HATNet Project

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The Hungarian Automated Telescope Network (HATNet) project is a network of six small fully automated "HAT" telescopes. The scientific goal of the project is to detect and characterize extrasolar planets using the transit method. This network is used also to find and follow bright variable stars. The network is maintained by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

The HAT acronym stands for Hungarian-made Automated Telescope, because it was developed by a small group of Hungarians who met through the Hungarian Astronomical Association. The project started in 1999 and has been fully operational since May 2001.[1]


The prototype instrument, HAT-1 was built from a 180 mm focal length and 65 mm aperture Nikon telephoto lens and a Kodak KAF-0401E chip of 512 × 768, 9 μm pixels. The test period was from 2000 to 2001 at the Konkoly Observatory in Budapest.[1]

HAT-1 was transported from Budapest to the Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA, in January 2001. The transportation caused serious damage to the equipment.[1]

Later built telescopes use Canon 11 cm diameter f/1.8L lenses for a wide-field of 8°×8°. It is a fully automated instrument with 2K x 2K Charge-coupled device (CCD) sensors. One HAT instrument operates at the Wise Observatory.[2][3]

HAT is controlled by a single Linux PC without human supervision. Data are stored in a MySQL database.[citation needed]


From 2009, three other locations joined the HATNet with telescopes of completely new design. The telescopes are deployed to Australia, Namibia and Chile. Each system has eight (2*4) joint-mounted, quasi-parallel Takahashi Epsilon (180 mm diameter, f/2.8) astrographs with Apogee 4k*4k CCDs with overlapping fields of view. The processing computers are Xenomai-based industrial PCs with 10 TB of storage.

Participants in the project[]

HAT-1 was developed during the undergraduate (and also the first year graduate) studies of Gáspár Bakos (Eötvös Loránd University, now at Princeton University) and at Konkoly Observatory (Budapest), under the supervision of Dr. Géza Kovács. In the development József Lázár, István Papp and Pál Sári also played an important role.

More than 100 people have contributed altogether to the seventy planet discovery papers published or submitted by the project as of Feb 2020. Gáspár Bakos, István Papp, József Lázár, Pál Sári, have contributed to all of the planet discoveries by HAT. Other participants who have contributed to at least 10 discovery papers include: Joel Hartman (62 papers, Princeton), Robert Noyes (55, CfA), David Latham (44, CfA), Zoltán Csubry (43, Princeton), Kaloyan Penev (43, UT Dallas), Géza Kovács (42, Konkoly Observatory), Guillermo Torres (40, CfA), Geoffrey Marcy (38, UC Berkeley), Gilbert Esquerdo (37, CfA), Waqas Bhatti (34, Princeton), Miguel de Val-Borro (34, Goddard Space Flight Center), Lars Buchhave (33, Niels Bohr Institute), Daniel Bayliss (32, University of Warwick), Dimitar Sasselov (32, CfA), Bence Béky (31, CfA), Andrew Howard (31, Caltech), Debra Fischer (30, Yale University), George Zhou (30, CfA), Néstor Espinoza (29, STSCI), Andrés Jordán (29, Adolfo Ibáñez University), Robert Stefanik (29, CfA), Rafael Brahm (28, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile), Thomas Henning (28, MPIA), Luigi Mancini (28, University of Rome Tor Vergata), Markus Rabus (28, Las Cumbres Observatory), Vincent Suc (28, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile), John Johnson (27, CfA), R. Paul Butler (20, Carnegie Institution for Science), Simona Ciceri (19, MPIA), Brian Schmidt (19, ANU), Joao Bento (17, ANU), Thiam-Guan Tan (17, Perth Exoplanet Survey Telescope), Mark Everett (16, NOAO), Sam Quinn (16, CfA), Avi Shporer (16, MIT), Allyson Bieryla (14, CfA), Bun'ei Sato (14, Tokyo Institute of Technology), B.J. Fulton (12, Caltech), Howard Isaacson (12, UC Berkeley), András Pál (12, CfA), Brigitta Sipőcz (12, University of Hertfordshire), Támás Szkelenár (12), Chris Tinney (12, University of New South Wales), Duncan Wright (11, Australian Astronomical Observatory), Jeffrey Crane (10, Carnegie Institution for Science), Emilio Falco (10, CfA), Paula Sarkis (10, MPIA), and Stephen Shectman (10, Carnegie Institution for Science).

Planets discovered[]

One-hundred-thirty-four extrasolar planets have been discovered so far by the HAT surveys, including a handful of planets that were independently discovered by other groups as well (particularly the WASP survey). Sixty-three of these were found by the northern HATNet project, and seventy-one by the southern HATSouth project. All have been discovered using the transit method. In addition, a few additional planetary companions to the transiting planets were discovered through radial velocity follow-up observations, including HAT-P-13c, which was the first outer planetary or brown-dwarf companion confirmed with a well-characterised orbit for a system with a transiting planet [4]

Light green rows indicate that the planet orbits one of the stars in a binary star system.


