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Edgemont Junior – Senior High School
Edgemont Junior – Senior High School is a high school in Greenville, New York, serving students in grades 7 -12. Its feeder schools are Greenville School and Seely Place School, where students graduate in the sixth grade. The school's colors are blue and white, and its mascot is a panther. Edgemont Junior – Senior High School has a "California-style campus" which is similar to a small college campus. The school has 5 academic buildings, with one building dedicated mainly to the 7th and 8th graders. Greenville/Edgemont is an unincorporated part of Greenburgh, NY.
Virgin Holidays
Virgin Holidays Limited is a company within owned by the Virgin Group that offers holidays worldwide with destinations including the US and Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Ocean and the Far East. In addition, the company has an established ski program and a specialist cruise division called "Virgin Holidays Cruises". The company was formed in 1985, a year after the successful launch of Virgin Atlantic in June 1984. Initially selling seats on Virgin Atlantic routes to New York City, Miami and Orlando the company has grown to become one of the largest and most successful long-haul scheduled tour operators in the UK.
Asian Amateur Boxing Championships
The Asian Amateur Boxing Championships is the highest competition for boxing amateurs in Asia. The first tournament took place in 1963, hosted by Bangkok, Thailand.
Julius Ludolf
Julius Ludolf (26 March 1893 – 28 May 1947) was an SS-Obersturmführer, a member of the Waffen-SS and commander of various satellite camps of Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp in Upper Austria.
USS Presley
USS Presley (DE-371) was a John C. Butler-class destroyer escort in service with the United States Navy from 1944 to 1946. She was scrapped in 1970.
Rarisquamosa is a monotypic moth genus in the family Eupterotidae. Its single species, Rarisquamosa arfaki, is found in New Guinea. Both the genus and species were described by George Thomas Bethune-Baker in 1910.[1][2]
Holborn District (Metropolis)
Holborn was a local government district in the metropolitan area of London to the north west of the City of London from 1855 to 1900.
List of minor planets: 5001–6000
The following is a partial list of minor planets, running from minor-planet number 5001 through 6000, inclusive. The primary data for this and other partial lists is based on JPL's "Small-Body Orbital Elements"[1] and "Data Available from the Minor Planet Center".[2] A detailed description of the table's columns and additional sources are given on the main page including a complete list of every page in this series, and a statistical break-up on the dynamical classification of minor planets.
Gundersen flap
A Gundersen flap, also known as Gundersen's flap, Gundersen's conjunctival flap, or conjunctivoplasty, and often misspelled Gunderson, is a surgical procedure for correcting corneal disease. It involves excising a damaged section of cornea, and replacing it with a section (or "flap") of the patient's own conjunctiva.[1]
Dallas Marvil
Joshua Dallas "Dal" Marvil (October 24, 1910 – March 12, 1977)[1] was an American football player and coach. He played at the tackle position for the Northwestern Wildcats football team and was a consensus first-team All-American in 1931. He played for three Big Ten Conference championship teams at Northwestern University, two in football (1930, 1931) and one in basketball (1930–31). He also served as an assistant football coach at the University of San Francisco.