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EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V.) is a non-profit association seeking to enhance evaluation and quality assurance of informatics study programmes and education in Europe.[1] It was founded on January 9, 2009 in Düsseldorf, Germany. EQANIE develops criteria and procedures for the evaluation and quality assurance in informatics study programmes and education. EQANIE awards the so-called Euro-Inf Quality Label to degree programmes that comply with the Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria. As of 2021, informatics study programmes from 21 different countries have been accredited. [2]


EQANIE’s founding is to be seen against the background of the Bologna Process, aiming at the creation of a European Higher Education Area. The association emanated from the informal network of stakeholders involved in the Euro-Inf Project co-financed by the European Union under the Socrates-Programme from 2006 until 2008. The Euro-Inf consortium comprised the German Accreditation Agency , Hamburg UAS, the University of Paderborn and the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (). The project consortium established and tested the so-called Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria for Informatics Programmes in Europe.[3] The rights of ownership and copyright on the assessment tools developed by the Euro-Inf Project are held by EQANIE.

Main objectives of EQANIE in the area of accreditation and quality assessment are:

  • Improving the quality of educational programmes in informatics;
  • providing the Euro-Inf Quality Label[4] for accredited educational programmes in informatics;
  • facilitating mutual transnational recognition by programme validation and certification;
  • facilitating recognition by the competent authorities, in accord with the EU directives and other agreements;
  • increasing mobility of graduates as recommended by the Lisbon Strategy

The key principle of Euro-Inf accreditation is that all graduates of a Euro-Inf accredited degree should have undertaken a defined set of learning activities and should have achieved a broadly defined set of learning outcomes. The Framework represents a quality threshold; those degree programmes that have demonstrated compliance are awarded the Euro-Inf Bachelor / Euro-Inf Master Label.

The Accreditation Process[]

An Institution wishing to have one or more of its degrees accredited has to select between two different paths:

  • The institution may submit an application to the General Secretary of EQANIE that includes a self-assessment report, compiled in accordance with the Euro-Inf guidelines, a matrix showing how the modules that make up each degree programme satisfy the Eur-Inf expected Learning Outcomes, and supporting documentation that includes the module descriptors, short CV's of academic staff, etc.[5] An audit team studies the documentation and visits the institution. After the visit, the Secretariat prepares a report which is sent to the Institution to be checked for factual accuracy. The auditors then submit their assessment to the Accreditation Committee which decides on the outcome. For a positive decision, the degree is added to the list of accredited degrees on the EQANIE website ([3] www.eqanie.eu).
  • EQANIE has also appointed three national agencies the authority to award the Euro-Inf labels on its behalf, namely ASIIN in Germany, BCS in the UK, and ANECA in Spain.[6]


The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of EQANIE. It is composed of one delegate per EQANIE member-organization. The General Assembly meets at least once a year.

The Executive Board is appointed by the General Assembly for a period of three years. Members of the Executive Board may be re-elected once. After Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heiß and Prof. Dr. Eduardo Vendrell, Prof. Dr. Liz Bacon is currently the President of EQANIE.


  1. ^ "CEPIS Upgrade, The european journal for the informatics professional, Vol. X, No.1" (PDF). CEPIS. February 2009. Retrieved January 1, 2014.
  2. ^ "EQANIE Homepage". February 2021. Retrieved February 23, 2021.
  3. ^ Muth, F. and Mujacic, S., "Results of the first Trial-Accreditations Lessons Learned for the Euro-Inf Project, in: Informatics Education Europe II, Developments in South-East and East Europe", 2007, "[1]", Retrieved March 24th, 2010
  4. ^ "EQANIE Accreditation Committee invites requests for the Euro-Inf Quality Label, in: www.eua.be, All members & partners news", April 8th, 2010, "[2]", Retrieved April 12th, 2010
  5. ^ "Quality Label".
  6. ^ "Authorised Agencies".

External links[]

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