El Líbero

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El Líbero
Founder(s)Hernán Büchi[1]
José Antonio Guzmán
Gabriel Ruíz-Tagle
Eduardo Sepúlveda[2][1]
Carlos Kubick
FoundedSeptember 2014; 7 years ago (2014-09)
Political alignmentLiberal democracy

El Líbero is a Chilean online newspaper founded in 2014. Its boosters were the journalist Eduardo Sepúlveda,[3][1][2] the former minister of sports of Sebastián Piñera, Gabriel Ruiz-Tagle, and Hernán Büchi, former minister of Augusto Pinochet[1] and one of the main collaborators of El Líbero.[4][5]

Despite its denounced bias[6][7][8] —identified as neoconservative by scholar works[9]—, the newspaper has some content which have been prized,[10] for example, the investigation of its Venezuelan journalist Emily Avendaño[11] about the links of Odebrecht courruption with Nicolás Maduro, work which was awarded in 2018 by the Inter American Press Association.[12]


According to Sepúlveda, the reason why El Líbero was established with its name have relation with the Italian word Libero,[2] which means «libre» in Spanish[2] (and «free» in English). Likewise, in interview with Canal 13, Sepúlveda mentioned that the inspiration was related with the Roman god of freedom, Liber, whose name refers to being able to move freely, one of the goals of this e-newspaper in words of Sepúlveda.[2]

Ideology and criticism[]

In its beginnings, the medium was popularly known as the «right-wing CIPER».[2][1] Similarly, centre-left figures like Álvaro Elizalde (Socialist Party) has been described to El Líbero as an «UDI pasquinade» in reference to the right-wing party Unión Demócrata Independiente.[6] In a similar way, far-left media also has described to El Líbero as a «(reactionary) pasquinade».[13] By the other hand, El Líbero has gained notoriety for its relationship with Sebastián Piñera,[7] who they campaigned for during the 2017 Chilean general election through books of Mauricio Rojas. Likewise, and once Piñera was in the power, members of his own government ―like Mario Desbordes― have criticized the influence of Cristián Larroulet would exert with El Líbero to generate persuasion in the president[14] towards subsidiary or libertarian policies.

Notable columnists[]

See also[]

Further reading[]


  1. ^ a b c d e "Eduardo Sepúlveda, director de El Líbero: "Hay una situación muy anómala en Chile: los medios se ignoran entre sí"". Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. 2 October 2014. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "El desarrollo profesional del periodista Eduardo Sepúlveda". Canal 13. 26 November 2019. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  3. ^ "Eduardo Sepúlveda, director de "El Líbero": "No somos defensores de ningún partido"". Puro Periodismo. 30 October 2014. Retrieved 9 September 2021.
  4. ^ "Büchi y sus socios inyectaron 400 millones a portal El Líbero". Radio Cooperativa. 27 March 2019. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  5. ^ "Las apuestas de Hernán Büchi, el hombre con más directorios en Chile contra quien la SVS presentó cargos". El Mostrador. 1 April 2015. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  6. ^ a b "Elizalde desmiente aumento en sueldos de intendentes y califica a El Líbero como "pasquín de la UDI"". El Mostrador. 23 November 2014. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  7. ^ a b "El Libero y PwC ya le están haciendo campaña a Piñera". El Mostrador. 7 July 2016. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  8. ^ "Medio digital de ultra derecha es el que financió libro de Mauricio Rojas que dijo que "el Museo de la Memoria es un montaje"". Cambio 21. 11 October 2018. Retrieved 16 September 2021.
  9. ^ Navarro 2019, p. 129.
  10. ^ In the case of its journalist, Emily Avendaño, there have been notes published by her in El Líbero that are directly related to the prized work «El caso Odebrecht: corrupción y despilfarro en Venezuela» (The Odebrecht case: corruption and waste in Venezuela).
  11. ^ "Periodista de El Líbero gana premio de la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa por reportaje sobre corrupción de Odebrech en Venezuela". El Líbero. 15 September 2018. Retrieved 16 September 2021.
  12. ^ "La SIP anuncia la lista de ganadores de sus premios a la Excelencia Periodística". EFE. 5 September 2018. Retrieved 16 September 2021.
  13. ^ "Editorial: A las puertas del Plebiscito, a un año de la rebelión popular". La Izquierda Diario. 23 October 2020. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  14. ^ "Desbordes: "Larroulet no va a salir, va a armar una nota para El Líbero y se van a convencer que están en lo correcto"". CNN Chile. 27 April 2021. Retrieved 8 September 2021.

External links[]

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