Francesco Vellani

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Francesco Vellani (1688–1768) was an Italian painter, active in Modena in a late Baroque style. He mainly painted sacred subjects.

He painted an altarpiece depicting the Assumption of the Virgin for the Cathedral of Modena; an Immaculate Conception for the main altar of the Chiesa Nuova; for the church of the Monache della Visitazione; a St Pius V and St Thomas Acquinas for the church of San Domenico; an altarpiece depicting St John of the Cross for the Church of the Monache Scalze in Modena.[1]


  1. ^ Tiraboschi, Girolamo (1786). Notizie de' pittori, scultori, incisori, e architetti natii degli stati del Serenissimo Signor Duca di Modena. Presso la Societa' Tipografica, Modena; Digitized by Googlebooks. pp. 349.
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