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Etheostoma caeruleum.jpg
Etheostoma caeruleum
Etheostoma swaini.jpg
Etheostoma swaini
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Percidae
Subfamily: Etheostomatinae
Genus: Etheostoma
Rafinesque, 1819
Type species
Etheostoma blennioides
Rafinesque, 1819[1]
  • Allohistium R.M. Bailey, 1955
  • Arlina Girard, 1859
  • Astatichthys Vaillant, 1873
  • Austroperca C.L. Hubbs, 1936
  • Belophlox Fowler, 1947
  • Boleosoma DeKay, 1842
  • Catonotus Agassiz, 1854
  • Claricola D.S. Jordan & Evermann, 1896
  • Copelandellus D.S. Jordan & Evermann, 1896
  • Diplesion Rafinesque, 1820
  • Doration D.S. Jordan, 1929
  • Estrella Girard, 1859
  • Fuscatelum , 1981
  • Hololepis Putnam, 1863
  • Hyostoma Agassiz, 1854
  • Ioa D.S. Jordan & , 1878
  • Litocara R.M. Bailey, 1948
  • Microperca Putnam, 1863
  • Mooreichthys , & , 2014
  • Nanostoma Putnam, 1877
  • Nivicola D.S. Jordan & Evermann, 1896
  • Niviperca Whitley, 1951
  • Nothonotus Putnam, 1863
  • Oligocephalus Girard, 1859
  • Ozarka & , 1981
  • Poecilichthys Agassiz, 1854
  • Poecilosoma Agassiz, 1850
  • Psychromaster D.S. Jordan & Evermann, 1896
  • Rafinesquiellus D.S. Jordan & Evermann, 1896
  • Rhothoeca D.S. Jordan, 1885
  • Richia , 1926
  • Richiella Coker, 1927
  • Torrentaria D.S. Jordan & Evermann, 1896
  • Ulocentra D.S. Jordan, 1878
  • Vaillantia D.S. Jordan, 1878
  • Villora Hubbs & , 1935

Etheostoma is a genus of small freshwater fish in the family Percidae native to North America. Most are restricted to the United States, but species are also in Canada and Mexico.[3] They are commonly known as darters, although the term "darter" is shared by several other genera. Many can produce alarm pheromones that serve to warn nearby fish in case of an attack.[4]


The 157 recognized species in this genus are:

  • Etheostoma acuticeps R. M. Bailey, 1959 (sharphead darter)
  • Etheostoma akatulo & , 2009 (bluemask darter)
  • Etheostoma artesiae (O. P. Hay, 1881) (redspot darter)
  • Etheostoma asprigene (S. A. Forbes, 1878) (mud darter)
  • Etheostoma atripinne (D. S. Jordan, 1877) (Cumberland snubnose darter)
  • Etheostoma australe D. S. Jordan, 1889 (Conchos darter)
  • Etheostoma autumnale Mayden, 2010 (autumn darter)
  • Etheostoma baileyi & , 1982 (emerald darter)
  • Etheostoma barbouri & , 1971 (teardrop darter)
  • Etheostoma barrenense Burr & Page, 1982 (splendid darter)
  • Etheostoma basilare Page, & Near, 2003 (corrugated darter)
  • Etheostoma bellator & R. M. Bailey, 1993 (warrior darter)
  • Etheostoma bellum , 1968 (orangefin darter)
  • Etheostoma bison & Page, 1997 (buffalo darter)
  • Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque, 1819 (greenside darter)
  • Etheostoma blennius C. H. Gilbert & Swain, 1887 (blenny darter)
  • Etheostoma boschungi & , 1974 (slackwater darter)
  • Etheostoma brevirostrum Suttkus & , 1991 (holiday darter)
  • Etheostoma brevispinum (, 1926) (Carolina fantail darter)
  • Etheostoma burri Ceas & Page, 1997 (brook darter)
  • Etheostoma caeruleum D. H. Storer, 1845 (rainbow darter)
  • Etheostoma camurum (Cope, 1870) (bluebreast darter)
