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Ethmia bipunctella.jpg
Adult E. bipunctella at Hellerup (Denmark)
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Depressariidae
Subfamily: Ethmiinae
Genus: Ethmia
Hübner, [1819]
Type species
Phalaena pyrausta
Pallas, 1771

Numerous, see text


Aedia Duponchel, 1836 (non Hübner, [1823]: preoccupied)
Anesychia Hübner, [1825]
Azinis Walker, 1863
Babaiaxa Busck, 1902
Ceratophysetis Meyrick, 1887
Chalybe Duponchel, 1836
Dasyethmia Danilevsky, 1969
Disthymia (lapsus)
Disthymnia Hübner, [1825]
Ehtima (lapsus)
Melanoleuca Stephens, 1829
Psecadia Hübner, [1825]
Tamarrha Walker, 1864
Theoxenia Walsingham, 1887
Wiltshireia Amsel, 1949 (non Buckman, 1904: )

Ethmia is a large genus of small moths. It is the type genus of the gelechioid family Ethmiidae, which is sometimes included in Elachistidae or Oecophoridae as subfamily.

Selected species[]

Species of Ethmia include:[2]

Albitogata species-group[]

Amasina species-group[]

  • Ethmia amasina (Staudinger, 1879)

Assamensis species-group[]

Aurifluella species-group[]

Baliostola species-group[]

Bipunctella species-group[]

  • Ethmia bipunctella
  • Ethmia caliginosella (Busck, 1904)
  • Ethmia cirrhocnemia (Lederer, 1870)
  • Ethmia euphoria (Kun, 2007)
  • Ethmia iranella (Zerny, 1940)
  • Ethmia monticola (Walsingham, 1880)
  • Ethmia namangana (Rebel, 1901)
  • Ethmia pagiopa (Meyrick, 1918)
  • Ethmia treitschkeella (Staudinger, 1879)

Charybdis species-group[]

Chrysopyga species-group[]

  • Ethmia caradjae (Rebel, 1907)
  • Ethmia chrysopyga

Confusella species-group[]

  • Ethmia berndkerni (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia billalleni (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia confusella (Walker, 1863)
  • Ethmia confusellastra (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia dimauraorum (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia duckworthi (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia ehakernae (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia farrella (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia helenmillerae (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia humilis (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia johnpringlei (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia julia (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia sandra (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia striatella (Busck, 1913)

Conglobata species-group[]

Crocosoma species-group[]

Cyanea species-group[]

Cypraeella species-group[]

Dehiscens species-group[]

  • Ethmia dehiscens (Meyrick, 1924)

Distigmatella species-group[]

Ditreta species-group[]

  • Ethmia arabica (Amsel, 1961) (mostly included in ditreta)
  • Ethmia ditreta (Meyrick, 1920)

Dodecea species-group[]

Exornata species-group[]

  • Ethmia adrianforsythi (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia dianemillerae (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia exornata (Zeller, 1877)
  • Ethmia gelidella (Walker, 1864)
  • Ethmia mnesicosma (Meyrick, 1924)
  • Ethmia phylacis (Walsingham, 1912)

Gigantea species-group[]

Haemorrhoidella species-group[]

Hagenella species-group[]

Hammella species-group[]

Joviella species-group[]

Kirbyi species-group[]

Lapidella species-group[]

  • Ethmia bisignata (Kun, 2002)
  • Ethmia didyma (Kun, 2002)
  • Ethmia heptasema (Turner, 1898)
  • Ethmia lapidella (Walsingham, 1880)
  • Ethmia nobilis (Diakonoff, [1968])
  • Ethmia octanoma (Meyrick, 1914)
  • Ethmia reposita (Diakonoff, [1968])
  • Ethmia stojanovitsi (Kun, 2002)

Lineatonotella species-group[]

Longimaculella species-group[]

  • Ethmia calumniella (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia catapeltica (Meyrick, 1924)
  • Ethmia coronata (Walsingham, 1912)
  • Ethmia flavicaudata (Walsingham, 1912)
  • Ethmia hendersonorum (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia hieroglyphica (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia howdeni (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia laphamorum (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia lesliesaulae (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia lichyi (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia longimaculella (Chambers, 1872)
  • Ethmia nicholsonorum (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia nigritaenia (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia normgershenzi (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia omega (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia petersterlingi (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia plaumanni (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia randycurtisi (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia randyjonesi (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia subnigritaenia (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia transversella (Busck, 1914)
  • Ethmia turnerorum (Phillips, 2014)

Lybiella species-group[]

Macelhosiella species-group[]

Mulleri species-group[]

Nigripedella species-group[]

Nigroapicella species-group[]

  • Ethmia dentata (Diakonoff & Sattler, 1966)
  • Ethmia nigroapicella (kou leafworm) (Saalmüller, 1880)

Notatella species-group[]

Papiella species-group[]

Piperella species-group[]

Prattiella species-group[]

Punctessa species-group[]

Pyrausta species-group[]

Rothschildi species-group[]

Semilugens species-group[]

Suspecta species-group[]

Terminella species-group[]

  • Ethmia terminella (T.B. Fletcher, 1938)

Trifurcella species-group[]

  • Ethmia albicostella (Beutenmüller, 1889)
  • Ethmia baja (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia clava (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia cordia (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia heptastica (Walsingham, 1912) (misspelled as Ethmia heptasticta)
  • Ethmia hodgesella (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia marmorea (Walsingham, 1888)
  • Ethmia miriamschulmanae (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia mirusella (Chambers, 1874)
  • Ethmia oterosella (Busck, 1934) (misspelled as Ethmia oterostella)
  • Ethmia pala (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia penthica (Walsingham, 1912)
  • Ethmia playa (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia scutula (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia semiombra (Dyar, 1902)
  • Ethmia similatella (Busck, 1920)
  • Ethmia sphenisca (Powell, 1973)
  • Ethmia tilneyorum (Phillips, 2014)
  • Ethmia trifurcella (Chambers, 1873)

Tripunctella species-group[]

  • Ethmia tripunctella (Staudinger, 1879)

Vittalbella species-group[]

Wursteri species-group[]


Former species[]

  • Ethmia andalusica (Staudinger, 1879)


  1. ^ ABRS (2008), and see references in Savela (2003)
  2. ^ See references in Savela (2003)


  • Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) (2008): Australian Faunal Directory – Ethmia. Version of 2008-OCT-09. Retrieved 2010-APR-01.
  • Savela, Markku (2003): Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and some other life forms – Ethmia. Version of 2003-DEC-29. Retrieved 2010-APR-21.
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