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Map of the Ghomara tribes and their territories[1]

The Ghomara are a group of tribes in northern Morocco, living between the rivers Oued Laou and , east of Chefchaouen and south of Tetouan, in the Western Rif. The river runs through their territory.[2]

Originally, Ghomaras were a Berber tribal group belonging to the Masmuda confederacy. While most have shifted to speaking Arabic, a minority continue to speak the Berber Ghomara language.[2]


The Ghomaras are traditionally divided into nine tribes:[2]

  • Beni Ziat
  • Beni Zejel
  • Beni Selman
  • Beni Bu Zra, partially Berber speaking tribe
  • Beni Mansur, partially Berber speaking tribe
  • Beni Grir
  • Beni Smih
  • Beni Rezin
  • Beni Khaled



  1. ^ A. Zouggari & J. Vignet-Zunz, "Jbala: Histoire et société", in Sciences Humaines, (1991), p.463. (ISBN 2-222-04574-6)
  2. ^ a b c G. Camps & J. Vignet-Zunz, "Ghomâra", in Encyclopédie berbère, vol. 20, 1998

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