  • Etheostoma cervus & Mayden, 2003 (Chickasaw darter)
  • Etheostoma chermocki , Mayden & , 1992 (vermilion darter)
  • Etheostoma chienense Page & Ceas, 1992 (relict darter)
  • Etheostoma chlorobranchium Zorach, 1972 (greenfin darter)
  • Etheostoma chlorosomum (O. P. Hay, 1881) (bluntnose darter)
  • Etheostoma chuckwachatte Mayden & , 1993 (lipstick darter)
  • Etheostoma cinereum D. H. Storer, 1845 (ashy darter)
  • Etheostoma clinton Mayden & , 2012 (beaded darter)
  • Etheostoma collettei & , 1969 (creole darter)
  • Etheostoma collis (C. L. Hubbs & , 1935) (Carolina darter)
  • Etheostoma colorosum Suttkus & R. M. Bailey, 1993 (coastal darter)
  • Etheostoma coosae (Fowler, 1945) (Coosa darter)
  • Etheostoma corona Page & Ceas, 1992 (crown darter)
  • Etheostoma cragini C. H. Gilbert, 1885 (Arkansas darter)
  • Etheostoma crossopterum & Mayden, 1985 (fringed darter)
  • Etheostoma davisoni O. P. Hay, 1885 (Choctawhatchee darter)
  • Etheostoma denoncourti Stauffer & , 1997 (golden darter)
  • Etheostoma derivativum Page, Hardman & Near, 2003 (stone darter)
  • Etheostoma ditrema & Suttkus, 1965 (coldwater darter)
  • Etheostoma douglasi R. M. Wood & Mayden, 1993 (Tuskaloosa darter)
  • Etheostoma duryi Henshall, 1889 (black darter)
  • Etheostoma edwini (C. L. Hubbs & , 1935) (brown darter)
  • Etheostoma erythrozonum & R. M. Wood, 2009 (Meramec saddled darter)
  • Etheostoma etnieri , 1977 (cherry darter)
  • Etheostoma etowahae R. M. Wood & Mayden, 1993 (Etowah darter)
  • Etheostoma euzonum (C. L. Hubbs & J. D. Black, 1940) (Arkansas saddled darter)
  • Etheostoma exile (Girard, 1859) (Iowa darter)
  • Etheostoma faulkneri Sterling & Warren, 2020 (Yoknapatawpha darter)
  • Etheostoma flabellare Rafinesque, 1819 (fantail darter)
  • Etheostoma flavum Etnier & R. M. Bailey, 1989 (saffron darter)
  • Etheostoma fonticola (D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1886) (fountain darter)
  • Etheostoma forbesi Page & Ceas, 1992 (barrens darter)
  • Etheostoma fragi , 1968 (strawberry darter)
  • Etheostoma fricksium Hildebrand, 1923 (savannah darter)
  • Etheostoma fusiforme (Girard, 1854) (swamp darter)
  • Etheostoma gore Mayden & , 2012 (Cumberland darter)
  • Etheostoma gracile (Girard, 1859) (slough darter)
  • Etheostoma grahami (Girard, 1859) (Rio Grande darter)
  • Etheostoma gutselli (Hildebrand, 1932) (Tuckasegee darter)
  • Etheostoma histrio D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1887 (harlequin darter)
  • Etheostoma hopkinsi (Fowler, 1945) (Christmas darter)
  • Etheostoma inscriptum (D. S. Jordan & , 1878) (turquoise darter)
  • Etheostoma jessiae (D. S. Jordan & Brayton, 1878) (blueside darter)
  • Etheostoma jimmycarter Mayden & Layman, 2012 (bluegrass darter)
  • Etheostoma jordani C. H. Gilbert, 1891 (greenbreast darter)
  • Etheostoma juliae Meek, 1891 (yoke darter)
  • Etheostoma kanawhae (, 1941) (Kanawha darter)
  • Etheostoma kantuckeense Ceas & Page, 1997 (Highland Rim darter)
  • Etheostoma kennicotti (Putnam, 1863) (stripetail darter)
  • Etheostoma lachneri Suttkus & R. M. Bailey, 1994 (Tombigbee darter)
  • Etheostoma lawrencei Ceas & Burr, 2002 (headwater darter)