Star Constellation Right
Declination App.
Distance (ly) Spectral
Planet Mass


ADS 16402 B Lacerta 22h 57m 47s +38° 40′ 30″ 10.4 453 G0V HAT-P-1b 0.524 1.225 4.4652934 0.0553 <0.067 86.28 2006 [5][6]
HD 147506 Hercules 16h 20m 36s +41° 02′ 53″ 8.71 440 F8 HAT-P-2b 8.65 0.951 5.63341 0.0677 0.5163 90 2007 [7]
GSC 03466-00819 Ursa Major 13h 44m 23s +48° 01′ 43″ 11.86 457 K HAT-P-3b 0.599 0.890 2.899703 0.03894 0 87.24 2007 [8]
BD+36°2593 Boötes 15h 19m 58s +36° 13′ 47″ 11.2 1010 F HAT-P-4b 0.68 1.27 3.056536 0.0446 0 89.9 2007 [9]
GSC 02634-01087 Lyra 18h 17m 37s +36° 37′ 16″ 12 1110 G HAT-P-5b 1.06 1.26 2.788491 0.04075 0 86.75 2007 [10]
GSC 03239-00992 Andromeda 23h 39m 06s +42° 27′ 58″ 10.5 650 F HAT-P-6b 1.057 1.33 3.852985 0.05235 0 85.51 2007 [11]
GSC 03547-01402 Cygnus 19h 28m 59s +47° 58′ 10″ 10.5 1044 F8 HAT-P-7b 1.776 1.363 2.2047299 0.0377 0 85.7 2008 [12]
GSC 02757-01152 Pegasus 22h 52m 10s +35° 26′ 50″ 10.17 750 F HAT-P-8b 1.52 1.5 3.07632 0.0487 0 87.5 2008 [13]
HAT-P-9 Auriga 07h 20m 40s +37° 08′ 26″ 12.34 1560 F HAT-P-9b 0.78 1.4 3.92289 0.053 0 86.5 2008 [14]
WASP-11/HAT-P-10 Perseus 03h 09m 29s +30° 40′ 25″ 11.89 408 K3V WASP-11b/HAT-P-10b 0.460 1.045 3.7224690 0.0439 0 88.5 2008 [15]
GSC 03561-02092 Cygnus 19h 50m 50s +48° 04′ 51″ 9.59 123.5 K4 HAT-P-11b 0.081 0.422 4.8878162 0.053 0.198 88.5 2009 [16]
HAT-P-12 Canes Venatici 13h 57m 34s +43° 29′ 37″ 12.84 465 K4 HAT-P-12b 0.211 0.959 3.2130598 0.0384 0 89.0 2009 [17]
GSC 3416-00543 Ursa Major 08h 39m 31s +47° 21′ 07″ 10.429 698 G4 HAT-P-13b 0.851 1.28 2.9162595 0.0426 0.021 83.4 2009 [4]
GSC 3416-00543 Ursa Major 08h 39m 31s +47° 21′ 07″ 10.429 698 G4 HAT-P-13c >15.2 428.5 1.186 0.691 2009 [4]
Hercules 17h 20m 28s +38° 14′ 32″ 9.98 670 F HAT-P-14b 1.386 1.468 4.6267669 0.0606 0.107 83.5 2010 [18]
GSC 2883-01687 Perseus 04h 25m 33.65s +39° 20′ 44.2″ 12.16 190 G5 HAT-P-15b 1.946 1.072 10.863502 0.0964 0.19 89.1 2010 [19]
GSC 2792-01700 Andromeda 00h 38m 17.56s +42° 27′ 47.2″ 10.8 235 F8 HAT-P-16b 4.193 1.289 2.77596 0.0413 0.036 86.6 2010 [20]
HAT-P-17 Cygnus 21h 38m 09s +30° 29′ 19″ 10.54 293.5 K HAT-P-17b 0.53 1.01 10.338523 0.0882 0.346 89.2 2010 [21]
HAT-P-17 Cygnus 21h 38m 09s +30° 29′ 19″ 10.54 293.5 K HAT-P-17c 1.4 1797 2.75 0.1 2010 [21]
HAT-P-18 Hercules 17h 05m 24s +33° 00′ 45″ 12.76 541 K HAT-P-18b 0.197 0.995 5.508023 0.0559 0.084 88.8 2010 [22]
HAT-P-19 Andromeda 00h 38m 04s +34° 42′ 42″ 12.9 701 K HAT-P-19b 0.292 1.132 4.008778 0.0466 0.067 88.2 2010 [22]
HAT-P-20 Gemini 07h 27m 40s +24° 20′ 11″ 11.34 228 K7 HAT-P-20b 7.246 0.867 2.875317 0.0361 0.015 86.8 2010 [23]
HAT-P-21 Ursa Major 11h 25m 06s +41° 01′ 41″ 11.46 228 G3 HAT-P-21b 4.063 1.024 4.124461 0.0494 0.228 87.2 2010 [23]
HAT-P-22 Ursa Major 10h 22m 44s +50° 07′ 42″ 9.73 267 G5 HAT-P-22b 2.147 1.08 3.21222 0.0414 0.016 86.9 2010 [23]
HAT-P-23 Delphinus 20h 24m 30s +16° 45′ 44″ 11.94 1282 G5 HAT-P-23b 2.09 1.368 1.212884 0.0232 0.106 85.1 2010 [23]
HAT-P-24 Gemini 07h 15m 18s +14° 15′ 44″ 11.818 998 F8 HAT-P-24b 0.681 1.243 3.3552464 0.0465 0.067 88.6 2010 [24]
HAT-P-25 Aries 03h 13m 45s +25° 11′ 51″ 13.19 969 G5 HAT-P-25b 0.567 1.19 3.652836 0.0466 0.032 87.6 2010 [25]
HAT-P-26 Virgo 14h 12m 37.55s +04° 03′ 36.13″ 11.74 437 K1 HAT-P-26b 0.059 0.565 4.234516 0.0479 0.124 88.6 2010 [26]
Virgo 14h 51m 04s +05° 56′ 50″ 12.21 665 G8 0.66 1.038 3.039586 0.0403 0.078 84.7 2011 [27]
HAT-P-28 Andromeda 00h 52m 00s +34° 43′ 42″ 13.03 1288 G3 HAT-P-28b 0.626 1.212 3.257215 0.0434 0.051 88 2011 [28]
HAT-P-29 Perseus 02h 12m 31s +51° 46′ 44″ 11.9 1050 F8 HAT-P-29b 0.778 1.107 5.72318 0.0667 0.095 87.1 2011 [28]
Draco 08h 15m 48s +05° 50′ 12″ 10.42 629 F 0.711 1.34 2.810595 0.0419 0.035 83.6 2011 [29]
Cancer 08h 06m 09s +26° 25′ 36″ 11.66 1155 F/G 2.171 1.07 5.005425 0.055 0.245 87.1 2011 [30]
HAT-P-32 Andromeda 02h 01m 10s +46° 41′ 16″ 11.29 1044 F/G HAT-P-32b 0.941 2.037 2.150009 0.0344 0.163 88.7 2011 [31]
HAT-P-33 Gemini 07h 32m 44s +33° 50′ 06″ 11.89 1367 F HAT-P-33b 0.763 1.827 3.474474 0.0503 0.148 86.7 2011 [31]
Sagitta 20h 12m 47s +18° 06′ 18″ 10.16 838 F8 3.328 1.107 5.452654 0.0677 0.441 87.1 2012 [32]
Hydra 08h 13m 00s +04° 47′ 13″ 12.46 1745 F or G 1.054 1.332 3.646706 0.0498 0.025 87.3 2012 [32]
HAT-P-36 Canes Venatici 12h 33m 03s +44° 54′ 55″ 12.26 1034 F or G HAT-P-36b 1.832 1.264 1.327347 0.0238 0.063 86 2012 [32]
Draco 18h 57m 11 s +51° 16′ 09″ 13.23 1341 F or G 1.169 1.178 2.797436 0.0379 0.058 86.9 2012 [32]
Triangulum 02h 21m 32s +32° 14′ 47″ 12.56 2094 G 0.267 0.825 4.640382 0.0523 0.067 88.3 2012 [33]
Gemini 07h 35m 02.0s +17° 49′ 48″ 11.42 812 F 0.599 1.571 3.54387 0.0509 - 87 2012 [34]
Lacerta 22h 22m 03.0s +45° 27′ 27″ 11.7 1634 F 0.615 1.73 4.45724 0.0608 - 88.3 2012 [34]
HAT-P-41 Aquila 19h 49m 17.0s +04° 40′ 21″ 11.09 1014 F HAT-P-41b 0.812 1.529 2.69405 0.0424 - 87.9 2012 [34]
Hydra 09h 01m 23.0s +06° 05′ 50″ 12.17 1458 F or G 0.975 1.277 4.64188 0.0575 - 85.9 2012 [35]
Cancer 08h 35m 42.0s +10° 12′ 24″ 13.36 1771 F or G 0.66 1.283 3.33269 0.0443 - 88.7 2012 [35]
Cassiopeia 00h 56m 50.3s +47° 00′ 52″ 13.21 1220 G/K 0.392 1.28 4.30122 0.0507 0.072 89 2013 [36]
Cassiopeia 00h 56m 50.3s +47° 00′ 52″ 13.21 1220 G/K 1.6 - 219.9 0.699 - - 2013 [36]
Cetus 00h 33m 09.9s −03° 22′ 51″ 12.79 995 F7 0.892 1.426 3.12899 0.0452 0.049 87.8 2013 [36]
Cetus 00h 32m 07.1s −02° 58′ 15″ 11.94 965 F9 0.493 1.284 4.46313 0.0577 0.123 85.5 2013 [36]
Cetus 00h 32m 07.1s −02° 58′ 15″ 11.94 965 F9 2 - 77.7 0.387 - - 2013 [36]
Aries 02h 33m 14.0s +30° 21′ 38″ 10.6 870 F4 0.206 1.313 4.732182 0.0615 - 84.8 2016 [37]
Aries 02h 57m 53.0s +30° 37′ 33″ 12.16 990 G0 0.168 1.131 4.40865 0.0543 - 86.8 2016 [37]
Vulpecula 20h 21m 45.928s +26° 4133.653′ 10.3 1050 F 1.73 1.41 2.6915 0.0438 0 86.2 2014 [38]
Canis Minor 07h 52m 15.20s 12° 08′ 21.9″ 11.762 1,620 F8 HAT-P-50b 1.350 1.288 3.1220109 0.04530 <0.115 83.65 2015 [39]
Pisces 01h 24m 15.66s 32° 48′ 38.8″ 13.440 1,500 G6 0.309 1.293 4.2180278 0.05069 <0.123 88.48 2015 [39]
Aries 02h 50m 53.20s 29° 01′ 20.6″ 14.068 1,260 K0 0.818 1.009 2.7535953 0.03694 <0.047 87.02 2015 [39]
Andromeda 01h 27m 29.05s 38° 58′ 05.3″ 13.73 2,350 G0 1.484 1.318 1.9616241 0.03159 <0.134 86.2 2015 [39]
Gemini 06h 39m 35.53s 25° 28′ 57.1″ 13.505 443 Late K 0.760 0.944 3.7998 0.04117 - 87.04 2015 [40]
Hercules 17h 37m 05.52s 25° 43′ 52.2″ 13.207 1,600 G2 0.582 1.182 3.5852467 0.04604 <0.139 87.70 2015 [41]
Gemini 06h 43m 23.52s 27° 15′ 8.2″ 10.908 1,013 F 2.18 1.466 2.7908327 0.04230 <0.246 82.13 2015 [42]
Ophiuchus 18h 18m 58.32s 10° 35′ 50.3″ 10.465 990 A8 <1.85 1.413 2.4652950 0.0406 - 88.26 2015 [43]
HAT-P-65 Equuleus 21h 03m 37.44s 11° 59′ 21.9″ 13.145 2,740 G2 HAT-P-65b 0.527 1.89 2.6054552 0.03951 <0.304 84.2 2016 [44]
Ursa Major 10h 02m 17.52s 53° 57′ 3.1″ 12.993 3,020 G0 HAT-P-66b 0.783 1.59 2.9720860 0.04363 <0.090 86.2 2016 [44]
Hercules 17h 06m 26.5611s 44° 46′ 37.072″ 10.069 1,000 F HAT-P-67b 0.34 2.085 4.81010 0.06505 0 88.8 2017 [45]
Hydra 08h 42m 01.353s +03° 42′ 38.038″ 9.8 1,122 A HAT-P-69b 3.58 1.676 4.7869491 0.06555 0 87.19 2019 [46]
Orion 04h 58m 12.560s +09° 59′ 52.726″ 9.5 1,070 A HAT-P-70b <6.78 1.87 2.74432452 0.04739 0 96.50 2019 [46]


