Fooled By Nature

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Fooled By Nature is a documentary reality television series broadcast on Animal Planet. It shows facts and myths about animal behavior and invites the spectator to guess if they are true or false.


Amazing Abodes[]

Beavers build dams to store food for the winter.
Sexton beetles use dead animals to raise their young.
Cave swiftlets build their nests out of their saliva.
Termites build non stop.
The Lungfish can survive for years in a cocoon

Awesome Appearences[]

Chameleons express their feelings by changing colors.
The Peacock uses ultraviolet patterns to attract a female.
Cuttlefish hypnotize their prey with stripes.
Zebras use optical illusions to avoid predators and pests.
Sloths are green from eating leaves.

Bizarre Breeders[]

Male Emperor penguins will endure the harshest Antarctic winters for the sake of their chicks.
Naked mole rats are ruled by females.
Alligator eggs are controlled by temperature
Maleos use volcanic soil to incubate their eggs.
A Spider whose mother who will literally die for her offspring.

Communicative Creatures[]

Elephant seals have conversations.
Alligators have a repertoire.
The Lyrebird is a master at mimicking other birds or even a chainsaw.
Jumping spiders that speak through their silk.
Elephants have a sizemac secret language.

Crafty Crooks[]

The frigatebird steals fish from another birds
Dolphins in Brazil steal fish from fisherman nets.
Lions steal food from cheetahs and other predators.
Langur monkeys manage to get away with anything with their sacred status
The Nile monitor lizard likes robbing Bee eater nests for eggs and chicks.

Crazy Climbers[]

Sifaka lemurs can leap from thorn tree to thorn tree without injury.
The leopard can haul prey 3 times its bodyweight into the trees.
Tree kangaroos have an extra limb for climbing.
The Tokay gecko climbs with extra sticky, hairy toes.
The Rock hyrax has sucker like feet to climb rocky faces.

Creature Conflict[]

Hippos fight each other for a stretch of food rich river.
Warthogs always have a really bad temper and look for any opportunity to fight.
Bison are designed to butt and clash heads.
Male rattlesnakes dance with their rivals.
Male capybaras constantly fight each other for females.

Cunning Cats[]

Lions roar to avoid fights.
The Bengal tiger can run very swiftly.
Fishing cats love water.
The fossa is superbly adapted for life in the trees.
Cheetahs can overheat quickly when running.

Curious Courtship[]

The Bowerbird uses flowers to attract females.
The Ugandan kob uses prime real estate to attract females.
Male Garter snakes uses a special scent to pretend to be female.
The Anthiinae fish can change from female to male.
Spotted hyenas have dominant females and subordinate males.

Devious Defences[]

The Horned lizard startles its enemies by squirting blood.
Spitting cobras can aim and spray their venom into their enemy's eyes.
Ground squirrels use scent to defend themselves against predators.
Fulmar chicks vomit can soil and kill.
Underwing moths can avoid bats with their ears.

Dubious Giants[]

African elephants have hollow skulls.
The Blue whale has the loudest voice on earth.
Ostriches kidnap the offspring of others.
Grizzly bears can eat plants.
Nile crocodiles can eat large prey in one sitting.

Fabulous Flyers[]

Bat wings are actually hands.
Dragonflies live for only one day.
The Goshawk can fly fast and dodge trees.
The Draco lizard can glide from tree to tree.
A Pigeon can out maneuver a Peregrine falcon.

Family Ties[]

Male Geladas need the support of the females to ward off rival males.
Giant otters hunt like a pack of wolves.
Ring tailed lemurs help the matriarch raise her young.
African wild dogs have very good manners while feeding.
Lar gibbons resolve disputes by singing.

Fantastic Feeders[]

The Elephants of Mount Elgon mine for salt.
Parrotfish dung is used to attract tourists.
Giraffes have incredible tongues for eating leaves.
Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves.
Bat eared foxes hunt insects.

Hungry Hunters[]

Humpback whales herd their prey with sound.
Corolla spiders use quartz rocks to catch their prey.
The Aye aye has super sensitive ears.
Rattlesnakes can see body heat.
Archerfish are sharp shooters.

Incredible Intelligence[]

Capuchin monkeys use their brains to eat Brazil nuts.
Starlings have an instinct for math.
An Octopus has intelligent arms.
The Kea will eat almost anything.
Grey squirrels have an excellent memory of where they hid their acorns.

Marvellous Migrations[]

Wildebeest can detect which patch of grass has phosphorus.
Bull sharks can move out of the ocean and into rivers to give birth.
Monarch butterflies travel all across America.
Caribou migration is dictated by mosquitos.
Christmas Island Red Crabs can't swim but have to return to the ocean.

Medicinal Marvels[]

Black Lemurs use millipedes to keep their skin free of parasites.
Polar bears eat seal fat but have good cholesterol levels.
Aphids use plants as a fertility clinic.
Macaws visit clay licks to detoxify from the natural poisons found in their food.
White fronted capuchin monkeys rub themselves with piper leaves.

Natural Neighbors[]

Langur monkeys and Chital Deer work cooperatively to find food and watch for danger.
Cleaner fish have a special touch with their hosts.
Mongooses and Hornbills share the tasks of finding food and watching out for predators.
Ants that care for a caterpillar to earn a reward.
Oxpeckers may clean animals for a price: Their blood.

Nature's Navigators[]

Orangutans use their memories to help them find fruit.
Honeybees use the position of the sun as a compass.
Elephants use are guided by patterns in the sky.
Sea turtles can read magnetic fields just like a map.
Elephant shrews can know where to run for cover when in danger.

Peculiar Poisons[]

Gila Monster venom has medicinal properties.
Male Kangaroos fight each other with toxic saliva.
Cane toads who have used their poison to take over Australia.
Loggerhead turtles take the poison from their prey.
Platypus venom can cause severe pain.

Sensational Specialists[]

Vampire Bats can smell blood.
Armadillos were solely set up to insects but can eat other things.
Dung Beetles whose dung eating cleans up the African savannah
Sand Bubbler Crabs can find food at a phenomenal rate.
Giant Pandas who eats plants have all the characteristics of a carnivore.

Surprising Survivors[]

Flamingos can thrive in boiling hot salt lakes.
Polar bears can overheat in the Arctic.
The Desert rain frog who is the ultimate water recycler
Bar Headed Geese can fly at very high alitudes.
Carp that can live without oxygen for months on end.

Terrific Teeth[]

Komodo Dragons have teeth like a shark's
The Giant Anteater has tiny teeth to eat ants.
An Agouti can gnaw through a brazil nut.
Shark skin is made of denticles.
A Babirusa's teeth grow right through its head.

See also[]

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