  • Etheostoma lemniscatum , 2008 (tuxedo darter)
  • Etheostoma lepidum (S. F. Baird & Girard, 1853) (greenthroat darter)
  • Etheostoma longimanum D. S. Jordan, 1888 (longfin darter)
  • Etheostoma lugoi & W. L. Minckley, 1997 (tufa darter)
  • Etheostoma luteovinctum C. H. Gilbert & Swain, 1887 (redband darter)
  • Etheostoma lynceum O. P. Hay, 1885 (brighteye darter)
  • Etheostoma maculatum Kirtland, 1840 (spotted darter)
  • Etheostoma mariae (Fowler, 1947) (pinewoods darter)
  • Etheostoma marmorpinnum Blanton & , 2008 (marbled darter)
  • Etheostoma maydeni Powers & , 2012 (redlips darter)
  • Etheostoma microperca D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1888 (least darter)
  • Etheostoma mihileze Mayden, 2010 (sunburst darter)
  • Etheostoma moorei Raney & Suttkus, 1964 (yellowcheek darter)
  • Etheostoma nebra Near & , 2015 (buck darter) [5]
  • Etheostoma neopterum & , 1978 (lollipop darter)
  • Etheostoma nianguae C. H. Gilbert & Meek, 1887 (Niangua darter)
  • Etheostoma nigripinne Braasch & Mayden, 1985 (blackfin darter)
  • Etheostoma nigrum Rafinesque, 1820 (johnny darter)
  • Etheostoma nuchale & , 1965 (watercress darter)
  • Etheostoma obama Mayden & Layman, 2012 (spangled darter)
  • Etheostoma obeyense , 1892 (barcheek darter)
  • Etheostoma occidentale Powers & Mayden, 2007 (West Rim darter)
  • Etheostoma okaloosae (Fowler, 1941) (Okaloosa darter)
  • Etheostoma olivaceum & Page, 1979 (sooty darter)
  • Etheostoma olmstedi D. H. Storer, 1842 (tessellated darter)
  • Etheostoma oophylax & , 1992 (guardian darter)
  • Etheostoma orientale Powers & Mayden, 2007 (East Rim darter)
  • Etheostoma osburni (C. L. Hubbs & , 1932) (candy darter)
  • Etheostoma pallididorsum & Metcalf, 1962 (paleback darter)
  • Etheostoma parvipinne C. H. Gilbert & Swain, 1887 (goldstripe darter)
  • Etheostoma percnurum , 1994 (duskytail darter)
  • Etheostoma perlongum C. L. Hubbs & , 1946) (Waccamaw darter)
  • Etheostoma phytophilum & , 1999 (rush darter)
  • Etheostoma planasaxatile Powers & Mayden, 2007 (duck darter)
  • Etheostoma podostemone D. S. Jordan & O. P. Jenkins, 1889 (riverweed darter)
  • Etheostoma pottsii (Girard, 1859) (Chihuahua darter)
  • Etheostoma proeliare (O. P. Hay, 1881) (cypress darter)
  • Etheostoma pseudovulatum Page & Ceas, 1992 (egg-mimic darter)
  • Etheostoma punctulatum (Agassiz, 1854) (stippled darter)
  • Etheostoma pyrrhogaster R. M. Bailey & Etnier, 1988 (firebelly darter)
  • Etheostoma radiosum (C. L. Hubbs & , 1941) (orangebelly darter)
  • Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr & Page, 1982 (Kentucky darter)
  • Etheostoma ramseyi Suttkus & R. M. Bailey, 1994 (Alabama darter)
  • Etheostoma raneyi Suttkus & Bart, 1994 (Yazoo darter)
  • Etheostoma rubrum Raney & Suttkus, 1966 (bayou darter)
  • Etheostoma rufilineatum (Cope, 1870) (redline darter)
  • Etheostoma rupestre C. H. Gilbert & Swain, 1887 (rock darter)
  • Etheostoma sagitta (D. S. Jordan & Swain, 1883) (arrow darter)
  • Etheostoma saludae (C. L. Hubbs & Cannon, 1935) (saluda darter)
  • Etheostoma scotti , Etnier & , 1995 (Cherokee darter)