Star Constellation Right
Declination App.
Distance (ly) Spectral
Planet Mass


Crater 11h 32m 06.08s −23° 21′ 170″ 12.5 988.253824 G 1.855 1.302 3.446459 0.0444 0.120 85.6 2012 [47]
Crater 11h 46m 57.38s −22° 33′ 46.8″ 13.562 1174.16296 K 1.345 1.168 1.354133 0.0230 0 87.2 2013 [48]
HATS-3 Capricornus 20h 49m 49.79s −24° 25′ 43.7″ 11.44 1477.48839 F HATS-3b 1.071 1.381 3.547850 0.0485 0 86.20 2013 [49]
Canis Major 06h 16m 26.90s −22° 32′ 48.8″ 13.46 1369.85679 G 1.323 1.020 2.516729 0.0362 0.013 88.5 2014 [50]
Eridanus 04h 28m 53.49s −21° 28′ 54.9″ 12.6 838.221891 F8 0.237 0.912 4.763387 0.0542 <0.019 89.3 2014 [51]
Lepus 05h 52m 35.23s −19° 01′ 54.0″ 15.2 484.016065 M1V 0.319 0.998 3.3252725 0.03623 0 88.21 2014 [52]
Virgo 13h 55m 25.68s −21° 12′ 27.7″ 13.340 838.221891 K2 0.120 0.563 3.1853150 0.04012 <0.170 87.92 2015 [53]
Sagittarius 19h 39m 46.02s −25° 44′ 53.9″ 14.03 2703.83637 G 0.138 0.873 3.583893 0.04667 <0.376 87.8 2015 [54]
Sagittarius 19h 23m 14.42s −20° 09′ 58.7″ 13.3 2028.69267 G 0.816 1.1724 1.9153 0.03048 <0.129 86.5 2015 [55]
Sagittarius 19h 37m 13.64s −22° 12′ 16.1″ 13.1 1617.73563 G 0.526 0.9690 3.3128460 0.04491 <0.501 87.79 2015 [55]
HATS-11 Sagittarius 19h 17m 36.18s −22° 23′ 23.7″ 14.018 2954.97678 G0 HATS-11b 0.83 1.487 3.6191634 0.04614 <0.340 88.31 2016 [56]
Sagittarius 19h 16m 48.57s −19° 21′ 21.3″ 12.756 3199.59407 F 2.39 1.384 3.142833 0.04795 <0.085 82.27 2016 [56]
Capricornus 21h 07m 50.75s −26° 05′ 48.0″ 13.887 1552.50436 G5 0.543 1.212 3.0440499 0.04057 <0.181 88.55 2015 [57]
Capricornus 20h 52m 51.71s −25° 41′ 14.4″ 13.79 1673.18222 G8 1.071 1.039 2.7667641 0.03815 <0.142 88.83 2015 [57]
Capricornus 20h 44m 22.20s −19° 26′ 15.0″ 14.774 2247.21744 G9V 2.17 1.105 1.74748753 0.02712 <0.126 87.13 2016 [58]
Sculptor 23h 54m 14.09s −30° 00′ 46.8″ 13.834 2247.21744 G3V 3.27 1.30 2.686502 0.03744 <0 83.53 2016 [58]
Centaurus 12h 48m 45.55s −47° 36′ 49.3″ 12.39 1105.67012 G 1.338 0.777 16.254611 0.1308 <0.070 89.08 2016 [59]
Hydra 11h 35m 49.92s −29° 09′ 21.6″ 14.067 2103.70864 G 1.980 1.337 0.83784340 0.01761 <0.166 85.5 2016 [60]
Antlia 09h 49m 38.0s −33° 13′ 07″ 13.0 2544.01975 G0 0.427 1.66 4.56967 0.0589 0.3 86.6 2016 [61]
Centaurus 13h 12m 32.0s −45° 35′ 26″ 13.77 1480.74995 G9V 0.273 0.776 3.7993 0.04619 <0.50 87.16 2016 [61]
Pavo 18h 40m 44.0s −58° 27′ 33″ 12.2 932.80724 G4V 0.332 1.123 3.5544 0.04676 0 85.04 2016 [61]
Hydra 11h 36m 02.33s −29° 32′ 35.9″ 13.455 678.079109 K2V 0.9530 2.74 4.7228124 0.05025 <0.0790 87.96 2016 [62]
Telescopium 19h 05m 28.0s −50° 04′ 03″ 13.9 2,440 G2V 1.47 1.86 2.1605156 0.03397 <0.114 81.02 2016 [62]
Pavo 17h 55m 34.0s −61° 44′ 50″ 12.8 1,700 F7V 2.44 1.487 1.3484954 0.02547 <0.24 86.6 2016 [62]
Hydra 13h 51m 37.8s −23° 46′ 52″ 13.1 1,520 G 0.613 1.26 4.2986432 0.05163 <0.088 86.93 2016 [63]
Antlia 09h 39m 42.4s −28° 35′ 08″ 12.955 2,960 F 0.65 1.75 3.3023881 0.04735 <0.122 86.2 2016 [63]
Centaurus 12h 54m 12.6s −46° 35′ 16″ 12.8 2,700 F 0.53 1.5 4.637038 0.0611 <0.29 87.3 2016 [63]
Telescopium 18h 57m 36.0s −49° 08′ 18″ - 1,700 G 0.672 1.194 3.1810781 0.04131 <0.101 86.17 2016 [63]
Vela 09h 00m 23.0s −54° 53′ 36″ 12.6 1,140 G 0.653 1.251 4.6058749 0.05475 <0.079 87.37 2016 [63]
Tucana 00h 22m 28.5s −59° 56′ 33″ 12.192 1,110 G0V 0.706 1.175 3.1743516 0.04354 <0.048 86.84 2016 [63]
Hydra 12h 46m 49.0s −24° 25′ 39″ 13.1 2,840 F/G 0.88 1.64 3.37796 0.0478 <0.233 85.0 2016 [64]
Aquarius 23h 04m 18.0s −21° 16′ 19″ 14.38 2,740 G3V 0.92 1.249 2.8126548 0.04024 <0.471 87.1 2016 [64]
Telescopium 19h 38m 32.0s −55° 19′ 48″ 11.9 1,160 G4V 1.192 1.23 2.5495551 0.03727 <0.08 87.62 2016 [64]
Tucana 00h 03m 06.0s −62° 28′ 10″ 13.85 1,740 G7V 0.941 1.43 2.1061607 0.03166 0.0 82.28 2016 [64]
Pavo 19h 46m 45.0s −63° 33′ 56″ 12.56 1,820 F7V 1.222 1.464 1.8209933 0.03199 0.0 86.9 2016 [64]
