Generalized Cohen–Macaulay ring

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In algebra, a generalized Cohen–Macaulay ring is a commutative Noetherian local ring of Krull dimension d > 0 that satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:[1][2]

  • For each integer , the length of the i-th local cohomology of A is finite:
  • where the sup is over all parameter ideals and is the multiplicity of .
  • There is an -primary ideal such that for each system of parameters in ,
  • For each prime ideal of that is not , and is Cohen–Macaulay.

The last condition implies that the localization is Cohen–Macaulay for each prime ideal .

A standard example is the local ring at the vertex of an affine cone over a smooth projective variety. Historically, the notion grew up out of the study of a Buchsbaum ring, a Noetherian local ring A in which is constant for -primary ideals ; see the introduction of (Trung 1986).


  1. ^ Herrmann–Ikeda–Orbanz, Theorem 37.4.
  2. ^ Herrmann–Ikeda–Orbanz, Theorem 37.10.
  • Herrmann, M., S. Ikeda, and U. Orbanz: Equimultiplicity and Blowing Up. An Algebraic Study with an Appendix by B. Moonen. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New-York, 1988.
  • N. V. Trung, Towards a theory of generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules, Nagoya Math. J. 102, 1 – 49(1986)

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