  • Etheostoma segrex & W. L. Minckley, 1997 (Río Salado darter)
  • Etheostoma sellare (Radcliffe & , 1913) (Maryland darter)
  • Etheostoma sequatchiense Burr, 1979 (Sequatchie darter)
  • Etheostoma serrifer (C. L. Hubbs & Cannon, 1935) (sawcheek darter)
  • Etheostoma simoterum (Cope, 1868) (snubnose darter)
  • Etheostoma sitikuense Blanton, 2008 (Citico darter)
  • Etheostoma smithi Page & Braasch, 1976 (slabrock darter)
  • Etheostoma spectabile (Agassiz, 1854) (orangethroat darter)
  • Etheostoma spilotum C. H. Gilbert, 1887 (Kentucky arrow darter, Cumberland Plateau darter)
  • Etheostoma squamiceps D. S. Jordan, 1877 (spottail darter)
  • Etheostoma stigmaeum (D. S. Jordan, 1877) (speckled darter)
  • Etheostoma striatulum Page & Braasch, 1977 (striated darter)
  • Etheostoma susanae (D. S. Jordan & Swain, 1883) (Cumberland darter)
  • Etheostoma swaini (D. S. Jordan, 1884) (Gulf darter)
  • Etheostoma swannanoa D. S. Jordan & Evermann, 1889 (Swannanoa darter)
  • Etheostoma tallapoosae Suttkus & Etnier, 1991 (Tallapoosa darter)
  • Etheostoma tecumsehi Ceas & Page, 1997 (Shawnee darter)
  • Etheostoma teddyroosevelt Mayden & Layman, 2012 (highland darter)
  • Etheostoma tennesseense Powers & Mayden, 2007 (Tennessee darter)
  • Etheostoma tetrazonum (C. L. Hubbs & J. D. Black, 1940) (Missouri saddled darter)
  • Etheostoma thalassinum (D. S. Jordan & Brayton, 1878) (seagreen darter)
  • Etheostoma thompsoni Suttkus, Bart & Etnier, 2012 (gumbo darter)
  • Etheostoma tippecanoe D. S. Jordan & Evermann, 1890 (Tippecanoe darter)
  • Etheostoma trisella R. M. Bailey & W. J. Richards, 1963 (trispot darter)
  • Etheostoma tuscumbia C. H. Gilbert & Swain, 1887 (Tuscumbia darter)
  • Etheostoma uniporum , 1968 (current darter)
  • Etheostoma variatum Kirtland, 1838 (variegated darter)
  • Etheostoma virgatum (D. S. Jordan, 1880) (striped darter)
  • Etheostoma vitreum (Cope, 1870) (glassy darter)
  • Etheostoma vulneratum (Cope, 1870) (wounded darter)
  • Etheostoma wapiti Etnier & , 1989 (boulder darter)
  • Etheostoma whipplei (Girard, 1859) (redfin darter)
  • Etheostoma zonale (Cope, 1868) (banded darter)
  • Etheostoma zonifer C. L. Hubbs & Cannon, 1935) (backwater darter)
  • Etheostoma zonistium R. M. Bailey & Etnier, 1988 (bandfin darter)


  1. ^ Eschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ron & van der Laan, Richard (eds.). "Etheostoma". Catalog of Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  2. ^ Eschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ron & van der Laan, Richard (eds.). "Genera in the family Etheostomatinae". Catalog of Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  3. ^ Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2015). Species of Etheostoma in FishBase. October 2015 version.
  4. ^ Smith, R.J.F. (1992): Alarm signals in fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2 (1): 33-63.
  5. ^ Near, T.J. & Thomas, M.R. (2015): A New Barcheek Darter Species from Buck Creek (Cumberland River System), Kentucky (Percidae: Etheostomatinae: Catonotus: Oopareia). Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 56 (2): 127–146.
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