Sagittarius 19h 25m 54.8s −23° 12′ 10″ 14.386 3,190 G0V HATS-36b 2.79 1.263 4.1752379 0.0529 <0.294 87.57 2017 [65]
Puppis 07h 29m 41.0s −29° 56′ 16″ 12.75 2,520 F5V 0.63 1.57 4.5776348 0.06 <0.275 84.98 2018 [66]
Canis Major 06h 42m 17.0s −29° 46′ 37″ 13.4 4,670 F5V 1.59 1.58 3.2642736 0.04997 <0.312 85.8 2018 [66]
Canis Major 06h 54m 04.0s −27° 03′ 01″ 12.681 2,600 F6V 9.7 1.33 4.193649 0.0583 0.38 80.4 2018 [66]
Puppis 07h 13m 48.0s −33° 26′ 14″ 13.6 3,070 F9V 1.88 1.4 2.292102 0.03689 <0.229 85.1 2018 [66]
Columba 05h 22m 09.2s −30° 58′ 15″ 13.593 1,110 K1.5V 0.261 1.18 4.3888497 0.04944 0.173 89.24 2017 [67]
Columba 05h 37m 18.4s −27° 58′ 21″ 14.428 1,510 K2V 0.56 1.067 2.7439004 0.03649 <0.279 84.65 2017 [67]
Canis Major 06h 47m 58.6s −21° 54′ 38″ 13.307 2,670 F5V 0.7 1.286 4.1876244 0.05511 <0.24 85.61 2017 [67]
Phoenix 00h 26m 48.6s −56° 18′ 58″ 13.634 1,460 G8V 0.173 0.903 4.7423729 0.05367 <0.559 87.32 2017 [67]
Telescopium 19h 09m 56.0s −49° 39′ 54″ 14.8 984 K4.5V 0.369+0.031
1.117±0.014 3.9228038 0.04269 <0.088 87.08 2020 [68]
Pavo 19h 14m 41.0s −59° 34′ 46″ 14.3 866 K4.5V 0.243+0.022
0.800±0.015 3.1316666 0.03769 <0.162 89.58 2020 [68]
Phoenix 00h 26m 27.0s −56° 20′ 40″ 1,059 K5V 0.353+0.038
0.765±0.013 4.1480467 0.04515 <0.071 88.27 2020 [68]
Sagittarius 20h 01m 43.0s −26° 04′ 39″ 14.0 2,339 G0V 0.39+0.1
3.8297015 0.05046 <0.516 87.54 2017 [69]
Canis Major 06h 51m 23.0s −29° 03′ 31″ 12.5 1,559 G2V 0.768+0.045
3.3488702 0.04639 <0.33 87.1 2017 [69]
Pyxis 09h 20m 21.0s −31° 16′ 10″ 13.7 2,058 F9.5V 2.24+0.15
1.3665436 0.02498 <0.256 84.7 2017 [69]
Hydra 11h 46m 31.0s −33° 51′ 36″ 13.8 1,999 G3V 0.595+0.089
3.8537768 0.04753 <0.33 88.79 2017 [69]
Centaurus 13h 22m 32.0s −44° 41′ 20″ 13.9 2,508 G2V 0.76+0.1
2.5441828 0.03763 <0.126 83.08 2018 [70]
Puppis 07h 37m 08.0s −32° 45′ 20″ 2,034 F8V 0.921+0.76
4.2042001 0.05412 <0.092 86.32 2018 [70]
Centaurus 12h 00m 40.0s −45° 47′ 58″ 11.6 1,882 F5V 0.602+0.035
4.324799 0.06043 <0.019 83.29 2018 [70]
Eridanus 04h 03m 48.0s −19° 03′ 24″ 12.3 913 G6V 3.147+0.073
2.350621 0.03493 <0.028 87.88 2018 [70]
Centaurus 12h 27m 09.0s −48° 58′ 42″ 11.55 1,605 F0V 1.03+0.23
4.2180896 0.05798 85.69 2018 [70]
Crater 11h 21m 18.0s −22° 23′ 17″ 14.0 2,133 G5V 0.806+0.069
5.416081 0.06112 0.129 88.1 2018 [71]
Crater 11h 21m 18.0s −22° 23′ 17″ 14.0 2,133 G5V >12.7 1422 2.5 <0.08 2018 [71]
Aquarius 22h 45m 27.0s −14° 59′ 30″ 12.6 1,613 G4V 0.662+0.055
3.560827 0.04708 <0.191 86.28 2018 [72]
Eridanus 04h 06m 38.0s −25° 20′ 59″ 13.2 2,264 G7V 3.4+0.14
7.817954 0.07908 <0.092 87.92 2018 [72]
Capricornus 20h 49m 48.0s −24° 18′ 12″ 14.0 1,683 G8V <0.179 1.055+0.025
3.2768838 0.04163 <0.298 87.92 2018 [72]
Eridanus 04h 29m 40.0s −28° 11′ 50″ 13.7 2,069 G5V 0.96+0.11
3.0566528 0.04026 <0.136 87.13 2018 [72]
Antlia 09h 37m 09.0s −29° 48′ 02″ 12.8 3,545 F5V 0.96+0.20
4.908897 0.06562 <0.151 87.24 2018 [72]
Sagittarius 19h 31m 46.0s −26° 44′ 25″ 12.38 1,601 F7V 0.821+0.083
3.1051610 0.04497 <0.062 84.82 2018 [72]
Puppis 06h 45m 35.0s −33° 52′ 54″ 14.0 5,029 F4V 5.33+0.68
3.1414391 0.04714 <0.064 87.06 2018 [72]
Centaurus 12h 00m 05.0s −46° 08′ 11″ 14.0 3,206 F4V 1.45+0.12
1.6091788 0.03032 <0.057 79.03 2018 [72]
Tucana 01h 00m 01.0s −58° 54′ 17″ 12.16 2,019 F8V 1.290+0.059
3.5862202 0.05071 <0.036 83.21 2018 [72]
Pavo 19h 17m 11.0s −60° 53′ 30″ 13.76 1,371 K1.5V <0.577 0.945+0.022
2.2252577 0.03211 <0.519 88.49 2018 [72]
Canis Major 07h 16m 25.0s −31° 14′ 40″ 12.6 4,263 A6V 12.9+1.8
1.8882378 0.03632 <0.18 86.7 2018 [73]
Tucana 01h 02m 12.7s −61° 45′ 22″ 15.4 459.6 M3V 0.37+0.24
3.7955202 0.03745 88.82 2018 [74]
Aquarius 20h 34m 55.6s −10° 33′ 22.1″ 12.7 416.4 K3.5V 0.1254±0.0039 0.7224±0.0032 7.3279 0.066517 <0.013 88.56 2020 [68]

See also[]

  • List of extrasolar planets

A subset of HATNet light curves are available at the NASA Exoplanet Archive.

