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Orange tree sponge ("Echinoclathria dichotoma") with crab at Dreadlocks Reef, near Cape Town. The white polyps on the left are "Parazoanthus", which is often found growing on sponges. The sponge crab is probably "Pseudodromia latens" under the cover of a colonial ascidian which it carries for protection.
Orange tree sponge (Echinoclathria dichotoma) with crab at , near Cape Town. The white polyps on the left are Parazoanthus, which is often found growing on sponges. The sponge crab is probably Pseudodromia latens under the cover of a colonial ascidian which it carries for protection.
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Porifera
Class: Demospongiae
Order: Poecilosclerida
Family: Microcionidae
Subfamily: Ophlitaspongiinae
Genus: Echinoclathria
Carter, 1885

Echinoclathria is a genus of demosponge in the family Microcionidae.[1]


Species in the genus include:[1]

  • (Tanita, 1968)
  • (Schmidt, 1880)
  • Sarà, 1978
  • (Dendy, 1896)
  • Hooper, 1996
  • (Hentschel, 1929)
  • (Carter, 1885)
  • (Hallmann, 1912)
  • Sarà, 1978
  • Echinoclathria dichotoma (Lévi, 1963)
  • (Lendenfeld, 1888)
  • (Row, 1911)
  • Wiedenmayer, 1989
  • (Keller, 1889)
  • (Hallmann, 1912)
  • (Lamarck, 1814)
  • Hooper, 1996
  • (Burton, 1959)
  • Carter, 1885
  • Hooper, 1996
  • (Tanita, 1963)
  • (Bergquist & Fromont, 1988)
  • Hooper, 1996
  • (Lendenfeld, 1887)
  • (Bergquist & Fromont, 1988)
  • Hooper, 1996
  • (Ridley, 1884)
  • (Keller, 1889)
  • Carter, 1885
  • (Pulitzer-Finali, 1978)
  • Lehnert, Stone & Heimler, 2006
  • de Laubenfels, 1954


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