinoza: Logica and Mos Geometricus". The Review of Metaphysics. 40 (1): 55–78. ISSN 0034-6632. JSTOR 20128418.
  21. ^ Clarke, Desmond M.; Wilson, Catherine (2011-01-27). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe. OUP Oxford. ISBN 9780199556137.
  22. ^ LeBuffe, Michael (2015), "Spinoza's Psychological Theory", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2015 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2019-05-27
  23. ^ "17th and 18th Century Theories of Emotions > Spinoza on the Emotions (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)". plato.stanford.edu. Retrieved 2019-05-27.
  24. ^ Jaquet, Chantal; Reznichenko, Tatiana (2018). Del Lucchese, Filippo (ed.). Affects, Actions and Passions in Spinoza: The Unity of Body and Mind. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474433181. JSTOR 10.3366/j.ctv7n09xx.
  25. ^ Rosenthal, Michael A. (2007-04-24). "Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise: Exploring 'The Will of God' (review)". Journal of the History of Philosophy. 45 (2): 334–335. doi:10.1353/hph.2007.0046. ISSN 1538-4586. S2CID 145089633.
  26. ^ Gorham, Geoffrey (1994). "Mind-Body Dualism and the Harvey-Descartes Controversy". Journal of the History of Ideas. 55 (2): 211–234. doi:10.2307/2709897. ISSN 0022-5037. JSTOR 2709897. PMID 11639919.
  27. ^ Clatterbaugh, Kenneth (1995). "Cartesian Causality, Explanation, and Divine Concurrence". History of Philosophy Quarterly. 12 (2): 195–207. ISSN 0740-0675. JSTOR 27744659.
  28. ^ Morrison, John (2018). Spinoza on Mind, Body, and Numerical Identity. New York City: Columbia University Press. pp. 1–5.
  29. ^ Jump up to: a b Damasio, Antonio R. (2004). Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain. Vintage. ISBN 9780099421832.
  30. ^ DE DIJN, HERMAN (2013). "Spinoza on Truth, Religion, and Salvation". The Review of Metaphysics. 66 (3): 545–564. ISSN 0034-6632. JSTOR 23597943.
  31. ^ Odegard, Douglas (1971-11-01). "The Body Identical With the Human Mind: A Problem in Spinoza's Philosophy". The Monist. 55: 579–601. doi:10.5840/monist197155428. Retrieved 2019-05-26.
  32. ^ Jump up to: a b Long, Christopher P. (2001). "The Rhetoric of the Geometrical Method: Spinoza's Double Strategy". Philosophy & Rhetoric. 34 (4): 292–307. doi:10.1353/par.2001.0019. ISSN 0031-8213. JSTOR 40238099. S2CID 53555959.
  33. ^ Clarke, Desmond M.; Wilson, Catherine (2011-01-27). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe. OUP Oxford. ISBN 9780199556137.
  34. ^ Gillespie, Alex (2006-12-01). "Descartes' Demon: A Dialogical Analysis of Meditations on First Philosophy" (PDF). Theory & Psychology. 16 (6): 761–765. doi:10.1177/0959354306070527. hdl:1893/705. S2CID 144046196.
  35. ^ Bertrand, Ester. "The Balance between Determinism and Freedom in the Philosophy of René Descartes". Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  36. ^ Stump, David (2005). Rationalism in Science. London: Blackwell. pp. 408–424. ISBN 9780470996904.
  37. ^ Hatfield, Gary (2018), "René Descartes", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2018 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2019-05-28
  38. ^ "Voetius". Reformed Forum. Retrieved 2019-05-28.
  39. ^ Jump up to: a b Goudriaan, Aza (2016-12-15). Lehner, Ulrich L; Muller, Richard A; Roeber, A. G (eds.). "Descartes, Cartesianism, and Early Modern Theology". The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600-1800. 1: 532–549. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199937943.013.37. ISBN 9780199937943.
  40. ^ Adam, Charles & Tannery, Paul (1897). Oeuvres de Descartes. Paris: Éditions du Cerf. p. 371.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  41. ^ Mursell, James L. (1919). "The Function of Intuition in Descartes' Philosophy of Science". The Philosophical Review. 28 (4): 391–409. doi:10.2307/2178199. ISSN 0031-8108. JSTOR 2178199.