Other extrasolar planet search projects[]

Extrasolar planet searching spacecraft[]

  • COROT is a CNES/ESA spacecraft launched in December 2006
  • The Kepler Mission is a NASA spacecraft launched in March 2009
  • The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a NASA spacecraft launched in March 2018


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2002). "System Description and First Light Curves of the Hungarian Automated Telescope, an Autonomous Observatory for Variability Search". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 114 (799): 974–987. arXiv:astro-ph/0206001. Bibcode:2002PASP..114..974B. doi:10.1086/342382. S2CID 17569897.
  2. ^ G. Bakos; et al. (March 2004). "Wide-field millimagnitude photometry with the HAT: a tool for extrasolar planet detection". The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 116 (817): 266–277. arXiv:astro-ph/0401219. Bibcode:2004PASP..116..266B. doi:10.1086/382735. S2CID 40974391.
  3. ^ Hartman, J.D.; et al. (October 2004). "HATNET Variability Survey in the High Stellar Density "Kepler Field" with Millimagnitude Image Subtraction Photometry". The Astronomical Journal. 128 (4): 1761–1783. arXiv:astro-ph/0405597. Bibcode:2004AJ....128.1761H. doi:10.1086/423920.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b c Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2009). "HAT-P-13b,c: A Transiting Hot Jupiter with a Massive Outer Companion on an Eccentric Orbit". The Astrophysical Journal. 707 (1): 446–456. arXiv:0907.3525. Bibcode:2009ApJ...707..446B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/707/1/446. S2CID 7591731.
  5. ^ Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2007). "HAT-P-1b: A Large-Radius, Low-Density Exoplanet Transiting One Member of a Stellar Binary". The Astrophysical Journal. 656 (1): 552–559. arXiv:astro-ph/0609369. Bibcode:2007ApJ...656..552B. doi:10.1086/509874. S2CID 14709279.
  6. ^ Johnson, John Asher; et al. (2008). "Measurement of the Spin-Orbit Angle of Exoplanet HAT-P-1b". The Astrophysical Journal. 686 (1): 649–657. arXiv:0806.1734. Bibcode:2008ApJ...686..649J. doi:10.1086/591078. S2CID 18270821.
  7. ^ Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2007). "HD 147506b: A Supermassive Planet in an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Bright Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 670 (1): 826–832. arXiv:0705.0126. Bibcode:2007ApJ...670..826B. doi:10.1086/521866. S2CID 18286425.
  8. ^ Torres, G.; et al. (2007). "HAT-P-3b: A Heavy-Element-rich Planet Transiting a K Dwarf Star". The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 666 (2): L121–L124. arXiv:0707.4268. Bibcode:2007ApJ...666L.121T. doi:10.1086/521792. S2CID 16549542.
  9. ^ Kovács, G.; et al. (2007). "HAT-P-4b: A Metal-rich Low-Density Transiting Hot Jupiter". The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 670 (1): L41–L44. arXiv:0710.0602. Bibcode:2007ApJ...670L..41K. doi:10.1086/524058. S2CID 14966730.
  10. ^ Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2007). "HAT-P-5b: A Jupiter-like Hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright Star". The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 671 (2): L173–L176. arXiv:0710.1841. Bibcode:2007ApJ...671L.173B. doi:10.1086/525022. S2CID 15514048.
  11. ^ Noyes, R. W.; et al. (2008). "HAT-P-6b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright F Star". The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 673 (1): L79–L82. arXiv:0710.2894. Bibcode:2008ApJ...673L..79N. doi:10.1086/527358. S2CID 2301387.
  12. ^ Pál, A.; et al. (2008). "HAT-P-7b: An Extremely Hot Massive Planet Transiting a Bright Star in the Kepler Field". The Astrophysical Journal. 680 (2): 1450–1456. arXiv:0803.0746. Bibcode:2008ApJ...680.1450P. doi:10.1086/588010. S2CID 5645589.
  13. ^ Latham, David W.; et al. (2009). "Discovery of a Transiting Planet and Eight Eclipsing Binaries in HATNet Field G205". The Astrophysical Journal. 704 (2): 1107–1119. arXiv:0812.1161. Bibcode:2009ApJ...704.1107L. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/704/2/1107. S2CID 18835186.
  14. ^ Shporer, Avi; et al. (2009). "HAT-P-9b: A Low-Density Planet Transiting a Moderately Faint F Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 690 (2): 1393–1400. arXiv:0806.4008. Bibcode:2009ApJ...690.1393S. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/690/2/1393. S2CID 930937.
  15. ^ Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2009). "HAT-P-10b: A Light and Moderately Hot Jupiter Transiting A K Dwarf". The Astrophysical Journal. 696 (2): 1950–1955. arXiv:0809.4295. Bibcode:2009ApJ...696.1950B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/696/2/1950. S2CID 12146075.
  16. ^ Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2010). "HAT-P-11b: A Super-Neptune Planet Transiting a Bright K Star in the Kepler Field". The Astrophysical Journal. 710 (2): 1724–1745. arXiv:0901.0282. Bibcode:2010ApJ...710.1724B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/710/2/1724. S2CID 16285549.
  17. ^ Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2009). "HAT-P-12b: A Low-density sub-Saturn mass planet transiting a metal-poor K dwarf". The Astrophysical Journal. 706 (1): 785–796. arXiv:0904.4704. Bibcode:2009ApJ...706..785H. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/706/1/785. S2CID 14540643.
  18. ^ Torres, G.; et al. (2010). "HAT-P-14b: A 2.2 MJ Exoplanet Transiting a Bright F Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 715 (1): 458–467. arXiv:1003.2211. Bibcode:2010ApJ...715..458T. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/715/1/458. S2CID 119184690.
  19. ^ Kovács, G.; et al. (2010). "HAT-P-15b: A 10.9 Day Extrasolar Planet Transiting a Solar-type Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 724 (2): 866–877. arXiv:1005.5300. Bibcode:2010ApJ...724..866K. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/724/2/866. S2CID 119207125.
  20. ^ Buchhave, L. A.; et al. (2010). "HAT-P-16b: A 4 M J Planet Transiting a Bright Star on an Eccentric Orbit". The Astrophysical Journal. 720 (2): 1118–1125. arXiv:1005.2009. Bibcode:2010ApJ...720.1118B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/720/2/1118. S2CID 34104016.
  21. ^ Jump up to: a b Howard, A. W.; et al. (2012). "HAT-P-17b,c: A Transiting, Eccentric, Hot Saturn and a Long-period, Cold Jupiter". The Astrophysical Journal. 749 (2): 134. arXiv:1008.3898. Bibcode:2012ApJ...749..134H. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/749/2/134. S2CID 119309100.
  22. ^ Jump up to: a b Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-18b and HAT-P-19b: Two Low-density Saturn-mass Planets Transiting Metal-rich K Stars". The Astrophysical Journal. 726 (1). 52. arXiv:1007.4850. Bibcode:2011ApJ...726...52H. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/726/1/52. S2CID 10896305.
  23. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Bakos, G. Á; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-20b-HAT-P-23b: Four Massive Transiting Extrasolar Planets". The Astrophysical Journal. 742 (2). 116. arXiv:1008.3388. Bibcode:2011ApJ...742..116B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/742/2/116. S2CID 119182075.
