Hariharan Chandrashekar

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Dr. Hariharan Chandrashekar.png

Dr. Hariharan Chandrashekar is an Indian environmental economist, entrepreneur, writer, policy advocate and urban analyst.

Chandrashekar is the founder of Biodiversity Conservation India Limited, a builder of environmentally friendly homes, and of AltTech Foundation, which focuses on zero energy development strategies for buildings.

Chandrashekar runs a series of online education and policy dialogues under the Prem Jain Memorial Trust, and INHAF India. [1]He is working to create 250,000 job in India in collaboration with the CII, the Institute of Logistics, the IPSC, and several water management companies.

Between 1994 and 2015, Chandrashekar launched six companies working in green residential buildings and the production of green products.


In 1991, Chandrashekar founded the Academy for Mountain Environics. This organization works on kitchen energy and for villages in the Garhwal division of Uttarakhand state. He left the organization in 2006.

In 1994, Chandrashekar founded Biodiversity Conservation India Limited. The company creates designs to promote substainability in construction. Biodiversity has built over 2,000 ZED Homes[2] (zero energy developed homes) in14 projects throughout India.

In 2004, Chandrashekar created the AltTech Foundation (ATF), a not-for-profit organisation working on energy and water. In 2020, ATF worked on retrofitting over 4 million square feet of existing buildings in India to heighten Energy Efficiency.

Between 2012 and 2013, Chandrashekar served as technical advisor for the Karnataka Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board/. He also worked as a sustainability advisor for Bengaluru Central University in Bangalore,[3]

In the mid-2010s. Chandrashekar worked with the World Resources Institute, the Asian Development Bank, Les Ateliers Maitrise d’Oeuvres Urbaine, ADEME, and UN Habitat.

Chandrashekar consulted for the governments of Uttaranchal, Kerala and Nagaland on eco-tourism infrastructure and environment policies. He has also served as consultant for urban water supply and sanitation development for the Asian Development Bank. He has also consulted on energy practices for ADEME, an EU institution for promoting energy efficiency in buildings and in cities.

Chandrashekar has been working with Watergy (water+energy) to created training modules for new engineers, architects, facility managers and corporate professionals..

In 2018, Chandrashekar founded the Prem Jain Memorial Trust in New Delhi. It runs educational programmes on sustainability education for school children and students of engineering and architecture.

Chandrashekar writes columns in national dailies and portals on how consumers can go green at minimal cost. 


  • CII India Green Business Council and co-author of the IGBC Residential Green Guidelines.
  • Advisory council of the S&T Park, Pune.
  • National Advisory Council of the CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development.


  1. ^ TEDx Deccan- Do Green- Dr. Chandrashekhar Hariharan, retrieved 2020-06-16
  2. ^ T-ZED Homes, retrieved 2020-06-16
  3. ^ "Bengaluru Central University". Retrieved 2020-06-16.
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