  42. ^ Jump up to: a b Hatfield, Gary (2011), Busche, Hubertus (ed.), "Transparency of Mind: The Contributions of Descartes, Leibniz, and Berkeley to the Genesis of the Modern Subject", Departure for Modern Europe: A Handbook of Early Modern Philosophy (1400-1700), Felix Meiner Verlag, pp. 361–375, retrieved 2019-05-26
  43. ^ Nadler, Steven M. (1994). "Descartes and the Dutch: Early Reactions to Cartesian Philosophy, 1637-1650 (review)". Journal of the History of Philosophy. 32 (4): 672–673. doi:10.1353/hph.1994.0077. ISSN 1538-4586. S2CID 145587235.
  44. ^ CORDIS, European Commission (2015-01-31). "The contribution of Dutch philosophy to the Enlightenment". CORDIS. Retrieved 2019-05-08.
  45. ^ Jump up to: a b Buys, Ruben (2015). Sparks of Reason: Vernacular Rationalism in the Low Countries, 1550-1670 (Bibliotheca Dissidentium Neerlandicorum). Hilversum, The Netherlands: Uitgeverij Verloren. pp. 90–145. ISBN 978-9087045159.
  46. ^ Jump up to: a b McAllister, James W. (1997). "Philosophy of Science in the Netherlands". International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 11 (2): 191–204. doi:10.1080/02698599708573563. hdl:1887/10360.
  47. ^ Muller, F.A. (24 April 2015). "Study group History of Dutch Scientific Philosophy". OZSW. Archived from the original on 24 April 2015. Retrieved 2019-05-06.
  48. ^ Troelstra, A. S.; Ulsen, P. van (1999), Gerbrandy, J.; Marx, M.; Rijke, M. de; Venema, Y. (eds.), "The Discovery of E.W. Beth's Semantics for Intuitionistic Logic", Jfak. Essays Dedicated to Johan van Benthem on the Occasion of His 50th Birthday, Vossiuspers, Amsterdam University Press, retrieved 2019-05-12 (online article). Paul van Ulsen wrote a doctoral thesis on Beth's logic work: E.W. Beth als logicus (Amsterdam, 2000).
  49. ^ Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko (2009). "Significs and the Origins of Analytic Philosophy". Journal of the History of Ideas. 70 (3): 467–490. doi:10.1353/jhi.0.0043. ISSN 0022-5037. JSTOR 20621903. S2CID 145385478.
  50. ^ Iongh, J. J. De (1949). "Restricted Forms of Intuitionistic Mathematics". Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy. 2: 744–748.
  51. ^ Jump up to: a b c Visser, Henk (1998–1999). "E.W. Beth and the logical empiricists". Philosophia Scientiae. 3 (4): 49–76.
  52. ^ "Erkenntnis (1975-) on JSTOR". www.jstor.org. Retrieved 2019-05-28.
  53. ^ Koetsier, Teun; Bergmans, Luc (2004-12-09). Mathematics and the Divine: A Historical Study. Elsevier. ISBN 9780080457352.
  54. ^ Van Dantzig, D. (1956). "Mannoury's Impact on Philosophy and Significs". Synthese. 10a: 423–431. ISSN 0039-7857. JSTOR 20114256.
  55. ^ Mannoury, Gerrit (2015), Broekman, Jan M.; Catá Backer, Larry (eds.), "Signs in Law - A Source Book", Signs In Law - A Source Book: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education III, Springer International Publishing, pp. 41–42, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09837-1_5, ISBN 9783319098371
  56. ^ Staal, J. F. (1965). "E. W. Beth". Dialectica. 19 (1/2): 158–179. doi:10.1111/j.1746-8361.1965.tb01455.x. ISSN 0012-2017. JSTOR 42971783.
  57. ^ Barth, Else (1998–1999). "Beth's philosophical intentions. An introduction". Philosophia Scientiae. 3 (4): 3–29.
  58. ^ Beth, Evert Willem (Summer 1933). "Critiek van Vredenduin's" (PDF). Wijsbegeerte der Wiskunde (Philosophy of Mathematics). 17: 214–218 – via Philosophia Scientiae.
  59. ^ van Ulsen, Paul (2016-01-14). "The Birth Pangs of DLMPS". Archived from the original on 2016-01-14. Retrieved 2019-05-28.
  60. ^ Dieks, Dennis (2011). "E. W. Beth as a philosopher of physics". Synthese. 179 (2): 271–284. doi:10.1007/s11229-010-9782-7. ISSN 0039-7857. JSTOR 41477419.

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