  24. ^ Kipping, D. M.; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-24b: An Inflated Hot Jupiter on a 3.36 Day Period Transiting a Hot, Metal-poor Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 725 (2): 2017–2028. arXiv:1008.3389. Bibcode:2010ApJ...725.2017K. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/725/2/2017. S2CID 118519846.
  25. ^ Quinn, S. N.; et al. (2012). "HAT-P-25b: a Hot-Jupiter Transiting a Moderately Faint G Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 745 (1). 80. arXiv:1008.3565. Bibcode:2012ApJ...745...80Q. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/1/80. S2CID 119291022.
  26. ^ Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-26b: A Low-density Neptune-mass Planet Transiting a K Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 728 (2). 138. arXiv:1010.1008. Bibcode:2011ApJ...728..138H. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/728/2/138. S2CID 119228956.
  27. ^ Béky, B; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-27b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a G Star on a 3 Day Orbit". The Astrophysical Journal. 734 (2). 109. arXiv:1101.3511. Bibcode:2011ApJ...734..109B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/734/2/109. S2CID 31357299.
  28. ^ Jump up to: a b Buchhave, L. A.; et al. (2011). "Hat-P-28b and Hat-P-29b: Two Sub-Jupiter Mass Transiting Planets". The Astrophysical Journal. 733 (2). 116. arXiv:1103.1813. Bibcode:2011ApJ...733..116B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/733/2/116. S2CID 119293967.
  29. ^ Johnson, John Asher; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-30b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter on a Highly Oblique Orbit". The Astrophysical Journal. 735 (1). 24. arXiv:1103.3825. Bibcode:2011ApJ...735...24J. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/735/1/24. S2CID 53689766.
  30. ^ Kipping, D. M.; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-31b,c: A Transiting, Eccentric, Hot Jupiter and a Long-period, Massive Third Body". The Astronomical Journal. 142 (3). 95. arXiv:1106.1169. Bibcode:2011AJ....142...95K. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/142/3/95. S2CID 22587233.
  31. ^ Jump up to: a b Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2011). "HAT-P-32b and HAT-P-33b: Two Highly Inflated Hot Jupiters Transiting High-jitter Stars". The Astrophysical Journal. 742 (1): 59. arXiv:1106.1212. Bibcode:2011ApJ...742...59H. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/742/1/59. S2CID 118590713.
  32. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2012). "HAT-P-34b - HAT-P-37b: Four Transiting Planets More Massive Than Jupiter Orbiting Moderately Bright Stars". The Astronomical Journal. 144 (1): 19–32. arXiv:1201.0659. Bibcode:2012AJ....144...19B. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/144/1/19. S2CID 119291677.
  33. ^ Sato, Bun'ei; et al. (2012). "HAT-P-38b: A Saturn-Mass Planet Transiting a Late G Star". Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 64 (5). 97. arXiv:1201.5075. Bibcode:2012PASJ...64...97S. doi:10.1093/pasj/64.5.97. S2CID 119186118.
  34. ^ Jump up to: a b c Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2012). "HAT-P-39b - HAT-P-41b: Three Highly Inflated Transiting Hot Jupiters". The Astronomical Journal. 144 (4): 139–156. arXiv:1207.3344. Bibcode:2012AJ....144..139H. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/144/5/139. S2CID 118457589.
  35. ^ Jump up to: a b Boisse, I.; et al. (2013). "HAT-P-42b and HAT-P-43b. Two inflated transiting hot Jupiters from the HATNet Survey". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 558. A86. arXiv:1212.6448. Bibcode:2013A&A...558A..86B. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201220993. S2CID 119209692.
  36. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2014). "HAT-P-44b, HAT-P-45b, and HAT-P-46b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters in Possible Multi-planet Systems". The Astronomical Journal. 147 (6). 128. arXiv:1308.2937. Bibcode:2014AJ....147..128H. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/147/6/128. S2CID 119293498.
  37. ^ Jump up to: a b Bakos, G. Á.; Hartman, J. D.; Torres, G.; Latham, D. W.; Sato, B.; Bieryla, A.; Shporer, A.; Howard, A. W.; Fulton, B. J.; Buchhave, L. A.; Penev, K.; Kovacs, G.; Kovacs, T.; Csubry, Z.; Esquerdo, G. A.; Everett, M.; Szklenar, T.; Quinn, S. N.; Beky, B.; Marcy, G. W.; Noyes, R. W.; Lazar, J.; Papp, I.; Sari, P. (2016). "HAT-P-47b and HAT-P-48b: Two Low Density Sub-Saturn-Mass Transiting Planets on the Edge of the Period--Mass Desert". arXiv:1606.04556 [astro-ph.EP].
  38. ^ Bieryla, A.; et al. (2014). "HAT-P-49b: A 1.7 M J Planet Transiting a Bright 1.5 M ☉ F-star". The Astronomical Journal. 147 (4). 84. arXiv:1401.5460. Bibcode:2014AJ....147...84B. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/147/4/84. S2CID 119265999.
  39. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2015). "HAT-P-50b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-52b, and HAT-P-53b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters and a Transiting Hot Saturn From the HATNet Survey". The Astronomical Journal. 150 (6). 168. arXiv:1503.04149. Bibcode:2015AJ....150..168H. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/6/168. S2CID 117960362.
  40. ^ Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2015). "HAT-P-54b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a 0.6 M⊙ Star in Field 0 of the K2 Mission". The Astronomical Journal. 149 (4). 149. arXiv:1404.4417. Bibcode:2015AJ....149..149B. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/149/4/149. S2CID 119239193.
  41. ^ Juncher, D.; et al. (2015). "HAT-P-55b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a Sun-Like Star". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 127 (955): 851–856. arXiv:1506.03734. Bibcode:2015PASP..127..851J. doi:10.1086/682725. S2CID 118350544.
  42. ^ Huang, C. X.; et al. (2015). "HAT-P-56b: An Inflated Massive Hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright F Star Followed Up with K2 Campaign 0 Observations". The Astronomical Journal. 150 (3). 85. arXiv:1506.01776. Bibcode:2015AJ....150...85H. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/3/85. S2CID 118546963.
  43. ^ Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2015). "HAT-P-57b: A Short-period Giant Planet Transiting a Bright Rapidly Rotating A8V Star Confirmed Via Doppler Tomography". The Astronomical Journal. 150 (6). 197. arXiv:1510.08839. Bibcode:2015AJ....150..197H. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/6/197. S2CID 119192316.
  44. ^ Jump up to: a b Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2016). "HAT-P-65b and HAT-P-66b: Two Transiting Inflated Hot Jupiters and Observational Evidence for the Reinflation of Close-in Giant Planets". The Astronomical Journal. 152 (6). 182. arXiv:1609.02767. Bibcode:2016AJ....152..182H. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/6/182. S2CID 118546031.
