Embedded dependency

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In relational database theory, an embedded dependency (ED) is a certain kind of constraint on a relational database. It is the most general type of constraint used in practice, including both tuple-generating dependencies and equality-generating dependencies. Embedded dependencies can express functional dependencies, join dependencies, multi-valued dependencies, inclusion dependencies, foreign key dependencies, and many more besides.

An algorithm known as the chase takes as input an instance that may or may not satisfy a set of EDs, and, if it terminates (which is a priori undecidable), output an instance that does satisfy the EDs.


An embedded dependency (ED) is a sentence in first-order logic of the form:

where and is a possibly empty and is a non-empty conjunction of relational and equality atoms.[1] A relational atom has the form and an equality atom has the form , where each of the terms are variables or constants.

In literature there are many common restrictions on embedded dependencies, among with:[1][2]

When all atoms in are equalities, the ED is an EGD and, when all atoms in are relational, the ED is a TGD. Every ED is equivalent to an EGD and a TGD.


  1. ^ a b (Kanellakis 1990)
  2. ^ Greco, Sergio; Zumpano, Ester (Nov 2000). Michel Parigot, Andrei Voronkov (ed.). Querying Inconsistent Databases. 7th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. Reunion Island, France: Springer. pp. 308–325. doi:10.1007/3-540-44404-1_20.

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