Fang Guancheng

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Fang Guancheng (sc: 方观承, tc: 方觀承, pinyin: Fāng Guānchéng, A.K.A.: Tian Yi, 宜田) (1696 or 1698–1768) was a Chinese Noble and high government official of the Qing Dynasty notable for being the Viceroy of Zhili.[1]

Early life and family origins[]

Fang Guancheng was born in Tongcheng County, Anhui Province during the Qing Empire. The Fang family of Tongcheng was notable for its many scholars and authors.[2] He was the second son of , an official of the Ministry of the Principal (zh: 官至工部主事). His elder brother was (zh: 方观永). His paternal grandfather was (sc: 方登峄) and his paternal great-grandfather was (sc: 方孝标).[citation needed]

Nanshan Case[]

The occurred in the fifth year of the Kangxi Emperor (1713). The incident marked a period of literary inquisition that targeted various scholars with real or perceived loyalties to competing claimants to the throne and to the previous dynasty. Both Fang's father and grandfather were caught up in the purge resulting in the exile of both to Heilongjiang. Due to their young age, Fang and his brother were not subjected to the same exile and were instead sent to be raised by monks from the Qingliang Temple.[3]

Following the exile of their paternal support structure, the brothers were forced to travel great distances overland from the capital at Nanking to Heilongjiang beyond the Great Wall for family gatherings.[4][5]

Political career[]

In 1749, Fang Guancheng was made the Viceroy of Zhili, a position he would hold until his death. In addition to this title, he was also granted the title of Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces, a title he held until 1755.[6]

Descendants and legacy[]

Fang Guancheng had one son, who would go on to become the and the Governor of Zhejiang. Fang's nephew, , the son of Fang's brother Fang Guanyong, would go on to also serve as Viceroy of Zhili. His grandson would go on to become a Qing prefect.


  1. ^ 清史稿 (Draft History of the Qing). Peiping: 北洋政府 Peiyang Government of the Republic of China. 1928.
  2. ^ "Tongcheng School of Literature". Anhui China Daily. July 11, 2013. Retrieved October 14, 2015.
  3. ^ 參考書目[编辑]
  4. ^ "方观承传 (Fang Guancheng Biography)". 清史稿 (Draft History of the Qing). Peiping: 北洋政府 Peiyang Government of the Republic of China. 1928. 岁与兄观永徒步至塞外营养,往来南北,枵腹重趼。
  5. ^ 康熙四十八年进士,官内阁中书, The Official Cabinet Book of the Kangxi Emperor Forty-Eight Years.
  6. ^ "方观承传 (Fang Guancheng Biography)". 清史稿 (Draft History of the Qing). Peiping: 北洋政府 Peiyang Government of the Republic of China. 1928. 十四年,擢直隶总督,兼理河道。十五年,加太子少保。二十年,加太子太保,署陕甘总督。

Further reading[]

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