  45. ^ Zhou, G.; et al. (2017). "HAT-P-67b: An Extremely Low Density Saturn Transiting an F-subgiant Confirmed via Doppler Tomography". The Astronomical Journal. 153 (5). 211. arXiv:1702.00106. Bibcode:2017AJ....153..211Z. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aa674a. S2CID 119491990.
  46. ^ Jump up to: a b Zhou, G.; et al. (2019). "Two New HATNet Hot Jupiters around A Stars and the First Glimpse at the Occurrence Rate of Hot Jupiters from TESS". The Astronomical Journal. 158 (4). 141. arXiv:1906.00462. Bibcode:2019AJ....158..141Z. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab36b5. S2CID 173990300.
  47. ^ Penev, K.; et al. (2013). "HATS-1b: The First Transiting Planet Discovered by the HATSouth Survey". The Astronomical Journal. 145 (1). 5. arXiv:1206.1524. Bibcode:2013AJ....145....5P. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/145/1/5. S2CID 118556930.
  48. ^ Mohler-Fischer, M.; et al. (2013). "HATS-2b: A transiting extrasolar planet orbiting a K-type star showing starspot activity". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 558. A55. arXiv:1304.2140. Bibcode:2013A&A...558A..55M. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201321663. S2CID 59134384.
  49. ^ Bayliss, D.; et al. (2013). "HATS-3b: An Inflated Hot Jupiter Transiting an F-type Star". The Astronomical Journal. 146 (5). 113. arXiv:1306.0624. Bibcode:2013AJ....146..113B. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/146/5/113. S2CID 119194040.
  50. ^ Jordán, Andrés; et al. (2014). "HATS-4b: A Dense Hot Jupiter Transiting a Super Metal-rich G star". The Astronomical Journal. 148 (2). 29. arXiv:1402.6546. Bibcode:2014AJ....148...29J. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/148/2/29. S2CID 119189535.
  51. ^ Zhou, G.; et al. (2014). "HATS-5b: A Transiting Hot Saturn from the HATSouth Survey". The Astronomical Journal. 147 (6). 144. arXiv:1401.1582. Bibcode:2014AJ....147..144Z. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/147/6/144. S2CID 118654298.
  52. ^ Hartman, J. D.; et al. (2015). "HATS-6b: A Warm Saturn Transiting an Early M Dwarf Star, and a Set of Empirical Relations for Characterizing K and M Dwarf Planet Hosts". The Astronomical Journal. 149 (5). 166. arXiv:1408.1758. Bibcode:2015AJ....149..166H. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/149/5/166. S2CID 119286461.
  53. ^ Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2015). "HATS-7b: A Hot Super Neptune Transiting a Quiet K Dwarf Star". The Astrophysical Journal. 813 (2). 111. arXiv:1507.01024. Bibcode:2015ApJ...813..111B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/813/2/111. S2CID 116948066.
  54. ^ Bayliss, D.; et al. (2015). "HATS-8b: A Low-density Transiting Super-Neptune". The Astronomical Journal. 150 (2). 49. arXiv:1506.01334. Bibcode:2015AJ....150...49B. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/2/49. S2CID 55895132.
  55. ^ Jump up to: a b Brahm, R.; et al. (2015). "HATS9-b and HATS10-b: Two Compact Hot Jupiters in Field 7 of the K2 Mission". The Astronomical Journal. 150 (1). 33. arXiv:1503.00062. Bibcode:2015AJ....150...33B. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/1/33. S2CID 119233809.
  56. ^ Jump up to: a b Rabus, M.; et al. (2016). "Hats-11B and Hats-12B: Two Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting Subsolar Metallicity Stars Selected for the K2 Campaign 7". The Astronomical Journal. 152 (4). 88. arXiv:1603.02894. Bibcode:2016AJ....152...88R. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/4/88. S2CID 44027206.
  57. ^ Jump up to: a b Mancini, L.; et al. (2015). "HATS-13b and HATS-14b: Two transiting hot Jupiters from the HATSouth survey". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 580. A63. arXiv:1503.03469. Bibcode:2015A&A...580A..63M. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201526069. S2CID 118534084.
  58. ^ Jump up to: a b Ciceri, S.; et al. (2016). "HATS-15b and HATS-16b: Two Massive Planets Transiting Old G Dwarf Stars". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 128 (965). 074401. arXiv:1511.06305. Bibcode:2016PASP..128g4401C. doi:10.1088/1538-3873/128/965/074401. S2CID 56001030.
  59. ^ Brahm, R.; et al. (2016). "HATS-17b: A Transiting Compact Warm Jupiter in a 16.3 Day Circular Orbit". The Astronomical Journal. 151 (4). 89. arXiv:1510.05758. Bibcode:2016AJ....151...89B. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/151/4/89. S2CID 119291336.
  60. ^ Penev, K.; et al. (2016). "Hats-18B: An Extreme Short-Period Massive Transiting Planet Spinning Up Its Star". The Astronomical Journal. 152 (5). 127. arXiv:1606.00848. Bibcode:2016AJ....152..127P. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/5/127. S2CID 119286902.
  61. ^ Jump up to: a b c Bhatti, W.; Bakos, G. Á.; Hartman, J. D.; Zhou, G.; Penev, K.; Bayliss, D.; Jordán, A.; Brahm, R.; Espinoza, N.; Rabus, M.; Mancini, L.; de Val-Borro, M.; Bento, J.; Ciceri, S.; Csubry, Z.; Henning, T.; Schmidt, B.; Arriagada, P.; Butler, R. P.; Crane, J.; Shectman, S.; Thompson, I.; Tan, T. G.; Suc, V.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (2016). "HATS-19b, HATS-20b, HATS-21b: Three Transiting Hot-Saturns Discovered by the HATSouth Survey". arXiv:1607.00322 [astro-ph.EP].
  62. ^ Jump up to: a b c Bento, J.; Schmidt, B.; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á; Ciceri, S.; Brahm, R.; Bayliss, D.; Espinoza, N.; Zhou, G.; Rabus, M.; Bhatti, W.; Penev, K.; Csubry, Z.; Jordán, A.; Mancini, L.; Henning, T.; de Val-Borro, M.; Tinney, C. G.; Wright, D. J.; Durkan, S.; Suc, V.; Noyes, R.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (June 2017). "HATS-22b, HATS-23b and HATS-24b: three new transiting super-Jupiters from the HATSouth project". MNRAS. 468 (1): 835–848. arXiv:1607.00688. Bibcode:2017MNRAS.468..835B. doi:10.1093/mnras/stx500. ISSN 0035-8711. S2CID 119228961.
  63. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Espinoza, N.; Bayliss, D.; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á; Jordán, A.; Zhou, G.; Mancini, L.; Brahm, R.; Ciceri, S.; Bhatti, W.; Csubry, Z.; Rabus, M.; Penev, K.; Bento, J.; de Val-Borro, M.; Henning, T.; Schmidt, B.; Suc, V.; Wright, D. J.; Tinney, C. G.; Tan, T. G.; Noyes, R. (October 2016). "HATS-25b through HATS-30b: A Half-dozen New Inflated Transiting Hot Jupiters from the HATSouth Survey". The Astronomical Journal. 152 (4): 108. arXiv:1606.00023. Bibcode:2016AJ....152..108E. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/4/108. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119104881.
  64. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e de Val-Borro, M.; Bakos, G. Á; Brahm, R.; Hartman, J. D.; Espinoza, N.; Penev, K.; Ciceri, S.; Jordán, A.; Bhatti, W.; Csubry, Z.; Bayliss, D.; Bento, J.; Zhou, G.; Rabus, M.; Mancini, L.; Henning, T.; Schmidt, B.; Tan, T. G.; Tinney, C. G.; Wright, D. J.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Bailey, J.; Suc, V.; Durkan, S.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (December 2016). "HATS-31b through HATS-35b: Five Transiting Hot Jupiters Discovered By the HATSouth Survey". The Astronomical Journal. 152 (6): 161. arXiv:1607.00006. Bibcode:2016AJ....152..161D. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/6/161. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119283473.
