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Gecko léopard femelle adulte.jpg
Common leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius)
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Eublepharidae
Genus: Eublepharis
Gray, 1827

Eublepharis angramainyu
Eublepharis fuscus
Eublepharis hardwickii
Eublepharis macularius
Eublepharis turcmenicus

The genus Eublepharis, of which one known type is the leopard gecko, were first described by the British zoologist John Edward Gray in 1827. The etymology of their name is 'eu' = good (=true) |'blephar' = eyelid, and all have fully functional eyelids. Members of this genus are found in eastern and southwestern Asia where they reside in rocky grassland habitats. These geckos are sturdily built. Their tail is shorter than their snout–vent length and their body is covered with numerous wart-like bumps. The toes do not have adhesive lamellae or membranes (Eublepharis cannot climb like their other gecko cousins). Eublepharis are crepuscular[citation needed] or nocturnal ground-dwellers. Included in this group is the popular pet gecko: the leopard gecko.


Leopard geckos hatch at a length of 6.5 to 8.5 cm (2.6 to 3.3 inches) and weighing approximately 3 grams. An adult of this species can reach a length of 20.5 to 27.5 cm (8.1 to 11 inches) and a weight of 54-65 grams.

Leopard geckos have tough skin around their back, neck and head, well suited to move on rocky terrain in a dry environment. Like all reptiles, they shed this skin periodically to allow for further growth.[1] Unlike many other reptiles, the leopard gecko's shed skin is often not viewable, as leopard geckos often shed in private and eat the skin once it has been shed.

Leopard geckos have mobile eyelids and a pupil slit which is a feature shared with other nocturnal geckos. Nocturnal geckos have multifocal optical systems which helps them focus at different light wavelengths at the same time. [2]

Species of the genus Eublepharis[]

Image Scientific name Common Name Distribution
Eublepharis angramainyu.JPG Eublepharis angramainyu Iraqi eyelid gecko Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria.
West Indian leopard gecko Eublepharis fuscus by Krishna Khan Amravati.jpg Eublepharis fuscus West Indian leopard gecko western India, with its range possibly extending to southeastern Pakistan
Hardwickii.JPG Eublepharis hardwickii East Indian leopard gecko India and Bangladesh.
Eublepharis macularius fg01.JPG Eublepharis macularius Common leopard gecko Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal.
Eublepharis satpuraensis Satpura leopard gecko by Ashahar alias Krishna Khan.jpg Eublepharis satpuraensis Satpura leopard gecko central Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh
Eublepharis turcmenicus2.JPG Eublepharis turcmenicus Turkmenistan eyelid gecko Turkmenistan and northern Iran.

The members of the Goniurosaurus kuroiwae superspecies were formerly considered members of the genus Eublepharis.


  1. ^ "Shedding - Leopard Gecko Wiki". Retrieved 2019-03-05.
  2. ^ Camacho- Luna, Pilar; Alling, Christopher; Boykin, Kimberly; Liu, Chin-Chi; Carter, Renee T.; Lewin, Andrew C. "Ocular findings in a group of healthy captive leopard geckos" Check |url= value (help). Veterinary Ophthalmology. Retrieved 2021-03-20.

External links[]

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