  65. ^ Bayliss, D.; Hartman, J. D.; Zhou, G.; Bakos, G. Á; Vanderburg, A.; Bento, J.; Mancini, L.; Ciceri, S.; Brahm, R.; Jordán, A.; Espinoza, N.; Rabus, M.; Tan, T. G.; Penev, K.; Bhatti, W.; de Val-Borro, M.; Suc, V.; Csubry, Z.; Henning, Th; Sarkis, P.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (March 2018). "HATS-36b and 24 Other Transiting/Eclipsing Systems from the HATSouth-K2 Campaign 7 Program". The Astronomical Journal. 155 (3): 119. Bibcode:2018AJ....155..119B. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aaa8e6. ISSN 0004-6256.
  66. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Bento, J.; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á; Bhatti, W.; Csubry, Z.; Penev, K.; Bayliss, D.; de Val-Borro, M.; Zhou, G.; Brahm, R.; Espinoza, N.; Rabus, M.; Jordán, A.; Suc, V.; Ciceri, S.; Sarkis, P.; Henning, T.; Mancini, L.; Tinney, C. G.; Wright, D. J.; Durkan, S.; Tan, T. G.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (July 2018). "HATS-39b, HATS-40b, HATS-41b, and HATS-42b: three inflated hot Jupiters and a super-Jupiter transiting F stars". MNRAS. 477 (3): 3406–3423. arXiv:1804.01623. Bibcode:2018MNRAS.477.3406B. doi:10.1093/mnras/sty726. ISSN 0035-8711. S2CID 119221527.
  67. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Brahm, R.; Hartman, J. D.; Jordán, A.; Bakos, G. Á; Espinoza, N.; Rabus, M.; Bhatti, W.; Penev, K.; Sarkis, P.; Suc, V.; Csubry, Z.; Bayliss, D.; Bento, J.; Zhou, G.; Mancini, L.; Henning, T.; Ciceri, S.; de Val-Borro, M.; Shectman, S.; Crane, J. D.; Arriagada, P.; Butler, P.; Teske, J.; Thompson, I.; Osip, D.; Díaz, M.; Schmidt, B.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (March 2018). "HATS-43b, HATS-44b, HATS-45b, and HATS-46b: Four Short-period Transiting Giant Planets in the Neptune-Jupiter Mass Range". The Astronomical Journal. 155 (3): 112. arXiv:1707.07093. Bibcode:2018AJ....155..112B. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aaa898. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119070247.
  68. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Hartman, J. D.; Jordán, Andrés; Bayliss, D.; Bakos, G. Á.; Bento, J.; Bhatti, W.; Brahm, R.; Csubry, Z.; Espinoza, N.; Henning, Th.; Mancini, L.; Penev, K.; Rabus, M.; Sarkis, P.; Suc, V.; de Val-Borro, M.; Zhou, G.; Crane, J. D.; Shectman, S.; Teske, J. K.; Wang, S. X.; Butler, R. P.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P.; Anderson, D. R.; Hellier, C.; West, R. G.; Barkaoui, K.; et al. (2020). "HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs". The Astronomical Journal. 159 (4): 173. arXiv:2002.05776. Bibcode:2020AJ....159..173H. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab7821. S2CID 211126666.
  69. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Henning, Th; Mancini, L.; Sarkis, P.; Bakos, G. Á; Hartman, J. D.; Bayliss, D.; Bento, J.; Bhatti, W.; Brahm, R.; Ciceri, S.; Csubry, Z.; de Val-Borro, M.; Espinoza, N.; Fulton, B. J.; Howard, A. W.; Isaacson, H. T.; Jordán, A.; Marcy, G. W.; Penev, K.; Rabus, M.; Suc, V.; Tan, T. G.; Tinney, C. G.; Wright, D. J.; Zhou, G.; Durkan, S.; Lazar, J.; Papp, I.; Sari, P. (February 2018). "HATS-50b through HATS-53b: Four Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting G-type Stars Discovered by the HATSouth Survey". The Astronomical Journal. 155 (2): 79. arXiv:1712.04324. Bibcode:2018AJ....155...79H. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aaa254. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119516821.
  70. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Espinoza, N.; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á; Henning, T.; Bayliss, D.; Bento, J.; Bhatti, W.; Brahm, R.; Csubry, Z.; Suc, V.; Jordán, A.; Mancini, L.; Tan, T. G.; Penev, K.; Rabus, M.; Sarkis, P.; de Val-Borro, M.; Durkan, S.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (August 2019). "HATS-54b-HATS-58Ab: Five New Transiting Hot Jupiters Including One with a Possible Temperate Companion". The Astronomical Journal. 158 (2): 63. arXiv:1812.07668. Bibcode:2019AJ....158...63E. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab26bb. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119409621.
  71. ^ Jump up to: a b Sarkis, P.; Henning, Th; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á; Brahm, R.; Jordán, A.; Bayliss, D.; Mancini, L.; Espinoza, N.; Rabus, M.; Csubry, Z.; Bhatti, W.; Penev, K.; Zhou, G.; Bento, J.; Tan, T. G.; Arriagada, P.; Butler, R. P.; Crane, J. D.; Shectman, S.; Tinney, C. G.; Wright, D. J.; Addison, B.; Durkan, S.; Suc, V.; Buchhave, L. A.; de Val-Borro, M.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (November 2018). "HATS-59b,c: A Transiting Hot Jupiter and a Cold Massive Giant Planet around a Sun-like Star". The Astronomical Journal. 156 (5): 216. arXiv:1805.05925. Bibcode:2018AJ....156..216S. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aade54. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119354691.
  72. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á; Bayliss, D.; Bento, J.; Bhatti, W.; Brahm, R.; Csubry, Z.; Espinoza, N.; Henning, Th; Jordán, A.; Mancini, L.; Penev, K.; Rabus, M.; Sarkis, P.; Suc, V.; de Val-Borro, M.; Zhou, G.; Addison, B.; Arriagada, P.; Butler, R. P.; Crane, J.; Durkan, S.; Shectman, S.; Tan, T. G.; Thompson, I.; Tinney, C. G.; Wright, D. J.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (February 2019). "HATS-60b-HATS-69b: 10 Transiting Planets from HATSouth". The Astronomical Journal. 157 (2): 55. arXiv:1809.01048. Bibcode:2019AJ....157...55H. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aaf8b6. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119230014.
  73. ^ Zhou, G.; Bakos, G.; Bayliss, D.; Bento, J.; Bhatti, W.; Brahm, R.; Csubry, Z.; Espinoza, N.; Hartman, J. D.; Henning, T.; Jordán, A.; Mancini, L.; Penev, K.; Rabus, M.; Sarkis, P.; Suc, V.; Val-Borro, M. De; Rodriguez, J. E.; Osip, D.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Bailey, J.; Tinney, C. G.; Durkan, S.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P. (2019). "HATS-70b: A 13 MJ Brown Dwarf Transiting an A Star". Astronomical Journal. 157 (1): 31. arXiv:1811.06925. Bibcode:2019AJ....157...31Z. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aaf1bb. ISSN 0004-6256. S2CID 119357166.
  74. ^ Bakos, G. Á; Bayliss, D.; Bento, J.; Bhatti, W.; Brahm, R.; Csubry, Z.; Espinoza, N.; Hartman, J. D.; Henning, Th; Jordán, A.; Mancini, L.; Penev, K.; Rabus, M.; Sarkis, P.; Suc, V.; de Val-Borro, M.; Zhou, G.; Butler, R. P.; Crane, J.; Durkan, S.; Shectman, S.; Kim, J.; Lázár, J.; Papp, I.; Sári, P.; Ricker, G.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D. W.; Seager, S.; Winn, J. N.; Jenkins, J.; Chacon, A. D.; Fűrész, G.; Goeke, B.; Li, J.; Quinn, S.; Quintana, E. V.; Tenenbaum, P.; Teske, J.; Vezie, M.; Yu, L.; Stockdale, C.; Evans, P.; Relles, H. M. (December 2018). "HATS-71b: A giant planet transiting an M3 dwarf star in TESS Sector 1". arXiv:1812.09406 [astro-ph.EP].

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